Descendants of Adam Lens

I Adam Lens was born around 1730. Adam died in Stad Vollenhove aged about 49. He was buried on 08-02-1779 in Stad Vollenhove [source: HCO 495-289].
Note about the decease of Adam: Begraafboek:
"Overluijd Adam Lens met twee klokken van den Armen"
Note about Adam: Familienaam in de doopboeken geschreven als:
Lents (1756 en 1758), Lens (1761), Lentz (1764), Lenz (1766)
Zijn herkomst is onduidelijk.
At about the age of 25, Adam married around 1755 in Stad Vollenhove Berentjen Hendriks Hoogenkamp, aged about 21. Berentjen was born in Vollenhove, daughter of Hendrik Jans Hogenkamp and Geertjen Jacobs van Puthof. She was baptised on 10-03-1734 in Stad Vollenhove.
Note about the birth of Berentjen: Gedoopt door Ds. Aug. Jacobus Cuperus
Berentjen died in Stad Vollenhove aged 34. She was buried on 01-05-1768 in Stad Vollenhove [source: HCO 483-097].
Note about the decease of Berentjen: "Overluijd de Vrouw van Adam Lens met twee klocken" : - 6 -
Children of Adam and Berentjen:
1 Geertje Adams Lens, born in Vollenhove. Follow II-a.
2 Jan Henderiks Adamsz Lens, born in Stad Vollenhove. Follow II-b.
3 Hendrick Jan Adams Lens, born in Stad Vollenhove. Follow II-c.
4 Theunis Adamsz Lens, born in Vollenhove. Follow II-d.
5 Anna Pouwlina Adams Lens, born in Vollenhove. She was baptised on 04-05-1766 in Vollenhove.
Note about the birth of Anna: gedoopt door Ds. Johannis Cuperus
II-a Geertje Adams Lens was born in Vollenhove, daughter of Adam Lens (see I) and Berentjen Hendriks Hoogenkamp. She was baptised on 23-05-1756 in Vollenhove. Geertje died on 01-05-1809 in Steenwijk, aged 52. The death was registered on 01-05-1809 [source: Steenwijk 557: 1806-1811].
(1) At about the age of 24, Geertje married around 1780 Jan Roelofs Hendriks Tekelenburg, aged about 38. Jan is a son of Hendrik Talen Tekelenburg and Aaltien T Feningen. He was baptised on 06-05-1742 in Hoogeveen. Jan died around 1803 in Steenwijk, aged about 61.
Note about the decease of Jan: Overlijden bevestigd door vier getuigen voor de vrederechter te Steenwijk, omdat van het overlijden geen aantekening werd gedaan.
Molenaar te Steenwijk
(2) At the age of 47, Geertje married on 26-10-1803 in Steenwijk Jacob Krediet, aged 59 [source: HCO 431-1803], after their intention to marry had been registered on 09-10-1803 in Steenwijk [source: HCO 436-1803]. Jacob was born in 02-1744 in Steenwijk, son of Jan Krediet and Roelofje Put. Jacob died on 11-11-1807 in Steenwijk, aged 63. The death was registered on 11-11-1807 [source: Steenwijk 557: 1806-1811]. Jacob was widower of Elisabeth Christoffels (±1744-1798), whom he married on 08-05-1768 in Steenwijk [source: HCO 429-042].
Children of Geertje and Jan:
1 Jan Jans Teklenburg, baptised on 03-02-1782 in Vollenhove. Follow III-a.
2 Berendina Jans Teekelenburg, born in Kuinre. Follow III-b.
3 Adam Jans Tekelenburg. He was baptised on 01-07-1792 in Steenwijk. Adam died before 1809 in Steenwijk, aged less than 17.
4 Jurrien Jans Teckelenburg, born in Steenwijk. Follow III-c.
III-a Jan Jans Teklenburg, son of Jan Roelofs Hendriks Tekelenburg and Geertje Adams Lens (see II-a). He was baptised on 03-02-1782 in Vollenhove. Jan died on 16-05-1855 in Steenwijk, aged 73.
Jan married Lubbechien Roelofs.
Note about the marriage of Jan and Lubbechien: Zij woonden in 1809 op de Huisgatenhaar te Avereest.
Lubbechien was born around 1780. Lubbechien died before 1855, aged less than 75.
Children of Jan and Lubbechien:
1 Jan Jans Teklenburg, born on 14-09-1809 in Avereest (Ov). Follow IV-a.
2 Helena Jans Tekelenburg, born on 29-05-1812 in Zuidwolde. Follow IV-b.
3 Geertien Jans Tekelenburg, born on 11-12-1814 in Zuidwolde. Follow IV-c.
4 Roelof Geerlings, born on 08-07-1818 in Beilen (Dr). Follow IV-d.
IV-a Jan Jans Teklenburg was born on 14-09-1809 in Avereest (Ov), son of Jan Jans Teklenburg (see III-a) and Lubbechien Roelofs. He was baptised on 17-09-1809 in Avereest (Ov). Jan died on 22-03-1864 in Steenwijk, aged 54. At the age of 28, Jan married on 09-02-1838 in Steenwijk Hilligjen Broekhuis, aged 29 [source: akte nr 3].
Note about the marriage of Jan and Hilligjen: Vader van de bruidegom ook: Jan Jans Steklenburg.
Hilligjen was born on 02-04-1808 in Zuidveen onder Steenwijk, daughter of Hendrik Broekhuis and Jantje Reinders Zwolle. She was baptised on 24-04-1808 in Steenwijk. Hilligjen died in 1877 in Steenwijk, aged 68 or 69.
Note about the decease of Hilligjen:
Niet zeker: vgl Ovl.akte nr 35 Steenwijk
Children of Jan and Hilligjen:
1 Hendrik Tekelenburg, born around 1840 in Steenwijk. Follow V-a.
2 Roelof Tekelenburg, born on 30-08-1841 in Steenwijk. Follow V-b.
3 Reinder Tekelenburg, born around 1844 in Steenwijk. Follow V-c.
4 Lammert Jans Tekelenburg, born around 1848 in Steenwijk. Follow V-d.
V-a Hendrik Tekelenburg was born around 1840 in Steenwijk, son of Jan Jans Teklenburg (see IV-a) and Hilligjen Broekhuis. At about the age of 25, Hendrik married on 16-06-1865 in Steenwijk Johanna Antonia van der Meijden, aged about 25 [source: akte nr 26].
Note about the marriage of Hendrik and Johanna: 1 kind gewettigd.
Johanna was born around 1840 in Utrecht, daughter of Pieter van der Meijden and Catharina Antonia Schok.
Child of Hendrik and Johanna:
1 Hilligje Tekelenburg, born in 1865 in Steenwijk. Follow VI-a.
VI-a Hilligje Tekelenburg was born in 1865 in Steenwijk, daughter of Hendrik Tekelenburg (see V-a) and Johanna Antonia van der Meijden. Hilligje died on 01-12-1943 in Ede (Gld), aged 77 or 78. At the age of 23 or 24, Hilligje married on 06-04-1889 in Steenwijk Willem Speldekamp, aged about 25 [source: akte nr 5]. Willem was born around 1864 in Epe, son of Willem Speldekamp and Derkje van Egteren. Willem died before 1943, aged less than 79.
V-b Roelof Tekelenburg was born on 30-08-1841 in Steenwijk, son of Jan Jans Teklenburg (see IV-a) and Hilligjen Broekhuis. Roelof died in 1922 in Deventer, aged 80 or 81. At the age of 24, Roelof married on 25-11-1865 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Antje Roelofs Korteschiel, aged 23 [source: akte nr 84]. Antje was born on 10-03-1842 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), daughter of Roelof Andries Korteschiel and Goitske Gieses Lantinga. Antje died in 1922 in Deventer, aged 79 or 80.
V-c Reinder Tekelenburg was born around 1844 in Steenwijk, son of Jan Jans Teklenburg (see IV-a) and Hilligjen Broekhuis. At about the age of 29, Reinder married on 27-09-1873 in Steenwijk Gerritje Plantenga, aged about 24 [source: akte nr 20]. Gerritje was born around 1849 in Wolvega, daughter of Jan Plantenga and Philepina Ham.
V-d Lammert Jans Tekelenburg was born around 1848 in Steenwijk, son of Jan Jans Teklenburg (see IV-a) and Hilligjen Broekhuis. At about the age of 27, Lammert married on 07-05-1875 in Steenwijk Wemmigje Roelofs Akkerman, aged about 28 [source: akte nr 15]. Wemmigje was born around 1847 in Steenwijk, daughter of Roelof Akkerman and Elsje Dapper.
Child of Lammert and Wemmigje:
1 .... Tekelenburg, stillborn son, born on 10-05-1885 in Steenwijk.
IV-b Helena Jans Tekelenburg was born on 29-05-1812 in Zuidwolde, daughter of Jan Jans Teklenburg (see III-a) and Lubbechien Roelofs. She was baptised on 07-06-1812 in Zuidwolde.
Note about the birth of Helena:
Geboren als Helena Geerlink; haar vader ook bekend als Jan Geerlink.
Helena died on 03-03-1883 in Steenwijk, aged 70. At the age of 23, Helena married on 31-07-1835 in Steenwijk Wolter Jansz Wagter, aged about 30 [source: akte nr 23]. Wolter was born around 1805 in Steenwijk, son of Jan Wagter and Jeltjen Klasen.
IV-c Geertien Jans Tekelenburg was born on 11-12-1814 in Zuidwolde, daughter of Jan Jans Teklenburg (see III-a) and Lubbechien Roelofs. She was baptised on 18-01-1815 in Zuidwolde. Geertien died on 13-01-1892 in Steenwijk, aged 77. At the age of 25, Geertien married on 19-11-1840 in Steenwijkerwold Bartelt Bouwmeester, aged 27 [source: akte nr 38]. Bartelt was born on 29-07-1813 in Nijeveen (Dr), son of Arend Jans Bouwmeester and Maria Jans. Bartelt died before 1892, aged less than 79.
IV-d Roelof Geerlings was born on 08-07-1818 in Beilen (Dr), daughter of Jan Jans Teklenburg (see III-a) and Lubbechien Roelofs. At the age of 23, Roelof married on 14-01-1842 in Steenwijk Sibbeltje Hendriks Uilkes, aged about 38 [source: akte nr 1]. Sibbeltje was born around 1804 in Gorredijk, son of Hendrik Uilkes and Aaltje Luitsens.
III-b Berendina Jans Teekelenburg was born in Kuinre, daughter of Jan Roelofs Hendriks Tekelenburg and Geertje Adams Lens (see II-a). She was baptised on 21-09-1783 in Kuinre. Berendina died on 23-09-1843 at 16:00 in Steenwijk, aged 60 [source: ovl akte 45]. The death was registered on 25-09-1843 [source: ovl akte 45].
At the age of 51, Berendina married on 10-10-1834 in Steenwijk Jan de Vries, aged about 45 [source: akte nr 15].
Note about the marriage of Berendina and Jan: 1 kind gewettigd
Jan was born around 1789 in Oldemarkt (Ov), son of Immigje de Vries.
Note about the birth of Jan: Van zijn geboorte is geen aantekening gemaakt. Zeven getuigen verklaarden voor de vrederechter dat hij geboren is in Oldemarkt in 1789 als zoon van Immegje de Vries.
Jan died on 06-02-1847 in Steenwijk, aged about 58.
Child of Berendina and Jan:
1 Cornelis Jans de Vries, born on 29-01-1819 in Steenwijk. Cornelis died on 22-07-1841 in Steenwijk, aged 22. Cornelis remained unmarried.
III-c Jurrien Jans Teckelenburg was born in Steenwijk, son of Jan Roelofs Hendriks Tekelenburg and Geertje Adams Lens (see II-a). He was baptised on 08-02-1795 in Steenwijk. Jurrien died in 1875 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, aged 79 or 80.
Daghuurder, Arbeider
At the age of 35, Jurrien married on 15-03-1830 in Avereest (Ov) Albertje Jans Huzen, aged 20 [source: akte nr 2]. Albertje was born in 10-1809 in Kolderveen (Dr), daughter of Jan Alberts Huzen and Femmigje Derks.
Children of Jurrien and Albertje:
1 Geertje Jurriens Teckelenburg, born on 02-02-1831 in Avereest (Ov). Follow IV-e.
2 Jantje Jurriens Teckelenburg, born on 01-11-1834 in Hardenbergh, Ambt. Follow IV-f.
3 Jan Jurriens Tekkelenburg, born on 06-05-1837 in Avereest (Ambt Hardenbergh). Follow IV-g.
4 Hendrik Jurriens Teckelenburg, born on 24-03-1842 in Avereest (Ov). Hendrik died on 15-03-1843 in Avereest (Ov), aged 11 months.
5 .... Teckelenburg, stillborn daughter, born on 24-03-1842 in Avereest (Ov). The death was registered on 25-03-1842 [source: akte nr 29].
6 Henrik Jurriens Teckelenburg, born on 12-10-1844 in Avereest (Ov).
IV-e Geertje Jurriens Teckelenburg was born on 02-02-1831 in Avereest (Ov), daughter of Jurrien Jans Teckelenburg (see III-c) and Albertje Jans Huzen. Geertje died in 1874 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, aged 42 or 43. At the age of 26, Geertje married on 18-04-1857 in Avereest (Ov) Albertus Alderts den Hertog, aged about 24 [source: akte nr 16]. Albertus was born around 1833 in Avereest (Ov), son of Aldert Albertus den Hertog and Hillegonda Gerrits Eshuis.
Children of Geertje and Albertus:
1 Hilligje Albertus den Hertog, born around 1861 in Avereest (Ov). Follow V-e.
2 .... den Hertog, stillborn daughter, born on 24-08-1863 in Avereest (Ov).
3 Albertje Albertus den Hertog, born around 1865 in Avereest (Ov). Follow V-f.
4 Aaltje Albertus den Hertog, born on 03-04-1868 in Hardenbergh, Ambt. Follow V-g.
V-e Hilligje Albertus den Hertog was born around 1861 in Avereest (Ov), daughter of Albertus Alderts den Hertog and Geertje Jurriens Teckelenburg (see IV-e). At about the age of 26, Hilligje married on 28-04-1887 in Den Ham Gerrit Evert Willems, aged about 40 [source: akte nr 11]. Gerrit was born around 1847 in Den Ham, son of Hermannus Willems and Diena Roelofs.
V-f Albertje Albertus den Hertog was born around 1865 in Avereest (Ov), daughter of Albertus Alderts den Hertog and Geertje Jurriens Teckelenburg (see IV-e). At about the age of 19, Albertje married on 26-09-1884 in Hardenbergh, Ambt Seine Jans Bosscher, aged about 26 [source: akte nr 53]. Seine was born around 1858 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, son of Jan Bosscher and Fennigjen Bussies.
V-g Aaltje Albertus den Hertog was born on 03-04-1868 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, daughter of Albertus Alderts den Hertog and Geertje Jurriens Teckelenburg (see IV-e). Aaltje died after 1951 in Zuidlaren, aged more than 83. She was buried in Zuidlaren. At the age of 21, Aaltje married on 18-04-1889 in Hardenbergh, Ambt Egbert Gerrits Vossebelt, aged 21 [source: akte nr 15]. Egbert was born on 09-06-1867 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, son of Gerrit Vossebelt and Annigje Langenberg. Egbert died on 05-10-1951 in Zuidlaren, aged 84. He was buried in Zuidlaren.
IV-f Jantje Jurriens Teckelenburg was born on 01-11-1834 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, daughter of Jurrien Jans Teckelenburg (see III-c) and Albertje Jans Huzen. Jantje died in 1880 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, aged 45 or 46. The death was registered [source: akte nr 76]. At the age of 18, Jantje married on 11-03-1853 in Avereest (Ov) Gerrit Hendriks Bos, aged 24 [source: akte nr 5]. Gerrit was born on 14-08-1828 in Avereest (Ov), son of Hendrik Aarts Bos and Harmpje Gerrits Last.
Children of Jantje and Gerrit:
1 Harmpje Gerrits Bos, born on 29-08-1854 in Avereest (Ov). Follow V-h.
2 Albertien Gerrits Bos, born on 26-03-1857 in Avereest (Ov). Follow V-i.
3 Hendrikje Gerrits Bos, born on 14-12-1859 in Avereest (Ov).
V-h Harmpje Gerrits Bos was born on 29-08-1854 in Avereest (Ov), daughter of Gerrit Hendriks Bos and Jantje Jurriens Teckelenburg (see IV-f). At the age of 18, Harmpje married on 17-01-1873 in Hardenbergh, Ambt Gerrit Hermannus Veltman, aged about 25 [source: akte nr 1]. Gerrit was born around 1848 in Rheezerveen (Ambt Hardenbergh), son of Hermannus Veltman and Jennigjen Fokkert.
V-i Albertien Gerrits Bos was born on 26-03-1857 in Avereest (Ov), daughter of Gerrit Hendriks Bos and Jantje Jurriens Teckelenburg (see IV-f). At the age of 21, Albertien married on 31-10-1878 in Hardenbergh, Stad Jan Boerink Ramerman, aged about 26 [source: akte nr 8]. Jan was born around 1852 in Hardenbergh, Stad, son of Willem Ramerman and Johanna Jacob Merjenburgh.
IV-g Jan Jurriens Tekkelenburg was born on 06-05-1837 in Avereest (Ambt Hardenbergh), son of Jurrien Jans Teckelenburg (see III-c) and Albertje Jans Huzen. At the age of 25, Jan married on 09-08-1862 in Hardenbergh, Ambt Grietje Jans Jongsma, aged about 23 [source: akte nr 44]. Grietje was born around 1839 in Avereest (Ambt Hardenbergh), daughter of Jan Jongsma and Femmegien Andries Langenberg.
Child of Jan and Grietje:
1 Jan Jans Tekkelenburg, born around 1866 in Hardenbergh, Ambt. Follow V-j.
V-j Jan Jans Tekkelenburg was born around 1866 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, son of Jan Jurriens Tekkelenburg (see IV-g) and Grietje Jans Jongsma. At about the age of 21, Jan married on 27-05-1887 in Hardenbergh, Ambt Gerritdina Gerrits Huisken, aged about 19 [source: akte nr 38]. Gerritdina was born around 1868 in Vriesenveen, daughter of Gerrit Huisken and Jennigjen Nijkamp.
Children of Jan and Gerritdina:
1 Femmigje Jans Tekkelenburg, born around 1887 in Hardenbergh, Ambt. Follow VI-b.
2 Gerrit Jans Tekkelenburg, born around 1891 in Hardenbergh, Ambt. Follow VI-c.
3 Grietje Jans Tekkelenburg, born around 1901 in Hardenbergh, Ambt. Follow VI-d.
VI-b Femmigje Jans Tekkelenburg was born around 1887 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, daughter of Jan Jans Tekkelenburg (see V-j) and Gerritdina Gerrits Huisken. At about the age of 25, Femmigje married on 16-08-1912 in Hardenbergh, Ambt Jan Derks Huiskes, aged about 26 [source: akte nr 45]. Jan was born around 1886 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, son of Derk Jan Huiskes and Janna Olthof.
VI-c Gerrit Jans Tekkelenburg was born around 1891 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, son of Jan Jans Tekkelenburg (see V-j) and Gerritdina Gerrits Huisken. At about the age of 20, Gerrit married on 24-03-1911 in Hardenbergh, Ambt Johanna Jans Snippe, aged about 20 [source: akte nr 9]. Johanna was born around 1891 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, daughter of Jan Hendrik Snippe and Johanna Visscher.
VI-d Grietje Jans Tekkelenburg was born around 1901 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, daughter of Jan Jans Tekkelenburg (see V-j) and Gerritdina Gerrits Huisken. At about the age of 21, Grietje married on 25-08-1922 in Hardenbergh, Ambt Derk Jan Hankamp, aged about 22 [source: akte nr 62]. Derk was born around 1900 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, son of Jan Hendrik Hankamp and Trijntje Slot.
II-b Jan Henderiks Adamsz Lens was born in Stad Vollenhove, son of Adam Lens (see I) and Berentjen Hendriks Hoogenkamp. He was baptised on 08-10-1758 in Stad Vollenhove.
Note about the birth of Jan: DTB Vollenhove NG 1745-1759:
08-10-1758 z: Jan Henderiks v: Jan Adam Lents m: Berentje Hogenkamp, (wonende) binnen Vollenhove
Jan died on 23-04-1818 at 06:00 in Kuinre, aged 59 [source: 1818/4]. The death was registered on 24-04-1818 [source: akte nr 4].
At the age of 25, Jan registered on 13-02-1784 in Kuinre with Fokjen Johannes, aged about 24, their intention to marry [source: HCO 251-110]. Fokjen was born around 1760. Fokjen died in 1810 in Kampen, aged about 50.
Children of Jan and Fokjen:
1 Adam Jans Lens, born in Kuinre. Follow III-d.
2 Sjoukje Jans (Susanna) Lens, born in Kuinre. Follow III-e.
III-d Adam Jans Lens was born in Kuinre, son of Jan Henderiks Adamsz Lens (see II-b) and Fokjen Johannes. He was baptised on 11-09-1785 in Kuinre [source: HCO 247-054].
Note about the birth of Adam: Vader wordt bij de doop genoemd: Jan Adamsz Lens
Adam died on 17-03-1847 in Kuinre, aged 61 [source: 1847/4].
from 1816     Arbeider
from 1825     Schipper
At the age of 30, Adam married on 08-03-1816 in Kuinre Meintjen Jans Zandman, aged 22 [source: 1816/2], after their intention to marry had been registered on 18-02-1816 in Kuinre. Meintjen was born on 14-08-1793 in Kuinre, daughter of Jan Klaassen Zandman and Wybigje Arends. She was baptised on 18-08-1793 in Kuinre. Meintjen died on 08-06-1842 in Kuinre, aged 48 [source: 1842/17].
Children of Adam and Meintjen:
1 Jan Adamsz Lens, born on 23-05-1816 in Kuinre. Follow IV-h.
2 Wybe Adams Lens, born on 07-05-1818 in Kuinre [source: 1818/8-5]. Wybe died on 14-06-1818 in Kuinre, aged 1 month [source: 1818/6].
3 Wybigjen Adams Lens, born on 18-09-1819 in Kuinre. Follow IV-i.
4 Fokjen Adams Lens, born on 27-09-1823 in Kuinre [source: 1823/27-9]. Fokjen died on 14-03-1825 in Kuinre, aged 1 [source: 1825/23].
5 Fokjen Adams Lens, born on 22-12-1825 in Kuinre [source: 1825/23-12]. Fokjen died on 22-12-1825 in Kuinre, aged less than a day [source: 1825/68].
Note about the decease of Fokjen: één uur geleefd.
6 Fokjen Adams Lens, born on 06-09-1828 in Kuinre [source: 1828/8-9]. Fokjen died on 26-10-1828 in Kuinre, aged 1 month [source: 1828/35].
IV-h Jan Adamsz Lens was born on 23-05-1816 in Kuinre [source: 1816/23-5], son of Adam Jans Lens (see III-d) and Meintjen Jans Zandman. Jan died on 12-06-1895 at 22:00 in Raalte, aged 79 [source: 1895/70]. The death was registered on 14-06-1895 [source: akte nr 70].
Note about Jan: 1842 Heerenveen, notaris G. Peeting
Verklaring, akte niet aanwezig
Betreft uitdrukkingen van Samuel Blok tegen hen gedaan t.a.v. een door hem in
de Schans gekochte koperen emmer
- Jan Adams Lens te Noordwolde
- Grietje Jacobs Weerman te Noordwolde

Toegangsnr. : 26
Inventarisnr.: 55052
Repertoirenr.: 69 d.d. 17 mei 1842
from 1838     Schippersknecht
from 1867     Schipper (In 1867 verzoekt het Openbaar Ministerie van het Kantongerecht te Vollenhove in het Algemeen Politieblad te worden bekend gemaakt met de tegenwoordige woon- of verblijfplaats van Jan Adams Lens, schipper.)
At the age of 22, Jan married on 02-08-1838 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Grietjen Jacobs Weerman, aged 23 [source: T30-41/I2011/A44].
Note about the marriage of Jan and Grietjen: Huwelijksakte Weststellingwerf, 1838
Man: Jan Adams Lens
Vrouw: Grietjen Jacobs Weerman
Datum: 2 augustus 1838, akte nr. 44
Grietjen was born on 19-03-1815 in Noordwolde (Gem Weststellingwerf), daughter of Jacob Jans Weerman and Hendrikje Harms Menger. Grietjen died on 02-08-1883 in Kuinre, aged 68.
Child of Jan and Grietjen:
1 Jacob Jans Lens, born on 16-10-1839 in Noordwolde (Gem Weststellingwerf). Follow V-k.
V-k Jacob Jans Lens was born on 16-10-1839 in Noordwolde (Gem Weststellingwerf), son of Jan Adamsz Lens (see IV-h) and Grietjen Jacobs Weerman. The birth was registered on 17-10-1839 [source: Geb. akte A 241]. Jacob died on 13-11-1891 at 21:00 in Raalte, aged 52. The death was registered on 14-11-1891 [source: akte nr 142].
Note about the decease of Jacob: De aangevers wisten de naam van de vrouw niet.
Vader: Jan Adams Lens was volgens deze overlijdensakte gehuwd met Gerrigje Mars.
At the age of 29, Jacob married on 21-03-1869 in Groningen Alberdina Theodora Wenckenbach, aged 33 [source: akte nr 53]. Alberdina was born on 01-04-1835 in Groningen, daughter of Sikke Gerart Winkenbach and Jacomina Jans Brondijk. Alberdina died on 05-12-1870 in Groningen, aged 35. The death was registered on 06-12-1870 [source: ovl akte 1133].
IV-i Wybigjen Adams Lens was born on 18-09-1819 in Kuinre [source: 1819/20-9], daughter of Adam Jans Lens (see III-d) and Meintjen Jans Zandman. Wybigjen died on 06-09-1865 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 45.
(1) At the age of 26, Wybigjen married on 06-02-1846 in Kuinre IJsbrand Jentjes Oosterwijk, aged 28 [source: 1846/1]. IJsbrand was born on 10-12-1817 in Munnikeburen (Weststellingwerf), son of Jentjen Jochems Oosterwijk and Andrisina IJsbrands Kuperus (Kuipers). IJsbrand died on 25-02-1854 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 36.
(2) At the age of 40, Wybigjen married on 24-03-1860 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Folken Jans de Jong, aged 34 [source: akte nr 4]. Folken was born on 23-08-1825 in Sint Johannesga (Schoterland), son of Jan Jans de Jong and Koopjen Folkens Buis. Folken died on 21-10-1898 in Schoterland (Frl), aged 73. Folken married Geertje Hanzes Doornveld (1834-1918) on 25-01-1867 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
Children of Wybigjen and IJsbrand:
1 Meintje IJsbrands Oosterwijk, born on 08-01-1847 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Meintje died on 02-11-1865 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 18.
2 Jentje IJsbrands Oosterwijk, born on 22-05-1849 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Jentje died on 29-12-1853 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 4.
1 Sjoukje Lens
III-e Sjoukje Jans (Susanna) Lens (img. 1) was born in Kuinre, daughter of Jan Henderiks Adamsz Lens (see II-b) and Fokjen Johannes. She was baptised on 20-06-1790 in Herv Gemeente Kuinre [source: HCO 247- 063]. Susanna died on 19-01-1874 in Steenwijkerwold, aged 83. The death was registered [source: Steenwijkerwold akte nr 10]. She was buried in Steenwijkerwold (Gelderingen-R.K.).
Note about the decease of Susanna: Op haar grafsteen staat: Susanna Lens
Naaister (1811)
Hervormde Gemeente   [source: huwelijksakte]
(1) At the age of 21, Susanna married on 12-09-1811 in Kuinre Antoon Joosten Ensing, aged 28 [source: 1811/2], after their intention to marry had been registered on 30-08-1811 in Kuinre. A church ceremony was celebrated on 15-09-1811 in Kuinre [source: DTB 6189 (RK)].
Note about the marriage of Susanna and Antoon: Trouwregister Rooms-katholieke parochie Kuinre, 1811
DTB nr: 6189, 1801 - 1812
Vermelding: Bevestiging huwelijk van 15 september 1811,
Man: Antonius Josephs Ensing, Blesse
Vrouw: Jacoba Lenz, Kuinre

Gestandaardiseerde namen: ANTONIUS JOSEFS en JAKOBJE
NB: Jacoba (Janke in omgangstaal) overgekomen uit
Calvinistise Gemeente
Antoon was born in Blesse, son of Joseph Antonie Ensing and Marijke Christiaans Doeven. He was baptised on 19-07-1783 in RK Gemeente Steggerda [source: DTB 781]. At the baptism of Antoon the following witness was present: Jan Antonius.
Note about the birth of Antoon: Weststellingwerf, doopjaar 1783
Steggerda, Doop R.K. par. 1711-1812
DTB: 781
Dopeling: Antonius
Gedoopt op 19 juli 1783 in Steggerda
Zoon van Josephus Antonius en Marijke Christianus
Doopgetuige: Jan Antonius

Opm.: De vader ook genoemd Joest, de getuige is afkomstig
van Heerenveen
Antoon died on 15-10-1827 in Peperga (Wolvega), aged 44.
Rooms Katholiek   [source: huwelijksakte]
(2) At the age of 40, Susanna married on 29-04-1831 in Wolvega (Weststellingwerf (Fr)) Roelof (Rudulphus) Harmens Nijmeyer, aged 46 [source: akte nr 15], after their intention to marry had been registered on 03-04-1831 in Wolvega (Weststellingwerf (Fr)) [source: akte nr 15]. Roelof was born in Blesdijke (Weststellingwerf), son of Harmen (Hermannus) Pieters Nijemeyer and Hilligjen (Hiltjen) Arends Smit. He was baptised on 28-03-1785 in Steggerda (Weststellingwerf). Roelof died on 13-05-1861 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 76.
Children of Susanna and Antoon:
1 Maria Antoons Ensing, born on 03-05-1812 in Kuinre. Follow IV-j.
2 Fokjen Antoons Ensing, born on 03-05-1812 in Kuinre.
Note about the birth of Fokjen: Geen geboorteakte te vinden(!)
3 Joseph Anthony Ensing, born on 19-10-1814 in Kuinre. Follow IV-k.
4 Hermannus Ensing, born on 08-03-1817 in Kuinre. Follow IV-l.
5 Maria Antoons (Marijke) Ensing, born on 23-09-1820 in Kuinre. Follow IV-m.
6 Johannes Anthoons Ensing, born on 17-03-1823 in Kuinre. He was baptised on 01-06-1823 in Kuinre [source:]. Johannes died on 10-09-1827 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 4.
7 Gerhardus Antoonius Ensing, born on 23-06-1826 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
Note about the birth of Gerhardus: Vader ondertekent geboorteakte met: Antoonyus Joosefs Ensing
Gerhardus died on 16-03-1880 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 53. Gerhardus remained unmarried.
Children of Susanna and Roelof:
8 Hermanus Roelofs Nijmeijer, born on 24-12-1831 in Peperga (Wolvega). Follow IV-n.
9 Helena Roelofs Nijmeijer, born on 28-05-1834 in De Blesse (Weststellingwerf). Follow IV-o.
IV-j Maria Antoons Ensing was born on 03-05-1812 in Kuinre, daughter of Antoon Joosten Ensing and Sjoukje Jans (Susanna) Lens (see III-e). The birth was registered on 05-05-1812 [source: Geboorteakte]. Maria died on 10-06-1887 in Gelderingen (Steenwijkerwold), aged 75. At the age of 27, Maria married on 03-05-1839 in Oldemarkt (Ov) Pieter Johannes de Vries, aged 40 [source: akte nr 10]. Pieter was born on 20-06-1798 in Joure (Haskerland), son of Johannes Jans and Acke Johannes. Pieter died in 1866 in Steenwijkerwold, aged 67 or 68.
Children of Maria and Pieter:
1 Akke de Vries, born on 24-05-1846 in Oldemarkt (Ov). Follow V-l.
2 Antonius Johannes de Vries, born on 27-12-1849 in Oldemarkt (Ov). Follow V-m.
V-l Akke de Vries was born on 24-05-1846 in Oldemarkt (Ov), daughter of Pieter Johannes de Vries and Maria Antoons Ensing (see IV-j). Akke died on 18-11-1926 in Thij (Steenwijkerwold), aged 80. At the age of 19, Akke married on 14-04-1866 in Steenwijkerwold Regnerus Wieben van Veen, aged 48 [source: akte nr 7]. Regnerus was born on 22-04-1817 in Kuinre, son of Wiebe Regnerus van Veen and Grietjen Ruurds Wierds. Regnerus died on 03-01-1899 in Gelderingen (Steenwijkerwold), aged 81. Regnerus was widower of Idegje Berends de Vent (1830-1862), whom he married on 29-10-1852 in Steenwijkerwold [source: akte nr 47].
Child of Akke and Regnerus:
1 Tecola van Veen, born in 10-1870. Tecola died on 27-10-1870 in Steenwijkerwold, aged less than a month.
V-m Antonius Johannes de Vries was born on 27-12-1849 in Oldemarkt (Ov), son of Pieter Johannes de Vries and Maria Antoons Ensing (see IV-j). Antonius died on 07-02-1896 in Steenwijkerwold, aged 46. At the age of 41, Antonius married on 05-09-1891 in Steenwijkerwold Alida Jans Schokker, aged 31 [source: akte nr 23]. Alida was born on 27-05-1860 in Steenwijkerwold, daughter of Johannes Zacharias Schokker and Hendrikje Jans Oosterkamp. Alida died on 27-03-1941 in Steenwijkerwold, aged 80.
IV-k Joseph Anthony Ensing was born on 19-10-1814 in Kuinre, son of Antoon Joosten Ensing and Sjoukje Jans (Susanna) Lens (see III-e). He was baptised on 19-10-1814 in Kuinre [source:]. Joseph died on 07-03-1889 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 74. At the age of 33, Joseph married on 04-05-1848 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Tjeerdjen Roelofs Berghof, aged about 29. Tjeerdjen was born around 1819. Tjeerdjen died on 26-01-1900 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged about 81.
Children of Joseph and Tjeerdjen:
1 .... Ensing, stillborn son, born on 07-12-1849 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
2 Susanna Ensing, born on 04-11-1855 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Follow V-n.
3 Maria Josephs Ensing, born on 20-02-1858 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Maria died on 30-03-1862 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 4.
4 Roelof Ignatius Ensing, born on 01-02-1862 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Follow V-o.
V-n Susanna Ensing was born on 04-11-1855 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), daughter of Joseph Anthony Ensing (see IV-k) and Tjeerdjen Roelofs Berghof. Susanna died on 27-06-1924 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 68. At the age of 34, Susanna married on 08-02-1890 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Theodorus Scheltinga, aged 31 [source: akte nr 8]. Theodorus was born on 02-11-1858 in Wolvega (Weststellingwerf (Fr)), son of Roelof Johannes Scheltinga and Geertruida Hendriks Woudberg. Theodorus died on 24-12-1927 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 69.
Child of Susanna and Theodorus:
1 Rudolphus Anthonius Scheltinga, born on 03-02-1895 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
V-o Roelof Ignatius Ensing was born on 01-02-1862 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), son of Joseph Anthony Ensing (see IV-k) and Tjeerdjen Roelofs Berghof. Roelof died on 28-05-1940 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 78. At the age of 43, Roelof married on 03-06-1905 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Maria Francisca Huisintveld [source: akte nr 77].
Note about the marriage of Roelof and Maria: Bruid tekent "Huis in ’t Veld"
IV-l Hermannus Ensing was born on 08-03-1817 in Kuinre, son of Antoon Joosten Ensing and Sjoukje Jans (Susanna) Lens (see III-e). He was baptised on 08-03-1817 in Kuinre [source:]. Hermannus died on 28-07-1848 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 31. At the age of 30, Hermannus married on 07-05-1847 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Hendrica Egberts, aged about 28. Hendrica was born around 1819 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Hendrica died on 08-08-1848 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged about 29.
Child of Hermannus and Hendrica:
1 .... Ensing, stillborn daughter, born on 08-08-1848 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
Note about the birth of ....: Moeder bij geboorte overleden.
IV-m Maria Antoons (Marijke) Ensing was born on 23-09-1820 in Kuinre, daughter of Antoon Joosten Ensing and Sjoukje Jans (Susanna) Lens (see III-e). She was baptised on 23-09-1820 in Kuinre [source:]. Marijke died on 05-05-1867 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 46.
(1) At the age of 28, Marijke married on 20-04-1849 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Johannes Jans Halman, aged 30 [source: akte nr 21]. Johannes was born on 01-07-1818 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), son of Jan Josephs Halman and Lubbegjen Johannes Hogeling.
Note about the birth of Johannes: Geboorteakte Weststellingwerf, 1818
Aangiftedatum 2 juli 1818, akte nr. 78
Johannes Halman, geboren 1 juli 1818
Zoon van Jan Josephs Halman en Lubbegjen Johannes
Johannes died on 26-07-1857 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 39.
(2) At the age of 38, Marijke married on 05-05-1859 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Hendrik Klazes Dijkstra, aged 31 [source: akte nr 22]. Hendrik was born on 27-11-1827 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), son of Klaas Hendriks Dijkstra and Klaartje Theunis Sloot. Hendrik died on 29-06-1904 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged 76.
Children of Marijke and Johannes:
1 Jan Johannesz Halman, born on 04-05-1850 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
2 Antoon Johannesz Halman, born on 27-10-1853 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
3 Mannes Johannesz Halman, born on 21-12-1856 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Follow V-p.
Children of Marijke and Hendrik:
4 Nicolaas Hendriks Dijkstra, born on 07-03-1860 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
5 Susanna Hendriks Dijkstra, born on 06-11-1864 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Follow V-q.
V-p Mannes Johannesz Halman was born on 21-12-1856 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), son of Johannes Jans Halman and Maria Antoons (Marijke) Ensing (see IV-m). Mannes died on 27-09-1935 in Wolvega, aged 78. The death was registered on 28-09-1935 [source: akte nr 85]. At the age of 23, Mannes married on 10-04-1880 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Grietje Roelofs Elfring, aged 21 [source: akte nr 19]. Grietje was born on 09-02-1859 in Blesdijke (Weststellingwerf), daughter of Roelof Gerrits Elfring and Margje Meines de Vries. Grietje died on 25-12-1937 in Wolvega, aged 78.
Children of Mannes and Grietje:
1 Johannes Rudolphus Halman, born on 06-05-1881 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Follow VI-e.
2 Rudolphus Gregorius Halman, born on 20-03-1883 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
3 Maria Elisabeth Halman, born on 14-05-1885 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
4 Martinus Anthonius Halman, born on 01-05-1887 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
5 Martina Suzanna Halman, born on 02-10-1889 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
6 Anthonius Halman, born on 06-07-1891 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
7 Anthonius Jozephus Halman, born on 25-08-1892 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
8 Elisabeth Petronella Halman, born on 18-04-1895 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
9 Gregorius Matthias Halman, born on 22-08-1897 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
10 Henricus Johannesz Halman, born on 16-12-1899 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
VI-e Johannes Rudolphus Halman was born on 06-05-1881 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), son of Mannes Johannesz Halman (see V-p) and Grietje Roelofs Elfring. At the age of 29, Johannes married on 14-10-1910 in Utingeradeel Hittje Schaafsma, aged about 25 [source: akte nr 4]. Hittje was born around 1885 in Akkrum, daughter of Bote Hessels Schaafsma and Geertje Geerts Huisman.
V-q Susanna Hendriks Dijkstra was born on 06-11-1864 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), daughter of Hendrik Klazes Dijkstra and Maria Antoons (Marijke) Ensing (see IV-m). At the age of 26, Susanna married on 24-10-1891 in Steenwijkerwold Bernardus Johannes Heins, aged about 27. Bernardus was born around 1864 in Oldemarkt (Ov), son of Peter Johannes Heins and Johanna van den Bult.
IV-n Hermanus Roelofs Nijmeijer was born on 24-12-1831 in Peperga (Wolvega), son of Roelof (Rudulphus) Harmens Nijmeyer and Sjoukje Jans (Susanna) Lens (see III-e). Hermanus died on 20-09-1903 in Steenwijkerwold, aged 71. He was buried in Steenwijkerwold (R.K.).
At the age of 43, Hermanus married on 08-05-1875 in Steenwijkerwold Hendrika Petrus Woldberg, aged 24 [source: akte nr 31]. Hendrika was born on 04-03-1851 in Steenwijkerwold, daughter of Peter Arends Woldberg and Catharina Hendriks Bosch. Hendrika died on 15-01-1881 in Beesd (Gld), aged 29.
Child of Hermanus and Hendrika:
1 Rudolph Petrus Johannes Willebrordus Nijmeijer, born on 22-03-1876 in Rotterdam. Rudolph died on 21-12-1880 in Beesd (Gld), aged 4.
IV-o Helena Roelofs Nijmeijer was born on 28-05-1834 in De Blesse (Weststellingwerf), daughter of Roelof (Rudulphus) Harmens Nijmeyer and Sjoukje Jans (Susanna) Lens (see III-e). Helena died in 1905 in Steenwijkerwold, aged 70 or 71.
At the age of 33, Helena married on 02-05-1868 in Steenwijkerwold Geert Harmanus Vellener, aged about 34 [source: akte nr 16]. At the civil wedding of Helena and Geert the following witnesses were present: Willem Jacobusz Ras (1818-1878) and Meinardus Johannes Kiers (born ±1833). Geert was born around 1834 in Steenwijkerwold, son of Hermanus Gerrits Vellener and Trijntje Karsten Bos. Geert died in 1880 in Steenwijkerwold, aged about 46.
II-c Hendrick Jan Adams Lens was born in Stad Vollenhove, son of Adam Lens (see I) and Berentjen Hendriks Hoogenkamp. He was baptised on 02-12-1761 in Stad Vollenhove.
Note about the birth of Hendrick: Vader in doopboek: Jan Adam Lens.
Hendrick died on 18-01-1808 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 46 [source: Huwelijksbijlagen zoon Hendrik 1830, uittreksel doodregister.]. At the age of 32, Hendrick married on 02-02-1794 in Vollenhove Arentje Klaassen, aged 26 [source: HCO 488-099], after their intention to marry had been registered on 17-01-1794 in Vollenhove [source: HCO 488-099]. Arentje was born in Zuidveen onder Steenwijk, daughter of Klaas Arends and Jantien Harms. She was baptised on 31-05-1767 in Steenwijk [source: HCO 416-72]. Arentje died on 27-02-1844 at 23:00 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 76. The death was registered on 28-02-1844 [source: akte nr 3]. At the death registration of Arentje the following witness was present: Egbert Cornelis Kuilart (1807-1867).
Children of Hendrick and Arentje:
1 Klaas Hendriksz Lens, born on 22-06-1794 in Vollenhove. Follow III-f.
2 Berentje Hendriks Lens, born on 30-12-1796 in Vollenhove. Follow III-g.
3 Jentjen Hendriks Lens, born on 05-09-1799 in Vollenhove. Follow III-h.
4 Adam Hendriks Lens, born on 03-03-1802 in Vollenhove. Follow III-i.
5 Hendrik Hendriksz Lens, born on 14-11-1806 in Vollenhove. Follow III-j.
III-f Klaas Hendriksz Lens was born on 22-06-1794 in Vollenhove, son of Hendrick Jan Adams Lens (see II-c) and Arentje Klaassen. He was baptised on 22-06-1794 in Vollenhove. Klaas died on 11-09-1839 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 45 [source: 1839/15].
Note about the decease of Klaas: In de overlijdensakte staat "Aartje Peters" als moeder vermeld.
Note about Klaas: 3x uitgeloot voor de Nationale Militie en dus finaal vrijgesteld.
Witness to:
birth registration Annegien Teunis Rozeboom (1822-1910)
10-08-1833     marriage Adam Hendriks Lens (1802-1839) and Jennigjen Jans Hertjes (Hartjes) (1793-1871) [see III-i]    [brother of the groom]   [source: A 1833/10]
06-05-1836     marriage Berend Teunisz Lens (1810-1845) and Jentien Roelofs de Jong (1803-1883) [see III-l]    [first cousin father’s side of the groom]   [source: S 1836/4]
(1) At the age of 29, Klaas married on 27-06-1823 in Stad Vollenhove Willemina Jans Visschers, aged 28 [source: S1823/5].
Note about the marriage of Klaas and Willemina: 1 kind gewettigd.
Willemina was born on 07-03-1795 in Dalfsen (Ov), daughter of Jan Willems Visschers and Willempje Rutgers. She was baptised on 11-03-1795 in Dalfsen (Ov).
Note about the birth of Willemina: Geboorte- en doopdatum volgens Extract uit het Doopboek der Hervormde Gemeente van Dalfsen, als huwelijkse bijlage bij de huwelijksakte van 27-06-1823.
Willemina died on 17-09-1831 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 36.
(2) At the age of 37, Klaas married on 07-01-1832 in Stad Vollenhove Jantje Kees Wind Post, aged 26 [source: S1832/1]. Jantje was born on 13-04-1805 in Barsbeek (Ambt Vollenhove), daughter of Kees Jansen Post van der Winde and Trijntje Klaaszen Souwman. She was baptised on 21-04-1805 in Ambt Vollenhove. Jantje died on 16-01-1886 in Holthe (Beilen), aged 80. The death was registered on 16-01-1886 [source: Beilen akte nr 8].
Ook genaamd "Jannetje", zie overlijdensacte zoon Jan Lens
Children of Klaas and Willemina:
1 Arendje Klaasdr Lens, born on 29-11-1822 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow IV-p.
2 Willempje Klaasdr Lens, born on 20-09-1826 in Ambt Vollenhove. Willempje died on 11-07-1835 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 8 [source: 1835/13].
3 Hendrikje Willemina Lens, born on 07-09-1831 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow IV-q.
Children of Klaas and Jantje:
4 Hendrik Lens, born on 24-03-1833 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow IV-r.
5 Jan Klaasz Lens, born on 21-05-1836 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow IV-s.
IV-p Arendje Klaasdr Lens was born on 29-11-1822 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Klaas Hendriksz Lens (see III-f) and Willemina Jans Visschers.
Note about the birth of Arendje: gewettigd bij huwelijk ouders in 1823.
Arendje died on 21-03-1904 at 04:00 in Deventer, aged 81 [source: Overl akte 125 Deventer]. The death was registered on 21-03-1904 [source: akte nr 125].
Note about the decease of Arendje: Overleden in het Krankzinnigengesticht "Het Weerds Gesticht"
Broodverkoopster (1870)
(1) At the age of 26, Arendje married on 12-12-1848 in Stad Vollenhove Berend Jansz Lassche, aged 25 [source: S 1848/13]. Berend was born on 02-12-1823 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Jan Berends Lassche and Elisabeth Fredriks Croes. Berend died on 03-02-1852 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 28.
(2) At the age of 30, Arendje married on 12-03-1853 in Stad Vollenhove Steven Teunisz Schuurman, aged 34 [source: S 1853/3]. At the civil wedding of Arendje and Steven the following witnesses were present: Gerardus Antonius Zoetebier (1792-1865), Jan Berend Zwiers (born 1808), Jan Siemens Schuurman (1814-1896) [brother of the groom] and Berend Aartsz van Triest (±1824-1880). Steven was born on 26-05-1818 in Vollenhove, son of Teunis Jans Schuurman and Christina Stevens Vis. Steven died on 14-08-1868 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 50. Steven was widower of Jennegien Jans Kwast (1819-1852), whom he married on 20-08-1841 in Stad Vollenhove [source: S 1841/11].
Children of Arendje and Berend:
1 Elisabeth Berends Lassche, born on 13-05-1849 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-r.
2 Klaas Berends Lassche, born on 22-12-1850 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-s.
Children of Arendje and Steven:
3 Klaas Stevens Schuurman, born around 1853. Follow V-t.
4 Christina Stevens Schuurman, born around 1854. Christina died on 05-08-1866 in Stad Vollenhove, aged about 12.
5 Willem Stevens Schuurman, born around 1856 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-u.
6 Siemen Stevens Schuurman, born around 1858 in Stad Vollenhove. Siemen died on 10-05-1859 in Stad Vollenhove, aged about 1.
7 Siemen Stevens Schuurman, born around 1861 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-v.
V-r Elisabeth Berends Lassche was born on 13-05-1849 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Berend Jansz Lassche and Arendje Klaasdr Lens (see IV-p). Elisabeth died on 26-03-1908 in Medemblik, aged 58. At the age of 23, Elisabeth married on 12-01-1873 in Medemblik Jan Jansz Maret de Jonge, aged 23 [source: akte nr 1].
Note about the marriage of Elisabeth and Jan: erkend 1 kind.
Jan was born on 28-12-1849 in Medemblik, son of Jan Jansz Maret and Antje Cornelis Riesebos. Jan died on 30-01-1927 in Medemblik, aged 77. He was buried in Medemblik. Jan married Elisabeth Schaap (1852-1927) on 31-07-1908 in Medemblik.
Children of Elisabeth and Jan:
1 Jan Jansz Maret, born on 19-12-1872 at 23:30 in Medemblik.
Note about the birth of Jan: Geboren als Jan Lassche, zoon van Elisabeth Lassche.
Op 12 januari 1873 trouwt zij met Jan Maret en wordt het kind Jan Lassche erkend en gewettigd door de vader.
Jan died on 28-01-1873 in Medemblik, aged 1 month.
2 Jan Jansz Maret, born on 12-02-1874 in Medemblik. Follow VI-f.
3 Bernard Jansz Maret, born on 25-06-1875 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-g.
4 Cornelis Maret, born around 12-1876 in Den Helder. Cornelis died on 23-02-1877 in Den Helder, aged about 2 months.
5 Antje Jans Maret, born on 09-07-1878 in Medemblik. Follow VI-h.
6 Klaas Jansz Maret de Jong, born on 31-01-1880 in Urk. Klaas died on 12-03-1881 in Medemblik, aged 1.
7 Klaas Jansz Maret, born on 19-01-1882 in Medemblik. Follow VI-i.
8 Arendtje Jans Maret, born on 01-06-1884 in Medemblik. Follow VI-j.
9 .... Maret, stillborn daughter, born on 18-05-1886 in Medemblik.
VI-f Jan Jansz Maret was born on 12-02-1874 in Medemblik, son of Jan Jansz Maret de Jonge and Elisabeth Berends Lassche (see V-r).
Arbeider (1899), Spoorlegger (1928)
(1) At the age of 25, Jan married on 26-02-1899 in Medemblik Grietje Goedhart, aged about 23. Grietje was born around 1876 in Medemblik, daughter of Dirk Goedhart and Trijntje Steeman. Grietje died on 11-02-1922 in Bloemendaal, aged about 46.
(2) At the age of 54, Jan married on 03-05-1928 in Velsen Aartje Dijs, aged about 47 [source: akte nr 83]. Aartje was born around 1881 in Amsterdam, daughter of Filippus Dijs and Geertruida Maria de Jager. Aartje was widow of Gerrit Willem Hendrik ter Haar (died before 1928), whom she married before 1928.
Children of Jan and Grietje:
1 Elisabeth (Betsy) Maret, born on 08-09-1900 in Medemblik. Follow VII-a.
2 Trijntje Maret, born around 1902 in Medemblik.
3 Johanna Maret, born around 1904 in Medemblik.
4 Dirk Jan Maret, born on 27-10-1906 in Blokker. Follow VII-b.
elisabethmaret.jpg lucasroose.jpg
2 Elisabeth Maret
3 Lucas Roose
VII-a Elisabeth (Betsy) Maret (img. 2) was born on 08-09-1900 in Medemblik, daughter of Jan Jansz Maret (see VI-f) and Grietje Goedhart. Betsy died on 24-07-1947 in Bloemendaal, aged 46. At the age of 26, Betsy married on 09-03-1927 in Amsterdam Lucas Roose (img. 3), aged 30. Lucas was born on 04-09-1896 in Middelburg, son of Matthijs Cornelius Roose and Johanna Gernler.
Wegwerker NS
Child of Betsy and Lucas:
1 Johanna Roose.
4 Trouwfoto Dirk Jan Maret en Marrigje Hendriks (1930)
VII-b Dirk Jan Maret (img. 4) was born on 27-10-1906 in Blokker, son of Jan Jansz Maret (see VI-f) and Grietje Goedhart. Dirk died on 12-05-1968, aged 61. At the age of 23, Dirk married on 01-10-1930 in Pijnacker (ZH) Marrigje Hendriks, aged 22. Marrigje was born on 21-09-1908 in Pijnacker (ZH), daughter of Cornelis Hendriks and Jannetje Rensen.
Child of Dirk and Marrigje:
1 Jannetje Grietje Maret, born on 25-12-1932 in Voorburg.
VI-g Bernard Jansz Maret was born on 25-06-1875 at 08:00 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Jan Jansz Maret de Jonge and Elisabeth Berends Lassche (see V-r). Bernard died on 17-07-1951 in Medemblik, aged 76. He was buried in Medemblik. At the age of 24, Bernard married on 03-06-1900 in Medemblik Neeltje Jans Steeman, aged 19 [source: akte nr 9]. Neeltje was born on 25-01-1881 in Wervershoof, daughter of Jan Steeman and Maartje Kolles. Neeltje died on 08-04-1953 in Medemblik, aged 72. She was buried in Medemblik.
Child of Bernard and Neeltje:
1 Jan Maret, born on 12-07-1901 in Meerssen. Follow VII-c.
VII-c Jan Maret was born on 12-07-1901 in Meerssen, son of Bernard Jansz Maret (see VI-g) and Neeltje Jans Steeman. Jan died on 20-03-1987 in Medemblik, aged 85. He was buried in Medemblik.
Bierbottelaarsknecht (1926)
At the age of 24, Jan married on 20-05-1926 in Oppedoes Hiltje Verweij, aged 20 [source: akte nr 4]. Hiltje was born on 30-12-1905 in Medemblik, daughter of Floris Verweij and Neeltje Smit. Hiltje died on 21-06-1992 in Medemblik, aged 86. She was buried in Medemblik.
Child of Jan and Hiltje:
1 .... Maret, stillborn child, born on 23-09-1931 in Medemblik.
VI-h Antje Jans Maret was born on 09-07-1878 in Medemblik, daughter of Jan Jansz Maret de Jonge and Elisabeth Berends Lassche (see V-r). At the age of 20, Antje married on 22-12-1898 in Medemblik Simon Brouwer, aged 24. Simon was born on 26-11-1874 in Medemblik, son of Lucas Brouwer and Meinoutje Schaap.
Children of Antje and Simon:
1 Mijntje Brouwer, born on 18-11-1898 in Medemblik. Follow VII-d.
2 Elisabeth (Betje) Brouwer, born on 22-06-1901 in Meerssen (L). Follow VII-e.
3 Lucas Brouwer, born on 02-07-1903 in Meerssen (L). Follow VII-f.
4 Jan Brouwer, born on 06-02-1906 in Amsterdam. Follow VII-g.
5 Klaas Brouwer, born on 07-04-1908 in Amsterdam. Follow VII-h.
6 Arendje Brouwer, born on 27-10-1910 in Watergraafsmeer.
7 Gerrit Brouwer, born on 20-09-1914 in Watergraafsmeer. Gerrit died.
8 Grietje Brouwer, born on 10-10-1916 in Watergraafsmeer. Grietje died.
9 Marie Brouwer, born on 06-03-1918 in Watergraafsmeer. Marie died.
VII-d Mijntje Brouwer was born on 18-11-1898 in Medemblik, daughter of Simon Brouwer and Antje Jans Maret (see VI-h).
Note about the birth of Mijntje: Geboren als Mijntje Maret.
Erkend bij het huwelijk van Simon Brouwer en Antje Maret op 22-12-1898.
At the age of 25, Mijntje married on 19-06-1924 in Andijk (NH) Johannes Petrus op ’t Land, aged about 25 [source: akte nr 22]. Johannes was born around 1899 in Medemblik, son of Cornelis op ’t Land and Cornelia Houter.
VII-e Elisabeth (Betje) Brouwer was born on 22-06-1901 in Meerssen (L), daughter of Simon Brouwer and Antje Jans Maret (see VI-h). Betje died on 31-12-1926 at 01:30 in Wervershoof, aged 25 (cause: trombose) [source: overlijdensakte].
At the age of 20, Betje married on 13-06-1922 in Medemblik Reindert Stam, aged 24 [source: akte nr 10]. Reindert was born on 07-11-1897 in Wervershoof, son of Klaas Stam and Teetje de Vries. Reindert died on 28-07-1976 in Opperdoes, aged 78.
Children of Betje and Reindert:
1 Teetje Stam, born on 27-02-1924 in Medemblik.
2 Antje Stam, born on 28-11-1926 in Medemblik. Follow VIII-a.
VIII-a Antje Stam was born on 28-11-1926 in Medemblik, daughter of Reindert Stam and Elisabeth (Betje) Brouwer (see VII-e). Antje married Klaas Schoen. Klaas was born on 02-08-1923.
Child of Antje and Klaas:
1 Elisabeth (Elli) Schoen. Follow IX-a.
IX-a Elisabeth (Elli) Schoen, daughter of Klaas Schoen and Antje Stam (see VIII-a). Elli married Dirk Stoter. Dirk was born on 29-09-1955 in Sint Jansklooster.
VII-f Lucas Brouwer was born on 02-07-1903 in Meerssen (L), son of Simon Brouwer and Antje Jans Maret (see VI-h). Lucas died on 07-11-1983, aged 80. He was buried in Weesp (Carspelhof).
At the age of 26, Lucas married on 07-08-1929 in Medemblik Aaltje van de Wetering, aged 20 [source: akte nr 11]. Aaltje was born on 24-01-1909 at 23:30 in Dortmund (D), daughter of Hendrik Harms van de Wetering and Trijntje Willems Bos. Aaltje died on 05-06-2000, aged 91. She was buried in Weesp (Carspelhof).
VII-g Jan Brouwer was born on 06-02-1906 in Amsterdam, son of Simon Brouwer and Antje Jans Maret (see VI-h). At the age of 22, Jan married on 13-06-1928 in Amsterdam Willemina Bongers, aged about 16. Willemina was born around 1912 in Olst, daughter of Hendrik Jan Bongers and Aaltje Hogeboom.
VII-h Klaas Brouwer was born on 07-04-1908 in Amsterdam, son of Simon Brouwer and Antje Jans Maret (see VI-h). At the age of 20, Klaas married on 31-10-1928 in Amsterdam Hendrika Bongers, aged about 16. Hendrika was born around 1912 in Olst, daughter of Hendrik Jan Bongers and Aaltje Hogeboom.
VI-i Klaas Jansz Maret was born on 19-01-1882 in Medemblik, son of Jan Jansz Maret de Jonge and Elisabeth Berends Lassche (see V-r). Klaas died on 22-09-1949 in Enkhuizen, aged 67. At the age of 22, Klaas married on 18-02-1904 in Andijk (NH) Marijtje Sterk, aged about 27. Marijtje was born around 1877 in Andijk (NH), daughter of Luit Sterk and Grietje Mantel.
VI-j Arendtje Jans Maret was born on 01-06-1884 in Medemblik, daughter of Jan Jansz Maret de Jonge and Elisabeth Berends Lassche (see V-r). Arendtje died on 24-03-1957 in Medemblik, aged 72. She was buried in Medemblik. At the age of 23, Arendtje married on 14-05-1908 in Medemblik Jan Willemsz Klaver, aged 23. Jan was born on 30-01-1885 in Wervershoof, son of Willem Jans Klaver and Elisabeth Groot. Jan died on 12-04-1976 in Medemblik, aged 91. He was buried in Medemblik.
V-s Klaas Berends Lassche was born on 22-12-1850 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Berend Jansz Lassche and Arendje Klaasdr Lens (see IV-p). Klaas died on 30-10-1935 in Enschede, aged 84. The death was registered on 30-10-1935 [source: akte nr 620].
At the age of 24, Klaas married on 20-08-1875 in Stad Vollenhove Johanna Edelenbos, aged 24 or 25 [source: akte nr 5]. Johanna was born in 1850 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Johanna Edelenbos. Johanna died before 1935, aged less than 85.
Children of Klaas and Johanna:
1 Arendje Klaas Lassche, born around 1876 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-k.
2 Johanna Klaas Lassche, born around 1880 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-l.
3 Siemen Klaas Lassche, born around 1884 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-m.
4 Willem Klaas Lassche, born around 1887 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-n.
5 Berend Klaas Lassche, born around 1888 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-o.
6 Elizabeth Klaas Lassche, born around 1889 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-p.
7 Hendrik Klaas Lassche, born around 1893 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-q.
VI-k Arendje Klaas Lassche was born around 1876 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Klaas Berends Lassche (see V-s) and Johanna Edelenbos. At about the age of 22, Arendje married on 27-10-1898 in Enschede Egbert Thijssen Jansen, aged 23 [source: akte nr 141]. Egbert was born on 13-03-1875 in Meppel, son of Thijs Egberts Jansen and Roelofje Wolters Beijer.
VI-l Johanna Klaas Lassche was born around 1880 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Klaas Berends Lassche (see V-s) and Johanna Edelenbos. At about the age of 24, Johanna married on 19-05-1904 in Enschede Hendrik Hendriks op de Haar, aged about 29 [source: akte nr 87]. Hendrik was born around 1875 in Hardenbergh, Ambt, son of Hendrik Jan op de Haar and Geertje Hendriks Veltink.
VI-m Siemen Klaas Lassche was born around 1884 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Klaas Berends Lassche (see V-s) and Johanna Edelenbos. At about the age of 23, Siemen married on 21-02-1907 in Enschede Akke Gosses Speekhout, aged about 22 [source: akte nr 29]. Akke was born around 1885 in Leeuwarderadeel, daughter of Gosse Speekhout and Johanna Kleefstra.
VI-n Willem Klaas Lassche was born around 1887 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Klaas Berends Lassche (see V-s) and Johanna Edelenbos. At about the age of 21, Willem married on 06-02-1908 in Enschede Jansje Hendrikus Vosmeijer, aged about 21 [source: akte nr 12]. Jansje was born around 1887 in Deventer, daughter of Hendrikus Vosmeijer and Maria Lodeweges.
VI-o Berend Klaas Lassche was born around 1888 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Klaas Berends Lassche (see V-s) and Johanna Edelenbos. At about the age of 14, Berend married on 25-06-1902 in Utrecht Gerritje Antonia ter Hoeve, aged about 22 [source: akte nr 334]. Gerritje was born around 1880 in Utrecht, daughter of Paul ter Hoeve and Willemina Helena de Bruin.
VI-p Elizabeth Klaas Lassche was born around 1889 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Klaas Berends Lassche (see V-s) and Johanna Edelenbos. At about the age of 20, Elizabeth married on 16-09-1909 in Enschede Hendrik Christiaan Lutje Spelberg, aged about 22 [source: akte nr 179]. Hendrik was born around 1887 in Enschede, son of Abraham Lutje Spelberg and Aleida Hermina Christina Lentfert.
VI-q Hendrik Klaas Lassche was born around 1893 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Klaas Berends Lassche (see V-s) and Johanna Edelenbos.
At about the age of 24, Hendrik married on 27-12-1917 Clasina Cornelis van Eldik, aged about 22. Clasina was born around 1895 in Valburg (Gld), daughter of Cornelis Willem van Eldik and Hendrika Gidding.
V-t Klaas Stevens Schuurman was born around 1853, son of Steven Teunisz Schuurman and Arendje Klaasdr Lens (see IV-p). At about the age of 36, Klaas married on 28-01-1889 in Stad Vollenhove Johanna Jans Jongman, aged 20 [source: akte nr 1]. Johanna was born on 04-11-1868 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Jan Johannes Jongman and Jentje Saat Noordijk.
V-u Willem Stevens Schuurman was born around 1856 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Steven Teunisz Schuurman and Arendje Klaasdr Lens (see IV-p). Willem died on 01-05-1930 in Stad Vollenhove, aged about 74.
At about the age of 24, Willem married on 18-05-1880 in Stad Vollenhove Aaltjen Derks van der Vegt, aged 22 or 23. Aaltjen was born in 1857 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Derk Lamberts van der Vegt and Zwaantje Willems Huisman.
Children of Willem and Aaltjen:
1 Derk Willems Schuurman, born around 1887 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-r.
2 Arendje Willems Schuurman, born on 12-08-1890 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-s.
VI-r Derk Willems Schuurman was born around 1887 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Willem Stevens Schuurman (see V-u) and Aaltjen Derks van der Vegt.
At about the age of 24, Derk married on 03-06-1911 in Stad Vollenhove Lupje Klaas Rozeboom, aged about 26 [source: akte nr 7]. At the civil wedding of Derk and Lupje the following witnesses were present: Gerrit Henricus Jongman (born 1839) [mother’s second cousin of the bride], Stoffer Simons Vis (1871-1948), Steven Berends Oosten (±1879-1941) [brother-in-law of the bride] and Johannes Hendriks Jongman (1882-1962) [see VI-s] [brother-in-law of the groom]. Lupje was born around 1885 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Klaas Arnoldus Rozeboom and Garrigje Jans Jongman. Lupje died on 24-05-1914 in Stad Vollenhove, aged about 29.
Child of Derk and Lupje:
1 Aaltje Schuurman, born around 1912 in Stad Vollenhove. Aaltje died on 07-07-1914 in Stad Vollenhove, aged about 2.
VI-s Arendje Willems Schuurman was born on 12-08-1890 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Willem Stevens Schuurman (see V-u) and Aaltjen Derks van der Vegt. Arendje died on 11-02-1946 in Vollenhove, aged 55. At the age of 19, Arendje married on 26-02-1910 in Stad Vollenhove Johannes Hendriks Jongman, aged 27 [source: akte nr 3]. Johannes was born on 25-10-1882 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Hendrik Derks Jongman and Jansjen Kroes. Johannes died on 08-12-1962 in Vollenhove, aged 80. He was buried in Vollenhove (De Voorst).
Witness to:
03-06-1911     marriage Derk Willems Schuurman (born ±1887) and Lupje Klaas Rozeboom (±1885-1914) [see VI-r]    [brother-in-law of the groom]   [source: akte nr 7]
Child of Arendje and Johannes:
1 Jansje Jongman, born around 1910 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VII-i.
VII-i Jansje Jongman was born around 1910 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Johannes Hendriks Jongman and Arendje Willems Schuurman (see VI-s). At about the age of 21, Jansje married on 07-11-1931 in Stad Vollenhove Tiemen Tiemens Zandbergen, aged 29 [source: akte nr 10]. Tiemen was born on 29-09-1902 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Tiemen Siemens Zandbergen and Koos Rozeboom.
V-v Siemen Stevens Schuurman was born around 1861 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Steven Teunisz Schuurman and Arendje Klaasdr Lens (see IV-p). Siemen died on 12-03-1946 in Vollenhove, aged about 85.
At about the age of 36, Siemen married on 03-07-1897 in Ambt Vollenhove Janna Jans Schurink, aged about 21 [source: akte nr 11]. Janna was born around 1876 in Ambt Vollenhove, daughter of Jan Alberts Schurink and Aaltje Tiemens Regeling.
IV-q Hendrikje Willemina Lens was born on 07-09-1831 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Klaas Hendriksz Lens (see III-f) and Willemina Jans Visschers. Hendrikje died on 20-09-1891 in Ambt Vollenhove, aged 60 [source: 1891/35].
(1) At the age of 33, Hendrikje married on 12-04-1865 in Beilen (Dr) Jannes Jakobsz Dijks, aged 45 [source: akte nr 4]. Jannes was born on 07-01-1820 in Sleen (Dr), son of Jakob Jansen Dijks and Harmtien Lamberts. Jannes died on 08-03-1868 in Makkum (Beilen) (Dr), aged 48. The death was registered on 09-03-1868 [source: akte nr 16]. Jannes was widower of Roelofje Jans Timmermans (1819-1857), whom he married on 26-04-1845 in Oosterhesselen (Dr). Jannes was widower of Jantje Willems Nijzing (1820-1864), whom he married on 19-04-1859 in Beilen (Dr).
(2) At the age of 38, Hendrikje married on 09-07-1870 in Stad Vollenhove Klaas Jans Edelenbos, aged 48 [source: akte nr 8]. Klaas was born on 26-03-1822 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Jan Jacobs Edelenbos and Pietertje van Leuveren. Klaas died on 17-12-1872 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 50. The death was registered [source: akte nr 38].
(3) At the age of 47, Hendrikje married on 24-04-1879 in Ambt Vollenhove Kees Alberts Meijlof, aged 42. Kees was born on 07-05-1836 in Ambt Vollenhove, son of Albert Hermens Meijlof and Berendina Keessen Post. Kees died on 13-04-1929 in Staphorst, aged 92. Kees was widower of Jacobje Gerrits Huisman (±1842-before 1879), whom he married on 26-02-1859 in Ambt Vollenhove. Kees married Hendrikje Klaas van Smirren (1835-1925) on 19-11-1891 in Ambt Vollenhove.
Child of Hendrikje from an unknown relationship:
1 Mina Lens, born on 03-12-1856 in Ouder-Amstel (NH). Mina died on 31-08-1864 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 7 [source: 1864/33]. At the death registration of Mina the following witnesses were present: Jan Hendriks Jongman (born 1816) and Riekent Jan Jongman (1818-1883).
Note about Mina: In de overlijdensakte wordt als moeder genoemd: Hendrikje Lens.
Ik vermoed dat dit Hendrikje Willemina Lens is; Mina is dan een voorhuwelijks kind van een onbekende vader.
Dit vermoeden wordt gesterkt door het feit dat het eerste kind tijdens huwelijk Wilhelmina heet, naar de moeder van Hendrikje.
Child of Hendrikje and Jannes:
2 Willemina Jannes Dijks, born on 06-10-1864 in Makken (Beilen). Willemina died on 08-04-1873 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 8.
Child of Hendrikje and Klaas:
3 Petertje Edelenbos, born on 14-03-1871 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-w.
V-w Petertje Edelenbos was born on 14-03-1871 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Klaas Jans Edelenbos and Hendrikje Willemina Lens (see IV-q). Petertje died on 02-02-1912 in Blokzijl, aged 40. The death was registered on 02-02-1912 [source: akte nr 6]. At the age of 21, Petertje married on 25-04-1892 in Ambt Vollenhove Jan Kroeke, aged 21 [source: akte nr 5]. Jan was born on 06-03-1871 in Ambt Vollenhove, son of Gerrit Jans Kroeke and Hendrikje Klaas van Smirren. Jan married Femmichien Talen (born ±1860) on 19-10-1918 in Meppel [source: akte nr 66]. Jan married Jentje Bruinenberg (±1871-1962) on 30-01-1962 in Staphorst [source: akte nr 6].
Children of Petertje and Jan:
1 Gerrit Jans Kroeke, born around 1894 in Ambt Vollenhove. Follow VI-t.
2 Kees Jans Kroeke, born around 1896 in Ambt Vollenhove. Follow VI-u.
3 Hendrika Willemina (Heintje) Kroeke, born around 1898 in Ambt Vollenhove. Follow VI-v.
4 Hendrikjen Klazina Kroeke, born around 1900 in Ambt Vollenhove. Follow VI-w.
5 Aaltje Kroeke, born around 1904 in Blokzijl. Follow VI-x.
6 Dina Kroeke, born around 1910 in Blokzijl. Follow VI-y.
VI-t Gerrit Jans Kroeke was born around 1894 in Ambt Vollenhove, son of Jan Kroeke and Petertje Edelenbos (see V-w).
Korporaal KNIL
At about the age of 27, Gerrit married on 13-04-1921 in Arnhem Carolina Berendina van de Spreng, aged about 22 [source: akte nr 162]. Carolina was born around 1899 in Rheden, daughter of Martinus van de Spreng and Daatje Bosman.
VI-u Kees Jans Kroeke was born around 1896 in Ambt Vollenhove, son of Jan Kroeke and Petertje Edelenbos (see V-w). At about the age of 21, Kees married on 12-05-1917 in Blokzijl Zwaantje Henderina Apeldoorn, aged about 21. Zwaantje was born around 1896, daughter of Berend Jans Apeldoorn and Henderina Jans Mondria.
VI-v Hendrika Willemina (Heintje) Kroeke was born around 1898 in Ambt Vollenhove, daughter of Jan Kroeke and Petertje Edelenbos (see V-w).
At about the age of 22, Heintje married on 05-11-1920 in Borculo (Gl) Arend Jan Oltwater, aged about 25 [source: akte nr 43]. Arend was born around 1895 in Borculo (Gl), son of Garrit Willem Oltwater and Johanna Leeftink.
VI-w Hendrikjen Klazina Kroeke was born around 1900 in Ambt Vollenhove, daughter of Jan Kroeke and Petertje Edelenbos (see V-w). Hendrikjen died on 15-06-1926 in Markelo, aged about 26.
At about the age of 19, Hendrikjen married on 22-08-1919 in Borculo (Gl) Dirk Hendrik Hondeveld, aged about 39 [source: akte nr 23]. Dirk was born around 1880 in Markelo, son of Albert Hondeveld and Egbertina Breukink.
VI-x Aaltje Kroeke was born around 1904 in Blokzijl, daughter of Jan Kroeke and Petertje Edelenbos (see V-w). At about the age of 27, Aaltje married on 25-04-1931 in Diepenheim Willem Cornelis van Hattem, aged about 47 [source: akte nr 3]. Willem was born around 1884 in Tiel. Willem was widower of Johanna Geertrui van Kuijk (died before 1931), whom he married before 1931. Willem was widower of Maria Suzanna Donkersloot (died before 1931), whom he married before 1931.
VI-y Dina Kroeke was born around 1910 in Blokzijl, daughter of Jan Kroeke and Petertje Edelenbos (see V-w). At about the age of 18, Dina married on 22-09-1928 in Markelo Egbert Jan Lammertink, aged about 18 [source: akte nr 28]. Egbert was born around 1910 in Diepenheim.
IV-r Hendrik Lens was born on 24-03-1833 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Klaas Hendriksz Lens (see III-f) and Jantje Kees Wind Post. Hendrik died on 24-01-1914 in Kuinre, aged 80 [source: 1914/4]. The death was registered on 24-01-1914 [source: akte nr 4].
from 1866     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
up to 1914     Wijk 1 nummer 144, Kuinre
up to 1861     Visser
from 1863     Veehouder
from 1904     Boerenarbeider
At the age of 24, Hendrik married on 01-05-1857 in Stad Vollenhove Femmigjen Brandsma, aged 20 [source: S1857/3]. Femmigjen was born on 13-04-1837 in Kuinre, daughter of Willem Rommerts Brandsma and Petertjen Roelofs Kok. Femmigjen died on 22-04-1921 in Kuinre, aged 84. The death was registered on 23-04-1921 [source: akte nr 6].
from 1866     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
Children of Hendrik and Femmigjen:
1 Petertje Lens, born on 15-08-1858 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-x.
2 Klaas Lens, born on 06-11-1859 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-y.
3 Jannetje Lens, born on 14-08-1861 in Stad Vollenhove. Jannetje died on 16-08-1861 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 2 days [source: 1861/29].
4 Willem Lens, born on 28-12-1862 in Stad Vollenhove. Willem died on 23-05-1863 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 4 months [source: 1863/14].
5 Jantje Lens, born on 20-02-1864 at 12:00 in Stad Vollenhove. The birth was registered on 22-02-1864 [source: Geboorteakte 12]. At the birth registration of Jantje the following witness was present: Luite Keessen Wint Post (born 1802) [granduncle father’s side]. Jantje died on 15-09-1868 in Blankenham (Ov), aged 4. The death was registered on 16-09-1868 [source: akte nr 10].
from 1866     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
6 Geesje Lens, born on 22-11-1866 in Blankenham (Ov). Follow V-z.
7 Willem Lens, born on 18-04-1869 in Blankenham (Ov). Follow V-aa.
8 Rommert Lens, born on 01-12-1871 in Blankenham (Ov). Follow V-ab.
9 Jantje Lens, born on 18-07-1874 in Blankenham (Ov). Jantje died on 13-07-1905 at 10:30 in Grave (NB), aged 30. The death was registered on 13-07-1905 [source: ovl akte nr 44]. Jantje remained unmarried.
from 1866     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
10 Hendrik Lens, born on 25-03-1877 in Blankenham (Ov). Hendrik died on 14-03-1879 in Blankenham (Ov), aged 1 [source: 1879/3]. The death was registered on 15-03-1879 [source: akte nr 3].
from 1866     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
11 Marrigje Lens, born on 21-01-1879 in Blankenham (Ov). Marrigje died on 18-05-1895 in Blankenham (Ov), aged 16 [source: 1895/6]. The death was registered on 20-05-1895 [source: akte nr 6].
from 1866     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
12 Hendrik Lens, born on 05-03-1882 in Blankenham (Ov). Follow V-ac.
V-x Petertje Lens was born on 15-08-1858 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Hendrik Lens (see IV-r) and Femmigjen Brandsma. Petertje died on 15-03-1917 in Kuinre, aged 58 [source: 1917/3]. The death was registered on 16-03-1917 [source: akte nr 3].
from 1866     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
At the age of 26, Petertje married on 29-04-1885 in Kuinre Hendrik Davids Groen, aged 26 [source: akte nr 1]. Hendrik was born on 27-03-1859 in Kuinre, son of David Willems Groen and Hilligjen Willems de Lange. Hendrik died on 28-04-1892 in Kuinre, aged 33 [source: 1892/10]. The death was registered on 29-04-1892 [source: akte nr 10].
Children of Petertje and Hendrik:
1 Hilligje Hendriks Groen, born on 08-11-1885 in Kuinre. Follow VI-z.
2 Hendrika Hendriks Groen, born on 20-11-1892 in Kuinre. Follow VI-aa.
VI-z Hilligje Hendriks Groen was born on 08-11-1885 in Kuinre, daughter of Hendrik Davids Groen and Petertje Lens (see V-x). Hilligje died on 05-10-1915 in Kuinre, aged 29. The death was registered on 06-10-1915 [source: akte nr 11]. At the age of 24, Hilligje married on 06-05-1910 in Kuinre Albert Doekes Pereboom, aged about 26 [source: akte nr 2]. Albert was born around 1884 in Kuinre, son of Doeke Tettes Pereboom and Geertje Alberts Kamman. Albert married Hendrika Hendriks Groen (1892-1983), see VI-aa, on 09-05-1919 in Kuinre [source: akte nr 3].
Koopman (1910), Postbode (1919)
VI-aa Hendrika Hendriks Groen was born on 20-11-1892 in Kuinre, daughter of Hendrik Davids Groen and Petertje Lens (see V-x). Hendrika died on 16-05-1983, aged 90. At the age of 26, Hendrika married on 09-05-1919 in Kuinre Albert Doekes Pereboom, aged about 35 [source: akte nr 3]. Albert was born around 1884 in Kuinre, son of Doeke Tettes Pereboom and Geertje Alberts Kamman. Albert was widower of Hilligje Hendriks Groen (1885-1915), whom he married on 06-05-1910 in Kuinre [source: akte nr 2].
Koopman (1910), Postbode (1919)
V-y Klaas Lens was born on 06-11-1859 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Hendrik Lens (see IV-r) and Femmigjen Brandsma. Klaas died on 09-09-1932 in Kuinre, aged 72 [source: 1932/6]. The death was registered on 10-09-1932 [source: akte nr 6]. Klaas remained childless.
1866 to 1885     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
Arbeider (1885), Boer (tot 1916) (In februari 1915 en maart 1916 wordt via Notaris Meyboom de inventaris van de boerderij verkocht, o.a. 7 koeien die kalven moeten, 1 halfde-pink, mestbult, 2 nieuwe 30L melkbussen.)
At the age of 25, Klaas married on 29-04-1885 in Blankenham (Ov) Egbertjen de Lange, aged 31 [source: akte nr 3]. Egbertjen was born on 21-10-1853 in Kuinre, daughter of Jan Willem de Lange and Grietje Egberts Poepjes. Egbertjen died on 11-05-1931 in Blankenham (Ov), aged 77 [source: 1931/4]. The death was registered on 11-05-1931 [source: akte nr 4].
V-z Geesje Lens was born on 22-11-1866 in Blankenham (Ov), daughter of Hendrik Lens (see IV-r) and Femmigjen Brandsma. Geesje died on 14-02-1941 in Kuinre, aged 74. The death was registered on 15-02-1941 [source: akte nr 3]. She was buried on 18-02-1941 in Kuinre (alg. oud).
from 1866     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
from 14-05-1887     Weststellingwerf (Fr)
At the age of 20, Geesje married on 14-05-1887 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) Jansen Outjes, aged 46 [source: akte nr 46]. Jansen was born on 15-04-1841 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), son of Arent Hette Outjes and Anna Lempka de Boer. Jansen died on 07-12-1912 in Kuinre, aged 71. Jansen was widower of Nellegje Paulus Fledderus (1840-1886), whom he married on 23-05-1868 in Weststellingwerf (Fr) [source: akte nr 71].
Bakker (1868), Visser (1887)
Children of Geesje and Jansen:
1 Nellegje Jansen Outjes, born on 15-06-1888 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Follow VI-ab.
2 Hette Jansen Outjes, born on 03-03-1891 in Weststellingwerf (Fr). Follow VI-ac.
3 Hendrik Outjes, born on 30-08-1893 in Kuinre. He was baptised on 29-10-1893 in Kuinre. Hendrik died on 18-02-1978 in Kuinre, aged 84. He was buried in Kuinre (alg. oud).
4 Jansen Outjes, born on 06-02-1896 in Kuinre. He was baptised on 05-04-1896 in Kuinre. Jansen died on 17-07-1970 in Emmeloord (N.O.P.), aged 74. He was buried in Kuinre (alg. oud).
5 Jan Outjes, born on 21-07-1898 in Kuinre. Follow VI-ad.
6 Piet Outjes, born on 21-07-1898 in Kuinre. He was baptised on 25-09-1898 in Kuinre. Piet died on 13-11-1903 in Kuinre, aged 5.
7 Marinus Outjes, born on 16-09-1901 in Kuinre. He was baptised on 08-12-1901 in Kuinre.
8 Petertje Outjes, born in 1906 in Kuinre. Follow VI-ae.
VI-ab Nellegje Jansen Outjes was born on 15-06-1888 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), daughter of Jansen Outjes and Geesje Lens (see V-z). Nellegje died on 27-02-1960 in Kuinre, aged 71. She was buried in Kuinre (alg. oud). At the age of 17, Nellegje married on 23-02-1906 in Kuinre Pelle Willems de Lange, aged 27 [source: akte nr 1]. Pelle was born on 23-07-1878 in Kuinre, son of Willem Jans de Lange and Reinsje Dierks Kooij. Pelle died on 16-02-1949 in Kuinre, aged 70. He was buried in Kuinre (alg. oud).
VI-ac Hette Jansen Outjes was born on 03-03-1891 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), son of Jansen Outjes and Geesje Lens (see V-z). He was baptised on 29-10-1893 in Kuinre.
At the age of 23, Hette married on 27-05-1914 in Amsterdam Geertruida Piet, aged about 24 [source: Reg.2C;fol.48]. Geertruida was born around 1890 in Mijdrecht (Ut), daughter of Jacob Piet and Koosje van Deijl.
VI-ad Jan Outjes was born on 21-07-1898 in Kuinre, son of Jansen Outjes and Geesje Lens (see V-z). He was baptised on 25-09-1898 in Kuinre. At the age of 28, Jan married on 21-10-1926 in Mijdrecht (Ut) Alida de Rooij, aged about 30 [source: akte nr 16]. Alida was born around 1896 in Mijdrecht (Ut), daughter of Jan de Rooij and Maria Johanna van Tol.
VI-ae Petertje Outjes was born in 1906 in Kuinre, daughter of Jansen Outjes and Geesje Lens (see V-z). Petertje died on 28-08-1947 in Amsterdam, aged 40 or 41. At the age of 22 or 23, Petertje married on 06-12-1929 in Mijdrecht (Ut) Hendrik de Rooij, aged 26 or 27 [source: akte nr 23]. Hendrik was born in 1902 in Mijdrecht (Ut), son of Jan de Rooij and Maria Johanna van Tol.
V-aa Willem Lens was born on 18-04-1869 in Blankenham (Ov), son of Hendrik Lens (see IV-r) and Femmigjen Brandsma. Willem died on 04-04-1908 in Amsterdam, aged 38. Willem remained childless.
1869 to 1902     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
09-02-1902 to 11-01-1908     Ouder-Amstel (NH)
11-01-1908 to 04-04-1908     Amsterdam
At the age of 33, Willem married on 09-08-1902 in Ouder-Amstel (NH) Wiegertje Johannes Hakse, aged 27 [source: akte nr 19]. Wiegertje was born on 21-12-1874 in Gaastmeer (Wymbritseradeel), daughter of Hannes Wiegers Hakse and Geisjen Wietzes Veldkamp. The birth was registered on 22-12-1874 [source: Aktenummer: A 440]. Wiegertje died on 13-11-1951 in Utrecht, aged 76. Wiegertje married Jacob Jielisz van Dalen (1858-1941) on 31-03-1910 in Brakel (Gld) [source: akte nr 3].
09-02-1902 to 11-01-1908     Ouder-Amstel (NH)
11-01-1908 to 17-02-1909     Amsterdam
17-02-1909 to 31-03-1910     ’s-Gravenhage
from 31-03-1910     Brakel
V-ab Rommert Lens was born on 01-12-1871 in Blankenham (Ov), son of Hendrik Lens (see IV-r) and Femmigjen Brandsma. Rommert died on 25-01-1922 in Amsteldijk (Nieuwer-Amstel), aged 50 [source: Overlijdensadvertentie Hepkema’s Courant 31-01-1922].
1871 to 1894     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
Werkman, Boerenarbeider
At the age of 22, Rommert married on 07-03-1894 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH) Aaltje Beukema, aged 26 [source: akte nr 37]. Aaltje was born on 09-01-1868 in Havelte (Dr), daughter of Jan Jacobs Beukema and Janna Ruine. Aaltje died after 1932, aged more than 64.
Children of Rommert and Aaltje:
1 Femmetje Lens, born on 17-07-1894 in Ouder-Amstel (NH). Follow VI-af.
2 .... Lens, stillborn daughter, born on 17-07-1894 in Ouder-Amstel (NH).
3 Jan Lens, born on 14-12-1895 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH). Follow VI-ag.
4 Hendrik (Henk) Lens, born on 18-06-1897 in Amsterdam (Ouder-Amstel). Follow VI-ah.
VI-af Femmetje Lens was born on 17-07-1894 in Ouder-Amstel (NH), daughter of Rommert Lens (see V-ab) and Aaltje Beukema. At the age of 22, Femmetje married on 26-10-1916 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH) Maarten Cornelis van Schieveen, aged 22 [source: akte nr 33]. Maarten was born on 21-12-1893 in Schoonhoven, son of Jan van Schieveen and Jannigje Maria Goudriaan. Maarten died on 15-03-1952 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH), aged 58.
Child of Femmetje and Maarten:
1 Aaltje van Schieveen, born around 06-1918 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH). Aaltje died on 08-02-1919 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH), aged about 8 months.
1959_jan_lens.jpg 1960_jan_lens.jpg
5 Jan Lens
Terreinknecht bij Ajax
6 Jan Lens
VI-ag Jan Lens (img. 5 and 6) was born on 14-12-1895 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH), son of Rommert Lens (see V-ab) and Aaltje Beukema. Jan died on 10-03-1980 in Amsterdam, aged 84. The death was registered [source: akte nr E-784]. He was buried on 14-03-1980 in Amsterdam (De Nieuwe Ooster).
Arbeider gasfabriek (1918), Terreinknecht (bij Ajax, sinds 1934), Koetsier (Zie artikel in de Volkskrant van 10 december 1959,
artikel in De Waarheid van 18 januari 1960,
in De Telegraaf van 10 december 1959, en Het Vrije Volk van 11 december 1959.)
Witness to:
21-07-1932     marriage Henk Lens (1897-after 1980) and Riek van Vliet (1899-after 1980) [see VI-ah]    [brother of the groom]   [source: Reg.6D;fol.5]
At the age of 22, Jan married on 19-06-1918 in Ouder-Amstel (NH) Stijntje Alberts Zielstra, aged 21 [source: akte nr 16], after their intention to marry had been registered on 05-06-1918 in Ouder-Amstel (NH). Stijntje was born on 08-07-1896 in Watergraafsmeer, daughter of Albert Zielstra and Hendrika Griffioen. Stijntje died on 22-06-1977 in Amsterdam, aged 80. She was buried on 27-06-1977 in Amsterdam (De Nieuwe Ooster).
Children of Jan and Stijntje:
1 Aaltje Lens, born on 26-05-1919 in Amsterdam. Aaltje died on 21-10-1946 in Harderwijk, aged 27. She was buried on 25-10-1946 in Amsterdam (De Nieuwe Ooster). Aaltje remained unmarried.
2 Hendrika Lens, born on 03-12-1920 in Amsterdam. Follow VII-j.
3 Christina Lens, born on 28-03-1929 in Amsterdam. Follow VII-k.
VII-j Hendrika Lens was born on 03-12-1920 in Amsterdam, daughter of Jan Lens (see VI-ag) and Stijntje Alberts Zielstra. Hendrika died. At the age of 21, Hendrika married on 21-05-1942 in Amsterdam Willem Jongeneel, aged 22. Willem was born on 25-04-1920. Willem died on 28-11-2004 in Amsterdam, aged 84. He was buried on 02-12-2004 in Amsterdam (De Nieuwe Ooster).
VII-k Christina Lens was born on 28-03-1929 in Amsterdam, daughter of Jan Lens (see VI-ag) and Stijntje Alberts Zielstra. Christina died on 10-01-2010 in Amsterdam, aged 80. She was cremated on 18-01-2010 in Amsterdam (De Nieuwe Ooster).
Note about the decease of Christina: asbestemming: verstrooien op zee (met bericht)
At the age of 20, Christina married on 09-11-1949 in Amsterdam J.W. Maljers.
hendrik_lens_ca_1970.jpg hendrika_van_vliet_ca_1967.jpg
7 Hendrik Lens ca 1970
8 Hendrika van Vliet ca 1967
VI-ah Hendrik (Henk) Lens (img. 7) was born on 18-06-1897 in Amsterdam (Ouder-Amstel), son of Rommert Lens (see V-ab) and Aaltje Beukema. Henk died after 1980 in Oostzaan, aged more than 83.
from 24-08-1921     Amsteldijk 198-huis, Amsterdam   [source: Gezinskaart Hendrik Lens]
03-09-1923 to 11-07-1933     Over-Ouderkerk 38, Nieuwer-Amstel (NH)
11-07-1933 to 03-01-1935     1e Jan Steenstraat 131-huis, Amsterdam
from 03-01-1935     Boerenjonkerstraat 21, Zaandam   [source: Gezinskaart Hendrik Lens]
Koetsier (1921), Veehouder (1932), Karrenverhuurder
(1) At the age of 24, Henk married on 24-08-1921 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH) Johanna Onderwater, aged 23 [source: akte nr 50], after their intention to marry had been registered on 09-07-1932 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH). Johanna was born on 08-03-1898 in Ouder-Amstel (NH), daughter of Abraham Onderwater and Marretje Dolman. Johanna died on 06-04-1930 in Amsterdam, aged 32.
(2) At the age of 35, Henk married on 21-07-1932 in Amsterdam Hendrika (Riek) van Vliet (img. 8), aged 33 [source: Reg.6D;fol.5], after their intention to marry had been registered on 03-07-1932 in Amsterdam. At the civil wedding of Henk and Riek the following witnesses were present: Lambertius Onderwater (born 1886) and Jan Lens (1895-1980) [see VI-ag] [brother of the groom]. Riek was born on 21-01-1899 in Amsterdam (Ouder-Amstel), daughter of Mattheus Arie van Vliet and Alida Koers. Riek died after 1980 in Oostzaan, aged more than 81.
11-07-1933 to 03-01-1935     1e Jan Steenstraat 131-huis, Amsterdam
from 03-01-1935     Boerenjonkerstraat 21, Zaandam   [source: Gezinskaart Hendrik Lens]
Children of Henk and Johanna:
1 Rommert Lens, born on 09-01-1922 in Amsterdam. Follow VII-l.
2 Abraham Lens, born on 24-02-1923 in Amsterdam. Follow VII-m.
Child of Henk and Riek:
9 Mattheus Arie Lens
3 Mattheus Arie Lens (img. 9), born on 19-11-1933 in Amsterdam. Mattheus died on 07-06-1947 in Zaandam, aged 13.
10 Rommert Lens
VII-l Rommert Lens (img. 10) was born on 09-01-1922 in Amsterdam, son of Hendrik (Henk) Lens (see VI-ah) and Johanna Onderwater. Rommert died on 17-05-2009 in Zaandam, aged 87. He was buried in Zaandam (Gem Begraafplaats) [source:].
Note about Rommert: Heeft in 1940-1945 een paspoort aangevraagd (Amsterdam).
Rommert married Richtje Beuker. Richtje was born on 31-12-1921. Richtje died on 04-03-2014 in Zaandam, aged 92. She was buried in Zaandam (Gem Begraafplaats).
Child of Rommert and Richtje:
1 Herman Lens.
11 1932-08-31 Het Vaderland
VII-m Abraham Lens (img. 11) was born on 24-02-1923 in Amsterdam, son of Hendrik (Henk) Lens (see VI-ah) and Johanna Onderwater. Abraham died on 18-01-1986 in Oostzaan, aged 62 (cause: ongeval) [source: ovl advertentie]. He was buried on 22-01-1986 in Oostzaan [source: ovl advertentie]. Abraham married A. van Elsäcker.
Children of Abraham and A.:
1 Hendrik Lens.
12 Afina Lens
2 Afina Lens (img. 12).
3 Hans Lens, born around 1957.
V-ac Hendrik Lens was born on 05-03-1882 in Blankenham (Ov), son of Hendrik Lens (see IV-r) and Femmigjen Brandsma. Hendrik died after 1954, aged more than 72.
1882 to 1904     Huis nummer 69, Blankenham (Ov)
Boerenarbeider (1904), Scheepmaker (1906)
At the age of 22, Hendrik married on 02-11-1904 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH) Lena Stolk, aged 23 [source: akte nr 40]. Lena was born on 21-05-1881 in Ouder-Amstel (NH), daughter of Gijs Stolk and Janna Brandse. Lena died on 05-11-1950 in Amsterdam, aged 69.
Children of Hendrik and Lena:
1 Hendrik Lens, born on 01-04-1905 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH). Follow VI-ai.
2 Johanna Lens, born around 11-1906. Johanna died on 05-12-1906 at 18:00 in Gouda, aged about 1 month [source: overlijdensakte]. The death was registered on 06-12-1906 [source: akte nr 417].
3 Femmigje Lens, born on 28-01-1908 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH). Follow VI-aj.
4 Janna Lens, born on 16-11-1910 in Mijdrecht (Ut).
5 Rommert Lens, born on 04-07-1912 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH). Follow VI-ak.
6 Lena (Helen) Lens, born on 02-09-1921 in Ouder-Amstel (NH). Follow VI-al.
VI-ai Hendrik Lens was born on 01-04-1905 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH), son of Hendrik Lens (see V-ac) and Lena Stolk. Hendrik died on 08-09-1966 in Bussum, aged 61.
Techn ambt PTD(o)
At the age of 28, Hendrik married on 20-04-1933 in Amsterdam Marrijtje Spaargaren, aged 29. Marrijtje was born on 10-09-1903 in Amsterdam, daughter of Willem Spaargaren and Marrijtje Reurekas.
Children of Hendrik and Marrijtje:
1 Rudi Lens, born on 20-11-1938 in Amsterdam.
13 Lydia Lens
2 Lydia Lens (img. 13), born on 20-09-1944 in Amsterdam.
from 2007     Tesselschadestraat 56, Hendrik Ido Ambacht (ZH)
from 15-09-2014     Tesselschadestraat 56, 3341 TG Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht
from 15-09-2014     Communicatieadviseur (Eenmanszaak LensCreaComm)
VI-aj Femmigje Lens was born on 28-01-1908 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH), daughter of Hendrik Lens (see V-ac) and Lena Stolk. Femmigje died on 13-01-1991 in Amstelveen (NH), aged 82. At the age of 25, Femmigje married on 17-05-1933 in Ouder-Amstel (NH) Jozua Franciscus Bromet, aged 26 [source:]. Jozua was born on 12-10-1906 in Amsterdam, son of Franciscus Bromet and Matje Dooijeweerd. Jozua died on 09-08-1989 in Amsterdam, aged 82.
Opzichter; Technisch Hoofdambtenaar
Children of Femmigje and Jozua:
1 Franciscus Bromet. Follow VII-n.
2 Hendrik Bromet. Follow VII-o.
3 Marga Bromet. Follow VII-p.
VII-n Franciscus Bromet, son of Jozua Franciscus Bromet and Femmigje Lens (see VI-aj). Franciscus married Cecilia Cornelia Pauline van Doorneveld.
VII-o Hendrik Bromet, son of Jozua Franciscus Bromet and Femmigje Lens (see VI-aj). Hendrik married Maria Johanna de Haas.
VII-p Marga Bromet, daughter of Jozua Franciscus Bromet and Femmigje Lens (see VI-aj). Marga married P. Th. de Kuiper.
1912lensrommert.jpg 1912lens_rommert_grafsteen.jpg 1915dijkhuizenjohanna.jpg
14 Rommert Lens (1955)
15 Grafsteen
16 Johanna Dijkhuizen
VI-ak Rommert Lens (img. 14 and 15) was born on 04-07-1912 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH), son of Hendrik Lens (see V-ac) and Lena Stolk. Rommert died on 11-10-1999 in Portland, Victoria, Australië, aged 87. He was buried in Portland, Victoria, Australië [source: Portland Cemetary CD].
from 13-12-1956     39, Cape Nelson Rd, Portland, Wannon, Victoria, Australia (Naar Australië geëmigreerd. Aankomst in Melbourne op 13-12-1956 met de Johan van Oldebarnevelt. Kiezerslijsten vanaf 1968 tot 1980)
(Taxi)chauffeur, grondwerker, breier, wever (In 1940-1945 tewerk gesteld in Duitsland; heeft op 11-12-1942 een paspoort aangevraagd.)
Boerenknecht (1955)
At the age of 26, Rommert married on 19-10-1938 in Ouder-Amstel (NH) Johanna van Dijkhuizen (img. 16), aged 23. Johanna was born on 08-03-1915 in Abcoude-Proostdij, daughter of Jan van Dijkhuizen and Johanna Meijers. Johanna died on 20-07-1999 in Portland, Victoria, Australië, aged 84. She was buried in Portland, Victoria, Australië [source: Portland Cemetary CD].
Children of Rommert and Johanna:
17 Lena Lens (1955)
1 Lena (Helen) Lens (img. 17), born on 03-09-1940.
18 Jan Lens (1955)
2 Jan (John) Lens (img. 18), born on 28-04-1945.
19 Johanna Lens (1955)
3 Johanna Lens (img. 19), born on 23-10-1951.
lenslena.jpg mannak_albert.jpg
20 Lena Lens
21 Albert Mannak
VI-al Lena (Helen) Lens (img. 20) was born on 02-09-1921 in Ouder-Amstel (NH), daughter of Hendrik Lens (see V-ac) and Lena Stolk. Helen died on 01-08-2008 in Clearview-Adelaide (Australië), aged 86. She was cremated in Clearview (Enfield Memorial Park).
17-11-1955 to 27-02-1956     Simon Stevinstraat 7 ’, Amsterdam, Nederland
from 03-03-1956     Australië (naar Australië geëmigreerd per MS ZUIDERKRUIS)   [source: Aankomst in Adelaide]
At the age of 25, Helen married on 06-08-1947 Albert Mannak (img. 21), aged 22. Albert was born on 10-09-1924 in Vlagtwedde (Gr), son of Aaldert Mannak and Alida Johanna Nust. Albert died on 08-05-1985 in Clearview-Adelaide (Australië), aged 60. He was cremated in Clearview (Enfield Memorial Park).
01-12-1946 to 1953     Balistraat 55/1, Amsterdam
07-07-1953 to 27-02-1956     Simon Stevinstraat 7 ’, Amsterdam, Nederland
from 03-03-1956     (Naar Australië geëmigreerd per ZUIDERKRUIS)   [source: Aankomst in Adelaide]
01-06-1945 to 01-12-1946     Bewaker, deputy detective bij het Politiek Onderzoeksbureau O.M. Amsterdam
from 01-12-1946     Chauffeur
Children of Helen and Albert:
1 Aaldert Mannak, born on 03-07-1950 in Amsterdam.
17-11-1955 to 27-02-1956     Simon Stevinstraat 7 ’, Amsterdam, Nederland
from 03-03-1956     Australië
2 Lena Alida Johanna Mannak, born on 12-04-1953 in Amsterdam.
17-11-1955 to 27-02-1956     Simon Stevinstraat 7 ’, Amsterdam, Nederland
from 03-03-1956     Australië
IV-s Jan Klaasz Lens was born on 21-05-1836 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Klaas Hendriksz Lens (see III-f) and Jantje Kees Wind Post. Jan died on 10-02-1927 in Kampen, aged 90 [source: 1927/???].
from 1873     Wijk 5 huis nummer 341, Bruneppe
(1) At the age of 22, Jan married on 30-04-1859 in Stad Vollenhove Geertruida Peters Edelenbos, aged 24 [source: S1859 5].
Note about the marriage of Jan and Geertruida: Bron Burgerlijke stand - Huwelijk
Archieflocatie Historisch Centrum Overijssel
Algemeen Toegangnr: 123
Inventarisnr: 123.12311
Gemeente: Vollenhove, Stad
Soort akte: Huwelijksakte
Aktenummer: 5
Datum: 30-04-1859
Bruidegom Jan Lens
Geboorteplaats: Vollenhove, Stad
Bruid Geertruida Edelenbos
Geboorteplaats: Giethoorn
Vader bruidegom Klaas Lens
Moeder bruidegom Jannetje Post
Vader bruid Peter Edelenbos
Moeder bruid Aaltje Jans Kuiper
Nadere informatie bruidegom: 22 jaar.; bruid: 24 jaar.; moeder van de bruidegom ook Jantje Post; moeder van de bruid ook Aaltje Kuiper
Geertruida was born on 09-11-1834 in Giethoorn, daughter of Peter Gerrits Edelenbos and Aaltje Jans Kuiper. Geertruida died on 19-08-1893 in Kampen, aged 58.
from 1873     Wijk 5 huis nummer 341, Bruneppe
(2) At the age of 58, Jan married on 27-12-1894 in Kampen Jentje Peters Edelenbos, aged 44 [source: akte nr 127], after their intention to marry had been registered on 16-12-1894 in Kampen.
Note about the marriage of Jan and Jentje: Dispensatie KB 06-12-1894 Nr 43.
Jentje was born on 04-04-1850 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Peter Gerrits Edelenbos and Aaltje Jans Kuiper. Jentje died on 24-12-1935 in Kampen, aged 85. Jentje was widow of Jan Jans van de Wetering (1847-1882), whom she married on 01-05-1873 in Zwolle. Jentje was widow of Jan Jans Dorgelo (1834-1891), whom she married on 22-02-1883 in Zwolle.
Children of Jan and Geertruida:
1 Jannigje Jans Lens, born on 10-09-1859 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-ad.
2 Aaltje Jans Lens, born on 01-01-1862 in Stad Vollenhove. Aaltje died on 28-09-1864 at 03:00 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 2 [source: 1864/39]. The death was registered on 30-09-1864 [source: Ovl. akte nr 39].
3 Klaas Jansz Lens, born on 09-09-1864 in Stad Vollenhove. Klaas died on 21-11-1864 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 2 months [source: 1864/47].
4 Peter Jansz Lens, born on 22-10-1865 in Stad Vollenhove. Peter died on 29-10-1865 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 7 days [source: 1865/57].
5 Peter Jansz Lens, born on 06-01-1867 in Stad Vollenhove. Peter died on 12-12-1889 in Kampen, aged 22 [source: 1889/521]. Peter remained unmarried.
from 1873     Wijk 5 huis nummer 341, Bruneppe
6 Aaltje Jans Lens, born on 20-03-1870 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-ae.
7 Klaas Jansz Lens, born on 01-04-1873 in Kampen. Klaas died on 03-07-1873 in Kampen, aged 3 months [source: 1873/240].
from 1873     Wijk 5 huis nummer 341, Bruneppe
8 Klaas Jansz Lens, born on 05-02-1875 in Kampen. Klaas died on 18-12-1876 in Kampen, aged 1 [source: 1876/517].
from 1873     Wijk 5 huis nummer 341, Bruneppe
V-ad Jannigje Jans Lens was born on 10-09-1859 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Jan Klaasz Lens (see IV-s) and Geertruida Peters Edelenbos. Jannigje died on 19-07-1897 in Kampen, aged 37 [source: 1897/279].
Wijk 5 huis nummer 424 (1884), Bruneppe
from 1873     Wijk 5 huis nummer 341, Bruneppe
At the age of 27, Jannigje married on 25-11-1886 in Kampen Hendrik Jan Teekman, aged 22 [source: akte nr 120]. Hendrik was born on 17-02-1864 in Elburg, son of Kornelis Gerrits Teekman and Jansje Willems Westerink. Hendrik died on 27-04-1921 in Elburg, aged 57. The death was registered on 28-04-1921 [source: akte nr 6].
Boekbinder, schilder
Child of Jannigje from an unknown relationship:
1 Jan Lens, born on 19-05-1884 in Kampen. Jan died on 12-08-1884 in Kampen, aged 2 months [source: 1884/340].
Children of Jannigje and Hendrik:
2 Geertruida Teekman, born around 1887 in Kampen. Geertruida died on 12-05-1890 in Kampen, aged about 3.
3 Jansje Teekman, born in 1889 in Kampen. Jansje died on 23-07-1915 in Elburg, aged 25 or 26.
4 Geertruida Teekman, born around 10-1891 in Kampen. Geertruida died on 08-03-1892 in Kampen, aged about 5 months.
5 Kornelis Teekman, born in 01-1893 in Kampen. Kornelis died on 31-10-1893 in Kampen, aged 9 months.
6 Geertruida Teekman, born in 02-1894 in Kampen. Geertruida died on 31-07-1894 in Kampen, aged 5 months.
7 Jan Hendriks Teekman, born around 1896 in Kampen. Follow VI-am.
8 Cornelis Teekman, born around 1897 in Kampen. Follow VI-an.
9 Peter Teekman, born on 18-07-1897 in Kampen. Peter died on 11-08-1897 in Kampen, aged 24 days.
VI-am Jan Hendriks Teekman was born around 1896 in Kampen, son of Hendrik Jan Teekman and Jannigje Jans Lens (see V-ad).
At about the age of 26, Jan married on 04-05-1922 in Zwolle Antonia Gezina Baarslag, aged about 27 [source: akte nr 111]. Antonia was born around 1895 in Zwolle, daughter of Gerrit Baarslag and Fennigje Knol.
VI-an Cornelis Teekman was born around 1897 in Kampen, son of Hendrik Jan Teekman and Jannigje Jans Lens (see V-ad).
At about the age of 31, Cornelis married on 09-05-1928 in Amsterdam Hendriktje Schaaphok, aged about 34.
Note about the marriage of Cornelis and Hendriktje: erk. 1 kind
Hendriktje was born around 1894 in Noorddijk, daughter of Wilke Schaaphok and Aaltje Schaaphok.
V-ae Aaltje Jans Lens was born on 20-03-1870 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Jan Klaasz Lens (see IV-s) and Geertruida Peters Edelenbos. Aaltje died on 30-06-1959 in Kampen, aged 89.
1873 to 1890     Wijk 5 huis nummer 341, Bruneppe
At the age of 20, Aaltje married on 06-11-1890 in Kampen Jacob Jansz ten Hoeve, aged 19 [source: akte nr 142]. Jacob was born on 22-12-1870 in Kampen, son of Jan Hendriks ten Hoeve and Hugina van Smirren. Jacob died on 12-12-1945 in Kampen, aged 74. The death was registered on 14-12-1945 [source: akte nr 337].
Sigarenmaker (1890), Inpakker (1924)
Children of Aaltje and Jacob:
1 .... ten Hoeve, stillborn daughter, born on 15-05-1891 in Kampen.
2 Jan ten Hoeve, born on 28-12-1894 in Kampen. Follow VI-ao.
3 Jan ten Hoeve, born on 15-08-1896 in Kampen. Follow VI-ap.
4 Peter ten Hoeve, born around 1900 in Kampen. Follow VI-aq.
5 Maria ten Hoeve, born around 1902 in Kampen. Follow VI-ar.
6 Geertruida ten Hoeve, born around 1904 in Kampen. Follow VI-as.
7 Jannetje ten Hoeve, born around 09-1912 in Kampen. Jannetje died on 05-03-1913 in Kampen, aged about 6 months.
VI-ao Jan ten Hoeve was born on 28-12-1894 in Kampen, son of Jacob Jansz ten Hoeve and Aaltje Jans Lens (see V-ae).
At the age of 23, Jan married on 07-03-1918 in Deventer Bertha Bloemendal, aged 21 [source: akte nr 35]. Bertha was born on 07-06-1896 in Deventer, daughter of Berend Jan Bloemendal and Hendrika Wissink.
VI-ap Jan ten Hoeve was born on 15-08-1896 in Kampen, son of Jacob Jansz ten Hoeve and Aaltje Jans Lens (see V-ae). At the age of 21, Jan married on 17-07-1918 in Steenbergen (NB) Hendrika van de Par, aged 19 [source: akte nr 43]. Hendrika was born on 12-07-1899 in Steenbergen, daughter of Machiel van de Par and Dingena van Eekelen.
VI-aq Peter ten Hoeve was born around 1900 in Kampen, son of Jacob Jansz ten Hoeve and Aaltje Jans Lens (see V-ae).
At about the age of 26, Peter married on 23-09-1926 in Kampen Marrigjen Klompenmaker, aged about 24 [source: akte nr 136]. Marrigjen was born around 1902 in Kampen, daughter of Aart Klompenmaker and Bartje Winkeler.
VI-ar Maria ten Hoeve was born around 1902 in Kampen, daughter of Jacob Jansz ten Hoeve and Aaltje Jans Lens (see V-ae). At about the age of 22, Maria married on 23-10-1924 in Kampen Harm Penninkhof, aged about 23 [source: akte nr 117]. Harm was born around 1901 in IJsselmuiden, son of Willem Penninkhof and Janna Wachteveld.
VI-as Geertruida ten Hoeve was born around 1904 in Kampen, daughter of Jacob Jansz ten Hoeve and Aaltje Jans Lens (see V-ae). At about the age of 20, Geertruida married on 31-07-1924 in Kampen Arend van der Kolk, aged about 20 [source: akte nr 82]. Arend was born around 1904 in IJsselmuiden, son of Hermannus van der Kolk and Willempje Biezepol.
III-g Berentje Hendriks Lens was born on 30-12-1796 in Vollenhove, daughter of Hendrick Jan Adams Lens (see II-c) and Arentje Klaassen. She was baptised on 01-01-1797 in Vollenhove. Berentje died on 08-04-1851 in Blokzijl, aged 54. The death was registered in 1851 [source: Blokzijl 1851/6 T123].
At the age of 27, Berentje married on 01-05-1824 in Blokzijl Willem Hermensz Kuiper, aged 32 [source: akte nr 6]. Willem was born in Meppel, son of Harm Berends Kuiper and Annigje Winters. He was baptised on 02-10-1791 in Meppel. Willem died on 14-04-1878 in Blokzijl, aged 86. The death was registered on 15-04-1878 [source: akte nr 19].
Gruttersknecht (1824), Grutter (1850)
Children of Berentje and Willem:
1 Jan Willems Kuiper, born around 1824 in Blokzijl. Jan died on 13-08-1859 in Blokzijl, aged about 35. Jan remained unmarried.
2 Aaltje Willems Kuiper, born around 1826 in Blokzijl. Follow IV-t.
3 Annigje Willems Kuiper, born around 1828 in Blokzijl. Annigje died on 19-03-1832 in Blokzijl, aged about 4.
4 Hendrik Willems Kuiper, born around 1831 in Blokzijl. Hendrik died on 17-11-1834 in Blokzijl, aged about 3.
5 Annigje Willems Kuiper, born around 1834 in Blokzijl. Annigje died on 01-06-1896 in Blokzijl, aged about 62.
6 Jantje Willems Kuiper, born around 1836 in Blokzijl. Follow IV-u.
IV-t Aaltje Willems Kuiper was born around 1826 in Blokzijl, daughter of Willem Hermensz Kuiper and Berentje Hendriks Lens (see III-g). At about the age of 24, Aaltje married on 18-05-1850 in Blokzijl Dirk Roelofsz Wagter, aged about 30 [source: akte nr 11]. Dirk was born around 1820 in Wolvega, son of Roelof Wagter and Antje Cornelis Makkinga. Dirk died on 05-04-1902 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), aged about 82.
Children of Aaltje and Dirk:
1 Antjen Dirks Wagter, born on 01-09-1851 in Wolvega. Antjen died on 07-05-1870 in Amsterdam, aged 18. Antjen remained unmarried.
2 Willem Dirks Wagter, born on 13-03-1853 in Wolvega.
3 .... Wagter, stillborn son, born on 25-12-1853 in Weststellingwerf (Fr).
4 Willem Dirks Wagter, born on 18-11-1854 in Wolvega.
5 Beerendje Dirks Wagter, born on 06-12-1856 in Wolvega.
6 Annegje Dirks Wagter, born on 18-01-1858 in Wolvega.
7 Aaltje Dirks Wagter, born on 11-02-1860 in Wolvega.
8 Jan Dirks Wagter, born on 17-01-1862 in Wolvega.
9 Jan Dirks Wagter, born on 03-02-1863 in Wolvega.
10 Roelof Dirks Wagter, born on 08-04-1869 in Wolvega. Follow V-af.
V-af Roelof Dirks Wagter was born on 08-04-1869 in Wolvega, son of Dirk Roelofsz Wagter and Aaltje Willems Kuiper (see IV-t). At the age of 25, Roelof married on 19-05-1894 in Leeuwarderadeel Antje van der Schaaf, aged about 25 [source: akte nr 56]. Antje was born around 1869 in Grouw (Idaarderadeel), daughter of Herre Fokkes van der Schaaf and Pietrik Wybes Wouters.
Children of Roelof and Antje:
1 Pietrik Wagter, born on 02-02-1895 in Leeuwarderadeel.
2 Aaltje Wagter, born on 23-03-1900 in Leeuwarderadeel.
IV-u Jantje Willems Kuiper was born around 1836 in Blokzijl, daughter of Willem Hermensz Kuiper and Berentje Hendriks Lens (see III-g). Jantje died on 22-03-1895 in Blokzijl, aged about 59. At about the age of 28, Jantje married on 07-05-1864 in Blokzijl Roelof Meinesz Jongschaap, aged about 38 [source: akte nr 7]. Roelof was born around 1826 in Sondel (Gaasterland), son of Meine Roelofs Jongschaap and Fokjen Foekes van der Werf. Roelof died in 1894 in Blokzijl, aged about 68.
Child of Jantje and Roelof:
1 Willem Roelofs Jongschaap, born around 1869 in Blokzijl. Follow V-ag.
V-ag Willem Roelofs Jongschaap was born around 1869 in Blokzijl, son of Roelof Meinesz Jongschaap and Jantje Willems Kuiper (see IV-u). Willem died on 04-03-1938 in Meppel, aged about 69. At about the age of 26, Willem married on 20-07-1895 in Ambt Vollenhove Johanna Maria Prins, aged about 28 [source: akte nr 12]. Johanna was born around 1867 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Harm Egberts Prins and Jakobje Alberts Meesters.
III-h Jentjen Hendriks Lens was born on 05-09-1799 in Vollenhove, daughter of Hendrick Jan Adams Lens (see II-c) and Arentje Klaassen. She was baptised on 15-09-1799 in Vollenhove. Jentjen died on 03-12-1834 at 17:00 in Blokzijl, aged 35. The death was registered on 04-12-1834 [source: akte nr 35]. At the age of 34, Jentjen married on 28-12-1833 in Blokzijl Jan Gerritsz Klun, aged 33 [source: akte nr 11]. Jan was born on 29-06-1800 in Blokzijl, son of Gerrit Luiten Klun and Lumpje Henderiks Knuust. Jan married Aaltje Hendriks Wind (born 1809) on 19-12-1835 in Blokzijl [source: akte nr 13].
Child of Jentjen and Jan:
1 Gerrit Jans Klun, born in 10-1834 in Blokzijl. Gerrit died on 26-01-1835 in Blokzijl, aged 3 months.
III-i Adam Hendriks Lens was born on 03-03-1802 in Vollenhove, son of Hendrick Jan Adams Lens (see II-c) and Arentje Klaassen. He was baptised on 07-03-1802 in Vollenhove. Adam died on 01-03-1839 in Veessen (Heerde, Gld), aged 36. The death was registered on 02-03-1839 [source: ovl akte 16 Heerde].
Arbeider, boerenknecht
At the age of 31, Adam married on 10-08-1833 in Ambt Vollenhove Jennigjen Jans Hertjes (Hartjes), aged 40 [source: A 1833/10]. At the civil wedding of Adam and Jennigjen the following witnesses were present: Harm Snijder (born ±1770), Egbert Masen Veldhuis (±1790-1853), Klaas Hendriksz Lens (1794-1839) [see III-f] [brother of the groom] and Jacob Jans ten Napel (1794-1850).
Note about the marriage of Adam and Jennigjen: 1 kind gewettigd.
Jennigjen was born in Veessen (Heerde, Gld), daughter of Jan Jans Hartjes and Derkjen Wichers Meijer. She was baptised on 17-03-1793 in Aschendorp (Heerde, Gld). Jennigjen died on 15-07-1871 in Vorchten (Heerde, Gld), aged 78. Jennigjen married Harmen Everts Bokking (1801-1885) on 11-04-1840 in Heerde (Gld) [source: akte nr 6].
Dienstbaar, Arbeidster
Child of Adam and Jennigjen:
22 Sint Jozef Gesticht, Nieuwstraat Deventer
1 Janna Lens (img. 22), born on 08-08-1831 in Aschendorp (Heerde, Gld).
Note about the birth of Janna: geboren als Janna Hertjes; gewettigd bij het huwelijk van haar ouders.
Janna died on 04-02-1894 at 17:00 in Deventer (Sint Jozefgesticht), aged 62. The death was registered on 05-02-1894 [source: BS Deventer ovl akte nr 65].
Note about the decease of Janna: Beeld van Sint Jozef door Jan Custers boven de ingang van het vroegere Sint Jozefgesticht aan de Nieuwstraat in Deventer.
Janna remained unmarried.
III-j Hendrik Hendriksz Lens was born on 14-11-1806 in Vollenhove, son of Hendrick Jan Adams Lens (see II-c) and Arentje Klaassen. He was baptised on 23-11-1806 in Vollenhove. Hendrik died on 31-12-1858 at 14:00 in Ulrum (Gr), aged 52. The death was registered on 31-12-1858 [source: ovl akte 87 Ulrum].
Note about the decease of Hendrik: Wonende te Vollenhove.
At the age of 23, Hendrik married on 30-10-1830 in Ambt Vollenhove Trijntje Jacobs Doeve, aged 42 [source: akte nr 12].
Note about the marriage of Hendrik and Trijntje: In de huwelijksakte staat: Trijnje Peters Doeve
Trijntje was born in Zuidveen onder Steenwijk, daughter of Jacob Pieters Doeve and Marrigje Jans Bont. She was baptised on 08-06-1788 in Steenwijk. Trijntje died on 28-08-1857 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 69. Trijntje was widow of Willem Elias Bos (1785-1827), whom she married on 01-05-1818 in Vollenhove [source: akte nr 5].
Child of Hendrik and Trijntje:
1 Aaltjen Hendriks Lens, born on 04-09-1831 in Ambt Vollenhove. Follow IV-v.
IV-v Aaltjen Hendriks Lens was born on 04-09-1831 in Ambt Vollenhove, daughter of Hendrik Hendriksz Lens (see III-j) and Trijntje Jacobs Doeve. Aaltjen died on 24-06-1886 at 23:30 in Blokzijl, aged 54 [source: Ovl. akte nr 16]. The death was registered on 25-06-1886 [source: Ovl. akte nr 16]. At the death registration of Aaltjen the following witness was present: Volken Pieters van der Werf (±1813-±1888).
Note about the decease of Aaltjen: Overleden in Blokzijl in de Zuiderstraat, wijk 4, nummer 131
At the age of 30, Aaltjen married on 15-02-1862 in Stad Vollenhove Harm Jan van der Meulen, aged 31 [source: akte nr 1]. At the civil wedding of Aaltjen and Harm the following witnesses were present: David Wichers Rozeboom (1800-1877), Berend Essen (born ±1816), Pieter Willems Bos (born ±1824) [brother of the bride] and Pieter Hendrikus Paalman (born ±1826) [brother-in-law of the bride]. Harm was born on 24-03-1830 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Timen van der Meulen and Annigje Arents Kuiper. Harm died on 19-05-1892 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 62.
Children of Aaltjen and Harm:
1 Trijntje Harms van der Meulen, born on 27-08-1863 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-ah.
2 Annigje Harms van der Meulen, born around 1865 in Blokzijl. Annigje died on 20-11-1867 in Blokzijl, aged about 2.
3 Hendrika Harms van der Meulen, born in 11-1866 in Blokzijl. Hendrika died on 25-12-1866 in Blokzijl, aged 1 month.
4 Tiementje Harms van der Meulen, born in 12-1866 in Blokzijl. Tiementje died on 11-11-1867 in Blokzijl, aged 11 months.
5 Tiemen van der Meulen, born around 1872 in Blokzijl. Follow V-ai.
V-ah Trijntje Harms van der Meulen was born on 27-08-1863 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Harm Jan van der Meulen and Aaltjen Hendriks Lens (see IV-v). Trijntje died on 22-02-1940 in Amsterdam, aged 76. At the age of 23, Trijntje married on 11-02-1887 in Blokzijl Albert Beekes, aged 29 [source: Huw. akte nr 3], after their intention to marry had been registered on 23-01-1887 in Blokzijl en Amsterdam. Albert was born on 23-12-1857 in Amsterdam, son of Anthonia Beekes. Albert died on 11-01-1902 in Amsterdam, aged 44.
Zadelmaker (1887)
Child of Trijntje and Albert:
1 Trijntje Beekes, born on 24-08-1889 in Amsterdam. Follow VI-at.
VI-at Trijntje Beekes was born on 24-08-1889 in Amsterdam, daughter of Albert Beekes and Trijntje Harms van der Meulen (see V-ah). Trijntje died on 09-07-1980 in ’s-Gravenhage, aged 90. At the age of 23, Trijntje married on 18-12-1912 in Amsterdam Jacobus Bernardus Staller, aged 27 [source: KNGGW]. Jacobus was born on 25-11-1885 in Amsterdam, son of Henri Constant Bernardus Staller and Anna Christiana Götte. Jacobus died on 30-01-1963 in ’s-Gravenhage, aged 77.
Verlofhouder, Winkelbediende, Grossier en Handelsagent te ’s-Gravenhage
Child of Trijntje and Jacobus:
1 Catharina Albertine Staller, born on 18-04-1916 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow VII-q.
VII-q Catharina Albertine Staller was born on 18-04-1916 in ’s-Gravenhage, daughter of Jacobus Bernardus Staller and Trijntje Beekes (see VI-at). Catharina died on 01-07-1996 in ’s-Gravenhage, aged 80. At the age of 24, Catharina married on 03-07-1940 in ’s-Gravenhage Leonardus Johannes Sekreve, aged 26 [source: KNGGW2000]. Leonardus was born on 13-05-1914 in ’s-Gravenhage, son of Bernardus Leenderd Sekreve and Theodora Catharina Snijders. Leonardus died on 06-06-1998 in ’s-Gravenhage, aged 84.
Child of Catharina and Leonardus:
1 Ulrich Adriaan Sekreve, born on 30-08-1946 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow VIII-b.
VIII-b Ulrich Adriaan Sekreve was born on 30-08-1946 in ’s-Gravenhage, son of Leonardus Johannes Sekreve and Catharina Albertine Staller (see VII-q). At the age of 25, Ulrich married on 23-10-1971 in Heemstede Cecilia Johanna (Jolanda) de Haan, aged 20. The marriage was dissolved around 2003 (echtscheiding). Jolanda was born on 23-05-1951 in Djakarta (Indonesië), daughter of Louis Herman de Haan and Dien Alice Liliy van Til.
Children of Ulrich and Jolanda:
1 Annette Sekrève, born on 18-04-1972 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow IX-b.
2 José Sekreve, born on 08-06-1974 in ’s-Gravenhage.
annettesekreve.jpg bernhardvanvollenhove.jpg pieterenmargriet.jpg
23 Anette Sekrève
24 Bernhard van Oranje Nassau
25 Prinses Margriet, Annette, Bernhard en Pieter
IX-b Annette Sekrève (img. 23) was born on 18-04-1972 in ’s-Gravenhage, daughter of Ulrich Adriaan Sekreve (see VIII-b) and Cecilia Johanna (Jolanda) de Haan.
Personeelsadviseur Gemeentebelastingen Amsterdam
Drs. psychologie Groningen (1996)
from 2000     Prinses van Oranje-Nassau
At the age of 28, Annette married on 06-07-2000 in Utrecht Bernhard Lucas Emmanuel van Oranje Nassau, van Vollenhoven (img. 24 and 25), aged 30. A church ceremony was celebrated on 08-07-2000 in Utrecht (Domkerk).
Note about the marriage of Annette and Bernhard: Op 11 maart 2000 verloofden Zijne Hoogheid Prins Bernhard van Oranje-Nassau, van Vollenhoven en mejuffrouw Annette Sekreve zich. Het burgerlijk huwelijk vond op 6 juli plaats te Utrecht en werd voltrokken door mevrouw Mr. A.H. Brouwer-Korf, de burgemeester van Utrecht, die bij deze gelegenheid als ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand optrad.
Twee dagen later, op zaterdag 8 juli vond de kerkelijke inzegening plaats in de Domkerk te Utrecht. Voorganger was Dr. Anne van der Meiden, emeritus-voorganger van de Vereniging van Vrijzinnig Hervormden.
Bernhard was born on 25-12-1969 in Nijmegen, son of Pieter van Vollenhoven and Margriet Francisca (Margriet) van Oranje Nassau. He was baptised on 21-02-1970 in Utrecht.
Mede-directeur van Scaramedia N.V., internetdiensten
Drs. economie Groningen (1995)
from 25-12-1969     Prins van Oranje Nassau
Children of Annette and Bernhard:
1 Isabella Lily Juliana (Isabella) van Vollenhoven, born on 14-05-2002 in Amsterdam.
2 Samuel Bernhard Louis (Samuel) van Vollenhoven, born on 25-05-2004 in Amsterdam.
3 Benjamin Pieter Floris (Benjamin) van Vollenhoven, born on 12-03-2008 in Amsterdam.
V-ai Tiemen van der Meulen was born around 1872 in Blokzijl, son of Harm Jan van der Meulen and Aaltjen Hendriks Lens (see IV-v).
At about the age of 20, Tiemen married on 08-06-1892 in Amsterdam Neeltje Regien Coster, aged about 26 [source: Reg.14;fol.18]. Neeltje was born around 1866 in Den Helder, daughter of Johannes Coster and Anna Cornelia Sluit.
Child of Tiemen and Neeltje:
1 Tiemen van der Meulen, born around 1893 in Amsterdam. Follow VI-au.
VI-au Tiemen van der Meulen was born around 1893 in Amsterdam, son of Tiemen van der Meulen (see V-ai) and Neeltje Regien Coster.
Machinist ter koopvaardij (1926)
At about the age of 33, Tiemen married on 24-06-1926 in Amsterdam Carolina Ruhfaut, aged about 31 [source: reg. 3c fol. 37]. Carolina was born around 1895 in Unna (D), daughter of Heinrich Ruhfaut and Marie Bläsing.
II-d Theunis Adamsz Lens was born in Vollenhove, son of Adam Lens (see I) and Berentjen Hendriks Hoogenkamp. He was baptised on 12-02-1764 in Vollenhove [source: HCO 483-050].
Note about the birth of Theunis: gedoopt door Ds. J. Cuiperus
Theunis died on 19-02-1818 at 14:00 in Vollenhove, aged 54 [source: 1818/6]. The death was registered on 19-02-1818 [source: akte nr 6 Gemeente Vollenhove]. At the death registration of Theunis the following witnesses were present: Gerrit Maas (±1768-1842) and Klaas Hendriks Dikken (born 1777).
Note about the decease of Theunis: Overleden te zijnen huize op de vismarkt.
At the age of 34, Theunis married on 04-11-1798 in Vollenhove Roelofje Jans Mensen, aged 28 [source: HCO 503-16], after their intention to marry had been registered on 19-10-1798 in Vollenhove [source: HCO 503-16]. Roelofje was born in Wanneperveen, daughter of Jan Jans Menssen and Lammigje Hendriks Fluxen. She was baptised on 21-10-1770 in Wanneperveen [source: HCO 617-053]. At the baptism of Roelofje the following witness was present: Hendrikje Hendriks Flukse (born 1742) [aunt mother’s side]. Roelofje died on 05-07-1832 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 61. At the death registration of Roelofje the following witnesses were present: Anthonij Riekents Jongman (1790-1838) and Teunis Jans Doevendans (1800-1877).
Note about the decease of Roelofje: Familienaam bij overlijden: Menzink
Overleden in het huis op de vismarkt no. 225.
Note about Roelofje: Familienaam later: Mensink, Menzink.
Children of Theunis and Roelofje:
1 Berent Teunisz Lens, born on 01-04-1800 in Barsbeek (Ambt Vollenhove). He was baptised on 06-04-1800 in Vollenhove. Berent died on 20-02-1802 in Ambt Vollenhove, aged 1.
2 Jan Teunisz Lens, born on 23-08-1804 in Vollenhove. He was baptised on 26-08-1804 in Vollenhove. Jan died on 28-07-1832 at 15:30 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 27 [source: 1832/23]. The death was registered on 28-07-1832 [source: 1832/23].
Note about the decease of Jan: Overleden in het huis, staande in de Kerkstraat No. 65
Jan remained unmarried.
3 Jantjen Teunis Lens, born on 13-01-1807 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow III-k.
4 Berend Teunisz Lens, born on 16-03-1810 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow III-l.
5 Lambert Teunisz Lens, born on 26-10-1813 in Vollenhove. Lambert died on 15-06-1838 at 01:00 in Oegstgeest, aged 24 [source: overlijdensakte]. The death was registered on 15-06-1838 [source: Overlijdens akte 40 Gemeentearchief Oegstgeest].
Note about the decease of Lambert: In de akte staat:
Lambert of Lambertus Lens of Leus
zoon van:
Teunis en
Roelofje Janse Meuzen

De overlijdensaangifte werd gedaan door twee gevangenisbewaarders.
III-k Jantjen Teunis Lens was born on 13-01-1807 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Theunis Adamsz Lens (see II-d) and Roelofje Jans Mensen. She was baptised on 18-01-1807 in Stad Vollenhove. Jantjen died on 19-01-1896 in Wanneperveen, aged 89. The death was registered on 20-01-1896 [source: akte nr 3].
Note about the decease of Jantjen: Overleden in de buurtschap "Leenders" te Wanneperveen.
At the age of 30, Jantjen married on 11-11-1837 in Meppel Eerwijn Antonie Hakman, aged 29 [source: T0166.015/I1837/A37], after their intention to marry had been registered on 29-10-1837 in Meppel. Eerwijn was born in Meppel, son of Hendrik Eerwijnsz Hakman and Jennechien Antonie. He was baptised on 22-06-1808 in Meppel [source: DTB 89/125]. Eerwijn died on 23-05-1867 in Meppel, aged 58.
Note about the decease of Eerwijn: Memorie van Successie d.d. 16-12-1867 nr. 9188; onroerend goed aanwezig.
Children of Jantjen and Eerwijn:
1 Hendrik Ernst Roelof Hakman, born on 31-10-1838 in Meppel. Hendrik died on 05-10-1906 in Meppel, aged 67. Hendrik remained unmarried.
2 Teunis Roelof Hakman, born on 07-07-1840 in Meppel. Follow IV-w.
3 Jennechien Hakman, born on 31-07-1842 in Meppel. Follow IV-x.
4 Roelofje Hakman, born on 19-08-1844 in Meppel. Roelofje died on 03-07-1846 in Meppel, aged 1.
5 Roelof Hakman, born on 22-02-1847 in Meppel. Follow IV-y.
6 Ernst Hakman, born on 10-05-1849 in Meppel. Follow IV-z.
IV-w Teunis Roelof Hakman was born on 07-07-1840 in Meppel, son of Eerwijn Antonie Hakman and Jantjen Teunis Lens (see III-k). Teunis died on 06-05-1920 in Oosterboer (Meppel), aged 79. At the age of 33, Teunis married on 23-05-1874 in De Wijk (Dr) Geertje Klaas Dunnink, aged about 27 [source: akte nr 11]. Geertje was born around 1847 in Staphorst, daughter of Klaas Hendriks Dunnik and Margje Jacobs Hattem. Geertje died on 26-05-1920 in Staphorst, aged about 73.
Children of Teunis and Geertje:
1 Jantje Teunis Hakman, born on 01-02-1876 in Ruinerwold. Jantje died on 03-02-1876 in Ruinerwold, aged 2 days.
26 Eerewijn Hakman
2 Eerewijn Teunis Hakman (img. 26), born on 31-10-1877 in Ruinerwold.
3 Margje Teunis Hakman, born on 05-04-1880 in Ruinerwold. Margje died on 10-04-1880 in Haakswold (Ruinerwold), aged 5 days.
4 Jantina Teunis Hakman, born on 01-02-1882 in Haakswold (Ruinerwold). Jantina died on 05-02-1943 in Staphorst, aged 61. Jantina remained unmarried.
IV-x Jennechien Hakman was born on 31-07-1842 in Meppel, daughter of Eerwijn Antonie Hakman and Jantjen Teunis Lens (see III-k). Jennechien died on 04-04-1924 in Meppel, aged 81. At the age of 47, Jennechien married on 28-09-1889 in Steenwijkerwold Egbert Gosems Schoemaker, aged 36. Egbert was born on 14-07-1853 in Avereest (Ov), son of Gosem Jans Schoemaker and Trijntje Remmelts van der Gaste. Egbert was widower of Albertien Roelofs Veen (1856-1889), whom he married on 22-01-1881 in Vledder (Dr) [source: akte nr 2].
IV-y Roelof Hakman was born on 22-02-1847 in Meppel, son of Eerwijn Antonie Hakman and Jantjen Teunis Lens (see III-k). Roelof died on 13-02-1926 in Wanneperveen, aged 78.
Note about the decease of Roelof: 1921 Oldemarkt, akte 6
1926 Wanneperveen, akte 2
At the age of 31, Roelof married on 06-04-1878 in Meppel Geertje Hendriks Benne, aged about 24. Geertje was born around 1854 in Staphorst, daughter of Hendrik Harmens Benne and Jentje Geerlings Krol. Geertje died on 07-12-1942 in Wanneperveen, aged about 88.
Children of Roelof and Geertje:
1 Eerwijn Antonie Hakman, born on 10-12-1878 in Meppel. Follow V-aj.
2 Hendrikje Roelofs Hakman, born around 1886 in Wanneperveen. Follow V-ak.
3 Hendrik Roelofs Hakman, born around 1889 in Wanneperveen. Follow V-al.
4 Jentien Roelofs Hakman, born around 1897 in Wanneperveen. Follow V-am.
V-aj Eerwijn Antonie Hakman was born on 10-12-1878 in Meppel, son of Roelof Hakman (see IV-y) and Geertje Hendriks Benne. Eerwijn died on 21-12-1962 in Meppel, aged 84.
At the age of 28, Eerwijn married on 08-06-1907 in Ruinerwold Geesje Hendriks Withaar, aged 30. Geesje was born on 26-01-1877 in Havelte (Dr), daughter of Hendrik Jans Withaar and Femmigje Jacobs Dudden. Geesje died on 29-09-1958 in Meppel, aged 81.
Children of Eerwijn and Geesje:
1 Geertje Femmigje Hakman, born on 05-02-1909 in Ruigekluft (Ruinerwold).
2 Femmigje Hakman, born on 05-02-1917 in Meppel. Femmigje died on 10-04-1917 in Meppel (Zomerdijk), aged 2 months.
V-ak Hendrikje Roelofs Hakman was born around 1886 in Wanneperveen, daughter of Roelof Hakman (see IV-y) and Geertje Hendriks Benne. At about the age of 21, Hendrikje married on 27-09-1907 in Wanneperveen Hendrik Lambertus van Essen, aged about 30. Hendrik was born around 1877 in Steenwijkerwold, son of Geert van Essen and Albertje Otten.
V-al Hendrik Roelofs Hakman was born around 1889 in Wanneperveen, son of Roelof Hakman (see IV-y) and Geertje Hendriks Benne. At about the age of 30, Hendrik married on 14-11-1919 in Wanneperveen Hilligje Jacobs Offerein, aged 29. Hilligje was born on 13-07-1890 in Diever, daughter of Jacob Offerein and Froukje van de Burg.
V-am Jentien Roelofs Hakman was born around 1897 in Wanneperveen, daughter of Roelof Hakman (see IV-y) and Geertje Hendriks Benne. At about the age of 20, Jentien married on 28-07-1917 in Wanneperveen Arend Jans Zantinge, aged about 23. Arend was born around 1894 in Dwingelo (Dr), son of Jan Zantinge and Jantje Bloemberg.
IV-z Ernst Hakman was born on 10-05-1849 in Meppel, son of Eerwijn Antonie Hakman and Jantjen Teunis Lens (see III-k). Ernst died on 31-05-1919 in Meppel, aged 70.
(1) At the age of 28, Ernst married on 24-11-1877 in Meppel Jacoba Lucas Oosting, aged 25. Jacoba was born on 18-06-1852 in Meppel, daughter of Lucas Jacobs Oosting and Arendje Hendriks Nijemeijer. Jacoba died on 04-11-1883 in Meppel, aged 31.
(2) At the age of 36, Ernst married on 06-06-1885 in Meppel Hendrikje Jans Weide, aged about 25. Hendrikje was born around 1860 in Avereest (Ov), daughter of Jan Weide and Hilligje Roelofs.
Children of Ernst and Jacoba:
1 Eerwijn Antonie Hakman, born on 06-09-1878 in Meppel. Follow V-an.
2 Arentje Hakman, born on 06-06-1882 in Meppel. Arentje died on 16-08-1882 in Meppel, aged 2 months.
3 Arendje Hakman, born on 20-10-1883 in Meppel. Follow V-ao.
Children of Ernst and Hendrikje:
4 Jan Hakman, born on 04-05-1886 in Meppel. Follow V-ap.
5 Hendrik Hermannus Hakman, born on 29-11-1890 in Meppel. Follow V-aq.
6 Hilbert Hakman, born on 13-09-1893 in Meppel.
7 Lucas Hakman, born on 27-02-1896 in Meppel.
8 Roelof Hakman, born on 22-08-1897 in Meppel. Roelof died on 03-09-1897 in Meppel, aged 12 days.
V-an Eerwijn Antonie Hakman was born on 06-09-1878 in Meppel, son of Ernst Hakman (see IV-z) and Jacoba Lucas Oosting. Eerwijn died on 15-12-1935 in Oldemarkt (Ov), aged 57.
At the age of 23, Eerwijn married on 21-12-1901 in Nijeveen (Dr) Roelofje Lubbinge, aged 23 or 24. Roelofje was born in 1877 in Nijeveen (Dr), daughter of Jan Lubbinge and Vrouwegje Luichies.
Children of Eerwijn and Roelofje:
1 Ernst Hakman, born on 02-03-1902 in Nijeveen (Dr). Follow VI-av.
2 Jan Hakman, born on 24-01-1903 in Nijeveen (Dr).
3 Vrouwegje Hakman, born on 08-04-1904 in Nijeveen (Dr). Follow VI-aw.
4 Jacoba Hakman, born on 23-03-1906 in Nijeveen (Dr). Jacoba died on 21-10-1906 in Nijeveen (Dr), aged 6 months.
5 Jacob Hakman, born on 09-08-1907 in Nijeveen (Dr).
6 Jacoba Hakman, born on 02-05-1912 in Meppel.
7 Arend Hakman, born on 16-05-1914 in Meppel. Arend died on 08-08-1914 in Meppel, aged 2 months.
8 Roelof Hakman, born in 09-1920 in Oldemarkt (Ov). Roelof died on 18-02-1921 in Paasloo (Oldemarkt), aged 5 months.
VI-av Ernst Hakman was born on 02-03-1902 in Nijeveen (Dr), son of Eerwijn Antonie Hakman (see V-an) and Roelofje Lubbinge.
At the age of 26, Ernst married on 15-02-1929 in Ruinerwold Grietje Vogelzang, aged 22 [source: akte nr 2]. Grietje was born on 09-01-1907 in Ruinerwold, daughter of Jan Vogelzang and Geertje Bakker.
Child of Ernst and Grietje:
1 Geertje Hakman, born around 1930. Follow VII-r.
VII-r Geertje Hakman was born around 1930, daughter of Ernst Hakman (see VI-av) and Grietje Vogelzang. Geertje married Jan van Schot. Jan was born around 1930, son of Warner van Schot and Jantje Talen.
VI-aw Vrouwegje Hakman was born on 08-04-1904 in Nijeveen (Dr), daughter of Eerwijn Antonie Hakman (see V-an) and Roelofje Lubbinge. At the age of 21, Vrouwegje married on 23-01-1926 in Oldemarkt (Ov) Hendrik Winters, aged about 23 [source: akte nr 2]. Hendrik was born around 1903 in Steenwiijkerwold, son of Cornelis Winters and Neeltje Vaartjes.
V-ao Arendje Hakman was born on 20-10-1883 in Meppel, daughter of Ernst Hakman (see IV-z) and Jacoba Lucas Oosting. Arendje died on 10-08-1934 in Ruinerwold, aged 50. At the age of 20, Arendje married on 12-08-1904 in Ruinerwold Werner van Dijk, aged 27. Werner was born on 06-02-1877 in Ruinerwold, son of Goossen Jans van Dijk and Jantje Lamberts Luten.
V-ap Jan Hakman was born on 04-05-1886 in Meppel, son of Ernst Hakman (see IV-z) and Hendrikje Jans Weide. Jan died on 01-09-1962 in Meppel, aged 76. At the age of 25, Jan married on 02-03-1912 in Meppel Aaltje Dragt, aged about 22. Aaltje was born around 1890 in Meppel, daughter of Jan Dragt and Janna Jonkers.
V-aq Hendrik Hermannus Hakman was born on 29-11-1890 in Meppel, son of Ernst Hakman (see IV-z) and Hendrikje Jans Weide. Hendrik died on 14-04-1920 in Meppel, aged 29. At the age of 26, Hendrik married on 02-11-1917 in Meppel Grietje Derkina Bremer, aged 24 or 25. Grietje was born in 1892 in Onstwedde, daughter of Geert Bremer and Debora Smeenk.
III-l Berend Teunisz Lens was born on 16-03-1810 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Theunis Adamsz Lens (see II-d) and Roelofje Jans Mensen. He was baptised on 25-03-1810 in Vollenhove [source: HCO 485-013]. Berend died on 12-01-1845 at 02:00 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 34 [source: Overlijdensacte]. At the death registration of Berend the following witnesses were present: Lambert Derks van der Vegt (1798-1864) and Simon Everts Spit (1810-1884).
Note about Berend: De geboorte-aktes van zijn kinderen vermelden: vader kan niet schrijven.

Berend was ten tijde van zijn huwelijk ingelijfd bij de afdeling Infanterie van de Nationale Militie en kreeg toestemming van zijn Kolonel commandant om te trouwen.
Ingedeeld op 1 mei 1829 voor vijf jaren; gepasporteerd op 20 oktober 1838.
lang 1 ellen 6 palmen 5 duimen 5 strepen.
Merkbare tekenen...geene

Nationale Militie: Ligting 1829, ingeschreven en op het trekkingsnummer is ingelijfd geworden bij de Afdeling Infanterie. Geregistreerd no.462
no. 53.
7 Afdeling Infanterie, De ondergetekende kolonel kommanderende opgemelde afdeling verleent mits deze permissie tot het aangaan van een huwelijk aan den fuselier Lens B. milicien der ligting 1827 van de 2 kompagnie depot der afdeling. Afgegeven 8 april 1836. de kolonel voornoemd, bij deszelfde absentie De Majoor
from 05-04-1832     Metalen Kruis (Bij het Mobiele leger ter gelegenheid van den opstand in België in 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834.)   [source: Stamboek 7e Regiment Infanterie 1829]
Witness to:
birth registration Roelofje Lens (1844-1924) [see IV-ac]    [father]
At the age of 26, Berend married on 06-05-1836 in Stad Vollenhove Jentien Roelofs de Jong, aged 33 [source: S 1836/4]. At the civil wedding of Berend and Jentien the following witnesses were present: Christoffel Oldenhof (1782-1843), Teunis Jans Schuurman (1784-1861), Michiel Roelofs Boven (1792-1844) [brother-in-law of the bride] and Klaas Hendriksz Lens (1794-1839) [see III-f] [first cousin father’s side of the groom].
Note about the marriage of Berend and Jentien: Ondertekening huwelijksakte:
De bruidegom, de ouders van de bruid, Michiel Boven en Teunis Schuurman hebben verklaard niet te kunnen schrijven.
Jentien was born on 04-04-1803 in Vollenhove, daughter of Roelof Jans de Jonge and Berendina Dercks (Dina) Wennemers. She was baptised on 11-04-1803 in Vollenhove.
Note about the birth of Jentien: Geboortedatum volgens Huwelijksbijlagen d.d. 6 mei 1836
Jentien died on 18-03-1883 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 79. The death was registered on 20-03-1883 [source: ovl akte 8 Vollenhove, Stad]. At the death registration of Jentien the following witnesses were present: Pieter Jurrien Kinsbach (1817-1903) and Jan Everts Spit (1823-1895).
Note about the decease of Jentien: Overleden in het huis in de Visscherstraat nummer 244.
Jentien was widow of Willem Jans Israël (1801-1832), whom she married on 02-04-1825 in Stad Vollenhove.
Children of Berend and Jentien:
1 Roelofje Lens, born on 24-01-1837 in Stad Vollenhove. Roelofje died on 15-04-1843 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 6 [source: 1843/10].
2 Johanna Lens, born on 28-09-1838 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow IV-aa.
3 Teunis Lens, born on 30-05-1840 in Stad Vollenhove. Teunis died on 06-04-1888 at 16:00 in Zwolle, aged 47 [source: Zwolle 1888/7-4]. The death was registered on 07-04-1888 [source: akte nr 231].
Note about the decease of Teunis: Plotseling overleden ten huize van zijn zuster Johanna en zijn zwager Cornelis Kuilart in Zwolle.
Hij was toen al gepensioneerd.
Teunis remained unmarried.
Zeevarende (1875), Matroos (1876), Onderoffiicier der Marine
Witness to:
birth registration Roeloffina Frederika Nekeman (born 1875) [see V-ay]    [uncle mother’s side]
4 Roelof Lens, born on 20-01-1842 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow IV-ab.
5 Roelofje Lens, born on 21-06-1844 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow IV-ac.
IV-aa Johanna Lens was born on 28-09-1838 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Berend Teunisz Lens (see III-l) and Jentien Roelofs de Jong. Johanna died on 31-01-1912 in Zwolle, aged 73 [source: 1912/1-2]. The death was registered on 01-02-1912. She was buried in Zwolle (Bergklooster).
Dienstmeid (1864)
At the age of 25, Johanna married on 19-05-1864 in Zwolle Cornelis Jacob Kuilart, aged 23 [source: akte nr 57]. Cornelis was born on 04-01-1841 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Egbert Cornelis Kuilart and Aaltjen Jacobs Hok. The birth was registered on 04-01-1841 [source: akte nr 1]. Cornelis died on 04-10-1920 in Zwolle, aged 79.
Child of Johanna and Cornelis:
1 Aaltje Cornelia Kuilart, born on 05-09-1874 in Zwolle. Follow V-ar.
V-ar Aaltje Cornelia Kuilart was born on 05-09-1874 in Zwolle, daughter of Cornelis Jacob Kuilart and Johanna Lens (see IV-aa). Aaltje died on 02-01-1901 in Zwolle, aged 26. She was buried in Zwolle (Bergklooster). At the age of 20, Aaltje married on 01-08-1895 in Zwolle Gerrit Jan uit den Bogaard, aged 24 [source: akte nr 134]. Gerrit was born on 13-02-1871 in Zwolle, son of Gerrit Jansz uit den Bogaard and Maria Hermanna Hulsebos.
Children of Aaltje and Gerrit:
1 Gerrit uit den Bogaard, born on 08-07-1896 in Zwolle. Follow VI-ax.
2 Cornelis Jacob uit den Bogaard, born on 15-12-1897 in Zwolle.
VI-ax Gerrit uit den Bogaard was born on 08-07-1896 in Zwolle, son of Gerrit Jan uit den Bogaard and Aaltje Cornelia Kuilart (see V-ar).
At the age of 26, Gerrit married on 30-08-1922 in ’s-Gravenhage Maria Jacoba van der Willik, aged about 27 [source: akte nr 1302]. The divorce was registered on 17-07-1928 in ’s-Gravenhage. Maria was born around 1895 in Scheveningen, daughter of Marinus Johannis van der Willik and Petronella Kreolaars.
IV-ab Roelof Lens was born on 20-01-1842 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Berend Teunisz Lens (see III-l) and Jentien Roelofs de Jong. Roelof died on 04-05-1927 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 85 [source: BS Vollenhove akte nr 1927.15]. At the death registration of Roelof the following witness was present: Berend Hendriks Edelenbos (±1850-1935).
Note about the decease of Roelof: Overleden in een huis staande in de Van Baaksteeg
Note about Roelof: Werd uitgeloot voor de Nationale Militie.
Hij komt wel voor in de Stamboeken Marine 1813-1940; Inventaris nr. 503.
(Onderofficieren en manschappen.)
At the age of 26, Roelof married on 03-04-1868 in Stad Vollenhove Annigje de Jonge, aged 27 [source: S1868/3]. At the civil wedding of Roelof and Annigje the following witnesses were present: Luite Roelofs Klaver (1807-1870), Roelof Siemens Klaver (1817-1878) [brother-in-law of the groom], Siemen Stevens Vis (1820-1909) and Jan Everts Spit (1823-1895).
Note about the marriage of Roelof and Annigje: In de huwelijkse bijlagen is het geboorte-extract van Annigje bijgevoegd: 20 januari 1841.
Vader geeft toestemming voor het huweljk, moeder is overleden.
Volgens het overlijdensregister is Annigje de Jonge, dochtertje van Arend Franken de Jonge en Niesje Harms Wuijte overleden op 8 januari 1843 op de leeftijd van "bijkans twee jaren". Het overlijden moet dus een andere Annigje de Jonge betreffen, of het geboorte-extract is onjuist.
Annigje was born on 20-01-1841 in Wanneperveen, daughter of Arent Franken de Jonge and Niesje Harms Wuite. Annigje died on 23-10-1927 at 09:00 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 86. The death was registered on 24-10-1927 [source: akte nr 1927.15].
Children of Roelof and Annigje:
1 Barend Lens, born on 11-06-1868 in Stad Vollenhove. Barend died on 01-08-1868 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 1 month [source: 1868/24].
2 Berend Lens, born on 26-10-1869 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-as.
3 Niesje Lens, born on 29-03-1872 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-at.
4 Teunis Lens, born on 27-02-1874 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow V-au.
5 Arend Lens, born on 08-02-1876 in Stad Vollenhove. Arend died on 08-05-1946 in Vollenhove, aged 70. The death was registered on 09-05-1946 [source: akte nr 31]. Arend remained unmarried.
"Arend Ome"
6 Jantje Lens, born on 19-03-1879 in Stad Vollenhove. Jantje died on 24-01-1882 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 2 [source: 1882/1].
7 Jan Lens, born on 10-09-1883 in Stad Vollenhove. Jan died on 26-12-1886 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 3 [source: 1886/50].
berend_roelofsz_lens.jpg uit_het_werfboek_van_huisman.jpg vn21.jpg lammigjerozeboom.jpg
27 Berend Roelofsz Lens
28 Uit het werfboek van Huisman
29 De ’bolle’ van Berend Lens
30 Lammigje Rozeboom
V-as Berend Lens (img. 27 up to 29) was born on 26-10-1869 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Roelof Lens (see IV-ab) and Annigje de Jonge. Berend died on 09-08-1936 at 17:30 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 66. The death was registered on 10-08-1936 [source: akte nr 1936.10]. At the death registration of Berend the following witness was present: Tijmen Albertus de Boer (±1882-1958). He was buried in Vollenhove (De Voorst).
Note about Berend: Van 8 mei 1889 tot 8 mei 1894 ingelijfd geweest in de Nationale Militie.
Visser/Schipper (Schipper eigenaar van de Vollenhoofse bol VN21, gebouwd in 1916 bij Huisman van de Ronduite, Wanneperveen.
Het schip werd na het overlijden van Berend in 1937 verkocht aan Steven Schuurman en hernummerd in VN 89.)
"Berend de Flikkert"
At the age of 24, Berend married on 15-09-1894 in Stad Vollenhove Lammigje Rozeboom (img. 30), aged 25 [source: akte nr 10]. At the civil wedding of Berend and Lammigje the following witnesses were present: Berend Hendriks Edelenbos (±1850-1935), Antoni Pietersz Jongman (1860-1936) [brother-in-law of the bride], Arnoldus Rozeboom (1866-1951) [brother of the bride] and Berend Willemsz Huisman (1870-1957) [see V-at]. Lammigje was born on 31-07-1869 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Arnoldus Rozeboom and Trijntje Tiemens Schurink. Lammigje died on 16-02-1960 in Elburg, aged 90. She was buried in Vollenhove (De Voorst).
Children of Berend and Lammigje:
1 Roelof Lens, born on 13-03-1895 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-ay.
2 Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens, born on 20-09-1897 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-az.
3 Annigje (Anne) Lens, born on 30-01-1900 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-ba.
4 Reinder Lens, born on 27-11-1902 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-bb.
5 Teunis Lens, born on 21-09-1905 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-bc.
6 Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens, born on 12-02-1910 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-bd.
7 Trijntje Lens, born on 13-11-1914 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-be.
roeloflens.jpg sjaan.jpg
31 Roelof Lens
32 Sjaan Langhout
VI-ay Roelof Lens (img. 31) was born on 13-03-1895 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Berend Lens (see V-as) and Lammigje Rozeboom. The birth was registered on 15-03-1895 [source: akte nr 17]. Roelof died on 14-02-1985 in De Bilt (Ut), aged 89. He was buried in Bilthoven - Den en Rust.
up to 17-03-1920     Vissersknecht (Vertrokken naar Zwartsluis)   [source: Bevolkingsregister Stad Vollenhove]
from 1928     Chef Militaire Politie op Curaçao en Aruba (In november 1929 benoemd tot hulpoffiecier van Justitie in Willemstad;
hij was toen sergeant-majoor.
In 1948 was hij gestationeerd in Sint Nicolaas (San Nicolas) op Aruba.)
Eremedaille in de Orde van Oranje Nassau in goud (april 1949) (Gepensioneerd Adjunct Onderofficier-Instructeur bij het Korps Militaire Politietroepen op Aruba (met de zwaarden))
Gouden Medaille voor langdurige trouwe dienst (28-5-1947) (Hij was toen Adjudant Onderofficier Instructeur)
(1) At the age of 21, Roelof married on 18-11-1916 in Stad Vollenhove Keetje Mondria, aged 19 [source: akte nr 7], after their intention to marry had been registered on 04-11-1916 in Vollenhove. At the civil wedding of Roelof and Keetje the following witnesses were present: Timen Reinders Jongman (born ±1869) [mother’s first cousin of the groom] and Berend Berends Edelenbos (born ±1882). Keetje was born on 14-02-1897 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Jan Hendriks Mondria and Jacobje Hendriks Jongman. Keetje died on 20-04-1933 in Curaçao (Stad), aged 36.
Note about the decease of Keetje: Overleden 6 dagen na de geboorte van de tweeling Bernard en Jacob.
(2) At the age of 39, Roelof married on 19-07-1934 in Amsterdam Maria Lena (Marie) Vijfschaft, aged 24. Marie was born on 10-03-1910 in Hengelo (Ov), daughter of Hendrik Vijfschaft and Maria Helena Truggelaar. Marie died on 18-10-1936 in Curaçao (Stad), aged 26. The death was registered in 1936 [source: akte nr 416].
Note about the decease of Marie: Overleden in het district Stad.
(3) At the age of 44, Roelof married on 29-03-1939 in Aruba Adriana Aaltje (Sjaan) Langhout (img. 32), aged 34.
Note about the marriage of Roelof and Sjaan: 1 kind gewettigd.
Sjaan was born on 02-04-1904 in Hazerswoude, daughter of Willem Langhout and Dirkje van Leeuwen. Sjaan died on 16-07-1982 in Maartensdijk (Ut), aged 78. She was buried in Bilthoven - Den en Rust. Sjaan married Jan Pronk (born 1902) on 30-09-1925 in ’s-Gravenhage [source: akte nr 1125]. The dissolution of this marriage was pronounced on 08-05-1934 in ’s-Gravenhage (echtscheiding) [source: huw akte].
Note about Sjaan: Zij arriveert op 20 februari 1939 met 2 kinderen op Curaçao met het ss. SIMON BOLIVAR.
[Bron: Amigoe di Curaçao 15-02-1939]
1945 to 04-11-1946     Curaçao (Stad), Curaçao (NA)
04-11-1946 to 12-04-1947     Bartolottilaan 2, Soest, Nederland
12-02-1947 to 09-09-1947     Aruba, Aruba (NA)
09-09-1949 to 25-10-1949     Geestbrugweg 87, Rijswijk (ZH), Nederland (In augustus 1949 vertrokken uit Curacao a/b Stuyvesant.)
13-12-1949 to 17-07-1950     Bartolottilaan 2, Soest, Nederland
17-07-1950 to 02-10-1950     Mendelssohnlaan 7, Soest, Nederland
20-10-1950 to 28-02-1951     Nachtegaalstraat 77-bis, Utrecht, Nederland
28-02-1951 to 02-09-1953     Julianalaan 248, Bilthoven, Nederland
02-09-1953 to 25-05-1955     Van de Helstlaan 13, Bilthoven, Nederland
25-05-1955 to 20-04-1959     Dr Letteplein 22, Bilthoven, Nederland
Winkelbediende (1925)
Bestuurslid Oranjevereniging Aruba   [source: Amigo di Curacao 5 maart 1948]
Children of Roelof and Keetje:
1 Lammigje (Lammy) Lens, born on 12-05-1917 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VII-s.
2 Jan Lens, born on 28-12-1919 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VII-t.
3 Bernard Lens, born on 14-04-1933 in Willemstad (Curaçao). Follow VII-u.
4 Jacob Lens, born on 14-04-1933 in Curaçao (Stad).
Note about the birth of Jacob: Eén van een tweeling, zie Bernard.
Jacob died on 28-05-1933 in Curaçao (Stad), aged 1 month.
Child of Roelof and Sjaan:
5 Dirk Jan Lens, born on 04-11-1937 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH). Follow VII-v.
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33 Lammigje Lens
34 Anton Christiaan van Putten
VII-s Lammigje (Lammy) Lens (img. 33) was born on 12-05-1917 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Roelof Lens (see VI-ay) and Keetje Mondria. Lammy died on 27-02-2005 in Assen, aged 87. She was cremated on 03-03-2005 in Assen - De Boskamp [source: ovl advertentie (online-familieberichten)]. At the age of 21, Lammy married on 12-01-1939 in Soekowono (N.O. Indië) Anton Christiaan van Putten (img. 34), aged 35 [source: Soerabaijasch Handelsblad 12-01-1939]. Anton was born on 02-01-1904 in Ooltgensplaat, son of Johannis Gerrit van Putten and Frederika Maria Sophia van Putten. Anton died on 19-08-1985 in Maarsbergen, aged 81. He was cremated on 22-08-1985 in Utrecht (Daelwijck).
Planter te Medan   [source: Indische Paspoortaanvragen 1950-1959]
Children of Lammy and Anton:
1 Frederika Maria Sophia (Freeke) van Putten, born on 27-04-1940 in Soekowono (N.O. Indië) [source: Soerabaijasch Handelsblad 30-04-1940].
Note about Freeke: Zat op de Prinses Beatrixschool in Medan (N.O.I.).
2 Roelof van Putten, born on 08-12-1948 in Tanjong Morawa (N.O.I.). Follow VIII-c.
VIII-c Roelof van Putten was born on 08-12-1948 in Tanjong Morawa (N.O.I.), son of Anton Christiaan van Putten and Lammigje (Lammy) Lens (see VII-s). Roelof married Ans.
Children of Roelof and Ans:
1 Daan van Putten.
2 Peter-Paul van Putten.
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35 Amigoe 03-04-1989
36 Jan Lens
37 Amigoe 15-11-1983
38 Amigoe 03-04-1989
39 Hilda Leolin Lijfrock
40 Hilda Lijfrock
VII-t Jan Lens (img. 35 up to 38) was born on 28-12-1919 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Roelof Lens (see VI-ay) and Keetje Mondria. Jan died on 31-03-1989 in Curaçao (NA), aged 69 [source: Amigoe 3 april 1989]. He was buried on 06-04-1989 in Sint Eustatius (NA) - Cemetary Dutch Reformed Church [source: Amigoe di Curaçao 7 april 1989].
Note about the decease of Jan: Overleden in het Sint Elisabeth Hospitaal op Curacao
De begrafenis werd bezocht door Minister President Maria Liberia-Peters van de Nederlandse Antillen.
Note about Jan: In 1928 met zijn ouders naar Curacao vertrokken.
In 1934 met verlof naar Nederland, daar gebleven tot na de oorlog.
Op 22-04-1952 vertrokken naar de Nederlandse Antillen.
Lid Raad van Commissarisen van Windward Island Airways International (Winair) 1983
1957 to 16-12-1966     Hoofdagent van Politie
up to 13-07-1957     Agent van politie 1e klasse op Bonaire (Overgeplaatst naar Curacao.)
16-12-1966 to 30-09-1975     Administrateur St. Eustatius (N.A.) (was tot 16-12-1966 gedetacheerd hoofdagent van politie op de Bovenwindse Eilanden.)   [source:]
1976 to 1989     Waarnemend gezaghebber Sint Eustatius
12-02-1933 to 02-1934     Patrouilleleider Padvinders Curacao
from 11-08-1967     Waarnemend ambtenaar van het openbaar ministerie op St Eustatius   [source: Amigo di Curacao 24-08-1967]
13-11-1967 to 10-07-1973     lid van de Voogdijraad op Sint Eustatius
Ridder in de orde van Oranje Nassau (30-04-1971)
At the age of 56, Jan married on 09-04-1976 in Sint Eustatius (NA) Hilda Leolin Lijfrock (img. 39 and 40), aged 41. Hilda was born on 15-12-1934 in Oranjestad, Sint Eustatius (NA), daughter of Peter John Augustus Lijfrock and Sarah Christiana Windefelde. Hilda died on 09-02-2008 in Oranjestad, Sint Eustatius (NA), aged 73 (cause: Borstkanker). She was buried on 16-02-2008 in Oranjestad, Sint Eustatius (NA).
Note about the decease of Hilda: Overleden in het Queen Beatrix Medical Center op Sint Eustatius.
Note about Hilda: Zij was de eerste "First Lady of Statia" ooit.
"Mom", "Nature Girl"
Child of Jan and Hilda:
1 Petra Catharina Lens, born on 30-12-1974 in Oranjestad (Sint Eustatius). Follow VIII-d.
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41 Petra Lens Sint Eustatius
42 Petra Lens
VIII-d Petra Catharina Lens (img. 41, 42 and 42) was born on 30-12-1974 in Oranjestad (Sint Eustatius), daughter of Jan Lens (see VII-t) and Hilda Leolin Lijfrock.
01-02-2004 to 01-06-2019     Brandweervrouw bij het Brandweerkorps Caribisch Nederland (BKCN)
Children of Petra from an unknown relationship:
43 Kaisha Lindo
1 Kaisha Dwetra Lindo (img. 43), born on 28-05-1993 in Sint Eustatius (NA).
2 Taneesha Ariah Antonya Lindo, born on 07-08-1999 in Sint Eustatius (NA).
44 Destiny Lens
3 Destiny Lens (img. 44), born on 21-03-2011 in Sint Eustatius (NA).
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45 Bernard Lens
46 Anky Wip
VII-u Bernard Lens (img. 45) was born on 14-04-1933 in Willemstad (Curaçao), son of Roelof Lens (see VI-ay) and Keetje Mondria.
Note about the birth of Bernard: Eén van een tweeling, zie Jacob
Bernard died on 12-07-2009 in Squamish (B.C. - Canada), aged 76.
Note about Bernard: Op 05-07-1956 vertrokken naar Canada.

[Bron: Persoonskaart Roelof Lens]
up to 1956     Machinist Koopvaardij
from 1956     Spoorwegarbeider in Canada
up to 1985     Dieselmonteur
At the age of 38, Bernard married on 24-02-1972 in Squamish (B.C. - Canada) Aleida Berendina Catharina (Anky) Wip (img. 46), aged 34. Anky was born on 18-06-1937 in Enschede, daughter of Arnoldus Wip and Aleida Bernardina Catharina Engelen.
Note about Anky: Naar Canada vertrokken in 1972
Verpleegster in Amsterdam
Child of Bernard and Anky:
1 Bernard Roelof (Ben) Lens, born on 03-03-1973 in Squamish (B.C. - Canada). Follow VIII-e.
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47 Bernard Roelof Lens
48 Robyn Marie Anna Franklin
VIII-e Bernard Roelof (Ben) Lens (img. 47) was born on 03-03-1973 in Squamish (B.C. - Canada), son of Bernard Lens (see VII-u) and Aleida Berendina Catharina (Anky) Wip.
17-41449 Government Rd, BC V8B 0G4 Squamish, Canada (Telefoon: 604-898-8282)   [source: White Pages (2016)]
Operations Manager at a grocery store (SaveOnFoods)
Zombies Locker: Vocalist and Guitars
At the age of 24, Ben married on 16-08-1997 in Squamish (B.C. - Canada) Robyn Marie Anna Franklin (img. 48), aged 23. Robyn was born on 04-10-1973 in Sakatoon (Saskatchewan, Canada), daughter of Fredrick Franklin and Lorrette Taylor.
17-41449 Government Rd, BC V8B 0G4 Squamish, Canada (Telefoon: 604-898-8282)   [source: White Pages (2016)]
Assistant Manager Clothing store
Children of Ben and Robyn:
49 Riley Taylor Lens
1 Riley Taylor Lens (img. 49), born on 01-01-2005 in Squamish (B.C. - Canada).
17-41449 Government Rd, BC V8B 0G4 Squamish, Canada (Telefoon: 604-898-8282)   [source: White Pages (2016)]
50 Hayden Emily Lens
2 Hayden Emily Lens (img. 50), born on 16-10-2007 in Squamish (B.C. - Canada).
17-41449 Government Rd, BC V8B 0G4 Squamish, Canada (Telefoon: 604-898-8282)   [source: White Pages (2016)]
VII-v Dirk Jan Lens was born on 04-11-1937 in Nieuwer-Amstel (NH), son of Roelof Lens (see VI-ay) and Adriana Aaltje (Sjaan) Langhout.
Note about the birth of Dirk: Op de persoonskaart van Roelof Lens staat Dirk Jan vermeld als sz (=stiefzoon).
Note about Dirk: Hij arriveert op 20 februari 1939 met zijn moeder op Curaçao met het ss. SIMON BOLIVAR.
[Bron: Amigoe di Curaçao 15-02-1939]

Op 25-03-1962 vertrokken naar Rotterdam.
[Bron: Persoonskaart CBG Roelof Lens]
Van daaruit door naar de Verenigde Staten?
1945 to 04-11-1946     Curaçao (Stad), Curaçao (NA)
04-11-1946 to 12-04-1947     Bartolottilaan 2, Soest, Nederland
09-09-1949 to 25-10-1949     Geestbrugweg 87, Rijswijk (ZH), Nederland
13-12-1949 to 17-07-1950     Bartolottilaan 2, Soest, Nederland
17-07-1950 to 02-10-1950     Mendelssohnlaan 7, Soest, Nederland
20-10-1950 to 28-02-1951     Julianalaan 248, Bilthoven, Nederland
from 10-2007     19009 Glendower Rd,, MD 20879 Gaithersburg, USA (huidig adres)   [source:]
up to 10-2007     1717 N Bayshore DR, FL 33132 Miami, USA
At about the age of 28, Dirk married around 1965 Dianne M. Gale, aged about 21. The divorce was pronounced on 23-02-1998 in Miami-Dade, Florida [source: Florida, Divorce Index, 1927-2001, certificate 009234]. Dianne was born on 03-02-1944, daughter of [waarschijnlijk] John Gale.
1417 N Bayshore DR, FL 33132 Miami, USA
Children of Dirk and Dianne:
1 Monique Lens.
2 Dirk Jan Jr Lens, born on 07-12-1965. Follow VIII-f.
3 Tiffany Jane Lens, born on 23-10-1975. Follow VIII-g.
51 Tabitha Lens
4 Tabitha Jane Lens (img. 51), born in 11-1977.
Director Small Business American Express Italy
VIII-f Dirk Jan Jr Lens was born on 07-12-1965, son of Dirk Jan Lens (see VII-v) and Dianne M. Gale.
(1) At the age of 25, Dirk married on 20-05-1991 in Clark, Nevada (USA) Marcie Ann Koepke, aged 21 [source: Nevada, Marriage Index, 1956-2005]. The divorce was pronounced before 2000. Marcie was born in 09-1969.
(2) At the age of 34, Dirk married on 05-08-2000 in Douglas, Nevada (USA) Deanna Lee Harp, aged 37 [source: Nevada, Marriage Index, 1956-2005]. Deanna was born on 19-07-1963, daughter of [waarschijnlijk] Ronald Harp.
52 Tiffany Lens
VIII-g Tiffany Jane Lens (img. 52) was born on 23-10-1975, daughter of Dirk Jan Lens (see VII-v) and Dianne M. Gale. Tiffany married [waarschijnlijk] Christopher Thomas King. Christopher was born on 05-02-1976, son of Charles Christopher King and Marie C. King.
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53 Arnoldus Lens
54 Annegien Zandbergen
VI-az Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens (img. 53) was born on 20-09-1897 at 06:00 in Stad Vollenhove [source: Geboorte akte], son of Berend Lens (see V-as) and Lammigje Rozeboom. The birth was registered on 21-09-1897 [source: akte nr 43]. At the birth registration of Nolles the following witnesses were present: Arnoldus Rozeboom (1827-1919) [grandfather mother's side] and Egbert Helderman (1849-1927). Nolles died on 28-05-1992 in Emmeloord (N.O.P.), aged 94. He was buried on 01-06-1992 in Vollenhove (De Voorst).
26-03-1920 to 04-03-1929     Aan Zee 396, Stad Vollenhove
04-03-1929 to 14-04-1931     Medemblik
14-04-1931 to 22-10-1936     Sluisweg 19, Wieringen
22-10-1936 to 1959     Sluisweg 21, Kornwerderzand
1959 to ± 1975     Eefde
from ± 1980     Het Vosken, Vollenhove
up to 04-03-1929     Visschersknecht
04-03-1929 to 14-04-1931     Sluisknecht te Medemblik
14-04-1931 to 22-10-1936     Sluiswachter te Wieringen
22-10-1936 to 1962     Rijksambtenaar: Sluismeester te Kornwerderzand, later te Eefde IJssel
"de Ratel"
Witness to:
01-12-1922     marriage Johan Jansz Spit (1896-1978) and Anne Lens (1900-1986) [see VI-ba]    [brother of the bride]   [source: S 1922/12]
26-03-1927     marriage Reinder Lens (1902-1976) and Willemina Schuurman (1902-2001) [see VI-bb]    [brother of the groom]   [source: akte nr 1]
At the age of 22, Nolles married on 26-03-1920 in Stad Vollenhove Annegien (Anne) Zandbergen (img. 54), aged 20 [source: akte nr 3], after their intention to marry had been registered on 12-03-1920 in Stad Vollenhove [source: Huwelijksaangifte 1920.3]. At the civil wedding of Nolles and Anne the following witnesses were present: Rinse Everts Nieuwenhuis (1873-1928) and Harm Harms Kiefte (1879-1957). A church ceremony was celebrated on 26-03-1920 in Stad Vollenhove. Anne was born on 31-08-1899 at 02:00 in Stad Vollenhove [source: Geboorte akte], daughter of Piet Jurriensz Zandbergen and Doortje Jurriens Mooiweer. The birth was registered on 31-08-1899 [source: S 1899/35]. At the birth registration of Anne the following witnesses were present: Egbert Helderman (1849-1927) and Berend Pieters Mondria (born 1870). Anne died on 15-08-1986 in Vollenhove (Gemeente Brederwiede), aged 86. She was buried on 19-08-1986 in Vollenhove (De Voorst).
26-03-1920 to 04-03-1929     Aan Zee 396, Stad Vollenhove
from ± 1980     Het Vosken, Vollenhove
Children of Nolles and Anne:
1 Berend (Ben) Lens, born on 28-08-1920 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VII-w.
2 Doortje Lens, born on 19-11-1921 in Stad Vollenhove. Doortje died on 19-06-1922 in Zwolle, aged 7 months [source: 1922/26]. The death was registered on 20-06-1922 [source: Zwolle].
26-03-1921 to 19-06-1922     Aan Zee 396, Stad Vollenhove
3 Piet Lens, born on 01-04-1924 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VII-x.
4 Lammigje Lens, born on 14-06-1926 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VII-y.
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55 Berend Lens
56 Aagje Ras
VII-w Berend (Ben) Lens (img. 55) was born on 28-08-1920 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens (see VI-az) and Annegien (Anne) Zandbergen. Ben died on 14-09-2010 at 16:20 in Rotterdam, aged 90 [source: ovl akte]. He was buried on 20-09-2010 in Rotterdam (Begraafplaats Charlois).
Note about the decease of Ben: Overleden in Hospice Rotterdam "de Vier Vogels".
Note about Ben: Na zijn pensionering in 1980 nog ruim 25 jaar bij de voetbalcub TOGR de accomodatie onderhouden.
Een echte clubman
28-08-1920 to 04-03-1929     Aan Zee 396, Stad Vollenhove
04-03-1929 to 14-04-1931     Medemblik
14-04-1931 to 22-10-1936     Sluisweg 19, Wieringen
22-10-1936 to 1949     Sluisweg 21, Kornwerderzand
1936 to 1949     Arbeider bij de Zuiderzeewerken
1949 to 1981     (Hoofd)conducteur NS
At the age of 23, Ben married on 31-05-1944 in Witmarsum (Gem. Wonseradeel) Aagje Ras (img. 56), aged 22. A church ceremony was celebrated on 31-05-1944 in Makkum (Wonseradeel). Aagje was born on 22-07-1921 in Urk, daughter of Willem Ras and Bregje Hakvoort. Aagje died on 27-10-2010 in Rotterdam, aged 89. She was buried on 30-10-2010 in Rotterdam (Begraafplaats Charlois).
22-10-1936 to 1949     Sluisweg 21, Kornwerderzand
Children of Ben and Aagje:
1 Arnoldus Bernhard (Arnold) Lens, born on 19-04-1945 in Wonseradeel (Makkum). Follow VIII-h.
2 Willem (Wim) Lens, born on 23-06-1948 in Kornwerderzand (Wonseradeel). Follow VIII-i.
3 Piet (Peter) Lens, born on 10-04-1952 in Rotterdam. Follow VIII-j.
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57 Arnold Lens
58 Leni Louter
VIII-h Arnoldus Bernhard (Arnold) Lens (img. 57) was born on 19-04-1945 in Wonseradeel (Makkum), son of Berend (Ben) Lens (see VII-w) and Aagje Ras.
22-10-1936 to 1949     Sluisweg 21, Kornwerderzand
At the age of 23, Arnold married on 19-12-1968 in Rotterdam Leni Louter (img. 58), aged 19, after their intention to marry had been registered on 23-10-1968 in Rotterdam. A church ceremony was celebrated on 19-12-1968 in Oude Kerk, Rotterdam-Charlois. Leni was born on 27-12-1948 in Rotterdam, daughter of Willem Louter and Jacoba Visser. She was baptised on 15-05-1949 in Rotterdam.
Child of Arnold and Leni:
59 Petra Lens
1 Petra Jacqueline (Petra) Lens (img. 59), born on 08-10-1973 in Rotterdam. She was baptised on 05-05-1974 in Ridderkerk [source: Doopbewijs].
Note about the birth of Petra: Petra is gedoopt in de Goede Herderkerk van de Hervormde Gemeente te Ridderkerk door Ds. K. Venema.
Nederlands Hervormd (Geloofsbelijdenis gedaan op 4 april 1993 in de Hervormde gemeente te Ridderkerk)
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60 Wim Lens
61 Albertje Kramer
VIII-i Willem (Wim) Lens (img. 60) was born on 23-06-1948 in Kornwerderzand (Wonseradeel), son of Berend (Ben) Lens (see VII-w) and Aagje Ras. Wim died on 13-09-2020 in Zwolle, aged 72. He was buried on 17-09-2020 in Urk (De Vormt).
23-06-1948 to 1949     Sluisweg 21, Kornwerderzand
from 1966     Visser
At the age of 21, Wim married on 15-10-1969 in Urk Albertje Kramer (img. 61), aged 20 [source: akte nr 45]. A church ceremony was celebrated on 15-10-1969 in Urk. Albertje was born on 15-02-1949 in Zwolle, daughter of Cornelis Cornelisz Kramer and Zwaantjen Tiemens Hakvoort.
Children of Wim and Albertje:
1 Agnes Lens, born on 27-08-1970 in Urk. Follow IX-c.
62 Zwanie Lens
2 Zwaantjen Adriaantje (Zwani) Lens (img. 62), born on 27-04-1972 at 22:40 in Emmeloord (N.O.P.) [source: Trouwboekje]. She was baptised in Urk.
Note about the birth of Zwani: Gedoopt in de Chr. Geref. Kerk te Urk door Ds A. van Leeuwen
3 Berendina (Brenda) Lens, born on 23-09-1976 in Urk. Follow IX-d.
4 Cornelis Lens, born on 26-08-1977 in Urk. Follow IX-e.
5 Berend (Bennie) Lens, born on 16-06-1979 in Urk. Follow IX-f.
63 Klaas Lens
6 Klaas Lens (img. 63), born on 31-03-1982 at 07:15 in Urk [source: Trouwboekje]. He was baptised in Urk.
Note about the birth of Klaas: Gedoopt in de Chr. Geref. Kerk door Ds A. v.d. Weerd
64 Arnoild Lens
7 Arnold Bernhard Lens (img. 64), born on 20-11-1983 at 22:00 in Urk [source: Trouwboekje]. He was baptised on 11-12-1983 in Urk.
Note about the birth of Arnold: Gedoopt in de Chr. Geref. Kerk door Ds A. v.d. Weerd
8 Alie Lens, born on 20-12-1984 in Urk. Follow IX-g.
9 Peter Lens, born on 03-08-1986 in Urk. Follow IX-h.
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65 Agnes Lens
66 Klaas van Urk
IX-c Agnes Lens (img. 65) was born on 27-08-1970 in Urk, daughter of Willem (Wim) Lens (see VIII-i) and Albertje Kramer. She was baptised on 27-09-1970 in Urk.
Note about the birth of Agnes: Gedoopt in de Chr. Geref. Kerk door Ds H. van Leeuwen
At the age of 20, Agnes married on 07-12-1990 in Urk Klaas Frederik (Klaas) van Urk (img. 66), aged 22. A church ceremony was celebrated on 07-12-1990 in Urk. Klaas was born on 01-10-1968 in Urk, son of Evert Klaasz van Urk and Marretje van den Berg.
De Flappert
Children of Agnes and Klaas:
1 Evert van Urk, born on 05-07-1992 in Urk. Follow X-a.
67 Bertina van Urk
2 Bertina van Urk (img. 67), born on 05-04-1996 in Urk.
68 Geert van Urk
3 Geert van Urk (img. 68), born on 16-11-2000 in Amsterdam.
69 Evert van Urk
X-a Evert van Urk (img. 69) was born on 05-07-1992 in Urk, son of Klaas Frederik (Klaas) van Urk and Agnes Lens (see IX-c). At the age of 26, Evert married on 21-09-2018 in Urk Hendrikje (Erika) Kramer, aged 23. A church ceremony was celebrated on 21-09-2018 in Urk (Petrakerk). Erika was born on 02-02-1995 in Urk (NOP).
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70 Brenda Lens
71 Kees Kramer
IX-d Berendina (Brenda) Lens (img. 70) was born on 23-09-1976 at 12:15 in Urk [source: Trouwboekje], daughter of Willem (Wim) Lens (see VIII-i) and Albertje Kramer. She was baptised on 07-11-1976 in Urk.
Note about the birth of Brenda: Gedoopt in de Chr. Geref. Kerk door Ds A. Baars
At the age of 19, Brenda married on 18-05-1996 in Urk Cornelis (Kees) Kramer (img. 71), aged 23. A church ceremony was celebrated on 18-05-1996 in Urk. Kees was born on 29-04-1973 in Urk, son of Albert Kramer and Willempje Bakker.
Kees Kliek
Children of Brenda and Kees:
72 Albert Kramer
1 Albert Kramer (img. 72), born on 05-07-1997 in Urk.
73 Willem Kramer
2 Willem Kramer (img. 73), born on 12-10-2000 in Urk.
74 Helisha Kramer
3 Liesbeth-Helena (Helisha) Kramer (img. 74), born on 19-08-2002 in Urk.
4 Agnes Kramer, born on 19-07-2005 at 12:20 in Lelystad [source: Geboortekaart]. At birth Agnes had a weight of 3460 gr.
5 Albertje Alie (Ashlie) Kramer, born on 21-11-2014 at 20:30 in Urk. At birth Ashlie had a weight of 3780 gr.
75 Cornelis Lens
IX-e Cornelis Lens (img. 75) was born on 26-08-1977 at 22:15 in Urk [source: Trouwboekje], son of Willem (Wim) Lens (see VIII-i) and Albertje Kramer. He was baptised on 25-09-1977 in Urk.
Note about the birth of Cornelis: Gedoopt in de Chr. Geref. Kerk door Ds A. Baars
from 01-05-2020     (Belijdenis gedaan)
(1) At the age of 20, Cornelis married on 04-06-1998 in Urk Armanda Bakker, aged 16. The divorce was pronounced in 2005. Armanda was born on 23-05-1982 in Urk, daughter of Klaas Pietersz Bakker and Aaltje Jans de Boer.
(2) At the age of 37, Cornelis married on 28-03-2015 in Urk Eltje (Alice) de Boer, aged 24. Alice was born on 30-04-1990 in Urk, daughter of Meindert de Boer and Jannetje Bakker.
from 01-05-2020     (Belijdenis gedaan)
Children of Cornelis and Armanda:
1 Albertje (Babette) Lens, born on 22-07-1998 in Urk. Follow X-b.
76 Thalyta Lens
2 Alie Jannyta (Thalyta) Lens (img. 76), born on 21-06-2000 in Urk.
77 Melanie
3 Manuëlle Stefanie (Melanie) Lens (img. 77), born on 02-05-2002 in Urk.
Children of Cornelis and Alice:
78 Janita Lens
4 Janet (Janita) Lens (img. 78), born on 05-06-2016 at 16:39 in Lelystad [source: Geboortekaart]. At birth Janita had a weight of 3045 gr. She was baptised on 01-05-2022 in Urk.
5 Bennie Lens, born on 26-08-2018 at 12:30 in Lelystad. He was baptised on 01-05-2022 in Urk.
79 Babette Lens
X-b Albertje (Babette) Lens (img. 79) was born on 22-07-1998 in Urk, daughter of Cornelis Lens (see IX-e) and Armanda Bakker. At the age of 23, Babette married on 30-04-2022 in Urk Martijn Kater. A church ceremony was celebrated on 30-04-2022 in Urk.
Note about the marriage of Babette and Martijn: Getrouwd ub de Bethelkerk.
Child of Babette and Martijn:
1 Daniel Kater, born on 01-02-2023.
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80 Bennie Lens
81 Margriet de Boer
IX-f Berend (Bennie) Lens (img. 80) was born on 16-06-1979 at 01:05 in Urk [source: Trouwboekje], son of Willem (Wim) Lens (see VIII-i) and Albertje Kramer. He was baptised on 15-07-1979 in Urk.
Note about the birth of Bennie: Gedoopt in de Chr. Geref. Kerk door Ds A. Baars
Electricien, visverwerker
At the age of 26, Bennie married on 07-10-2005 in Urk Margriet de Boer (img. 81), aged 22. A church ceremony was celebrated on 07-10-2005 in Urk (De Schuilplaats). Margriet was born on 25-03-1983 in Emmeloord (N.O.P.), daughter of Albert de Boer and Marijke Romkes.
Children of Bennie and Margriet:
82 Willem Lens
5 jaar
1 Willem Lens (img. 82), born on 03-11-2006 in Tollebeek (NOP).
83 Myrna Lens
3 jaar
2 Marijtje (Myrna) Lens (img. 83), born on 14-11-2008 in Tollebeek (NOP).
84 Albert-Pieter Lens
3 Albert-Pieter Lens (img. 84), born on 08-06-2012 in Tollebeek (NOP).
4 Albertje Berendina (Bernadien) Lens, born on 10-08-2016 at 13:33 in Urk [source: Geboortekaartje]. At birth Bernadien had a weight of 3470 gr.
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85 Alie Lens
86 Freek Koffeman
IX-g Alie Lens (img. 85) was born on 20-12-1984 at 02:10 in Urk [source: Trouwboekje], daughter of Willem (Wim) Lens (see VIII-i) and Albertje Kramer. She was baptised on 13-01-1985 in Urk.
Note about the birth of Alie: Gedoopt in de Chr. Geref. Kerk door Ds A. v.d. Weerd
At the age of 16, Alie married on 27-12-2000 in Urk Frederik (Freek) Koffeman (img. 86), aged 20. Freek was born on 13-04-1980 in Urk, son of Albert Koffeman and Esther Bakker.
Children of Alie and Freek:
87 Albert Koffeman
1 Albert Koffeman (img. 87), born on 22-01-2001 in Urk.
88 Angedina
maart 2005
2 Agnes Berendina (Angedina) Koffeman (img. 88), born on 06-02-2005 at 18:56 in Lelystad [source: Geboortekaartje]. At birth Angedina had a weight of 3080 gr.
89 Ester Koffeman
mei 2009
3 Ester Koffeman (img. 89), born on 03-05-2009 at 11:46 in Lelystad [source: Geboortekaartje].
90 Amber Koffeman
4 Albertje (Amber) Koffeman (img. 90), born on 15-09-2010 at 12:57 in Lelystad [source: Geboortekaarje]. At birth Amber had a weight of 3540 gr.
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91 Peter Lens
92 Marianne Loosman
IX-h Peter Lens (img. 91) was born on 03-08-1986 at 06:05 in Urk [source: Trouwboekje], son of Willem (Wim) Lens (see VIII-i) and Albertje Kramer. He was baptised on 28-09-1986 in Urk.
Note about the birth of Peter: Gedoopt in de Chr. Geref. Kerk door Ds A. v.d. Weerd
At the age of 19, Peter married on 18-04-2006 in Urk Marretje (Marianne) Loosman (img. 92), aged 20. A church ceremony was celebrated on 18-04-2006 in Urk. Marianne was born on 13-12-1985 in Urk, daughter of Riekelt Loosman and Jacoba Alijda Zwaan.
Children of Peter and Marianne:
93 Riekelt lens
1 Riekelt Lens (img. 93), born on 03-09-2006 in Sneek (Frl).
94 Zwanie Lens
2 Albertje Zwaantje (Zwanie) Lens (img. 94), born on 29-06-2009 in Sneek (Frl).
3 Jacoba Aleida Wilhelmina (Jacolien) Lens, born on 08-05-2012 in Sneek (Frl).
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95 Peter Lens
96 Femke Bootsma
VIII-j Piet (Peter) Lens (img. 95) was born on 10-04-1952 in Rotterdam, son of Berend (Ben) Lens (see VII-w) and Aagje Ras.
22-10-1936 to 1949     Sluisweg 21, Kornwerderzand
At the age of 22, Peter married on 07-03-1975 in Sneek (Frl) Femke Bootsma (img. 96), aged 21. A church ceremony was celebrated on 07-03-1975 in Sneek (Frl) (Oosterkerk. Femke was born on 31-10-1953 in Sneek (Frl), daughter of Sipke Bootsma and Sibbeltje Visser.
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97 Piet Lens
98 Jannie Wielinga
VII-x Piet Lens (img. 97) was born on 01-04-1924 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens (see VI-az) and Annegien (Anne) Zandbergen. Piet died on 17-04-2020 at 23:40 in Spankeren, aged 96. He was cremated on 24-04-2020 in Dieren.
up to 04-03-1929     Aan Zee 396, Stad Vollenhove
Ambtenaar Rijkwaterstaat
At the age of 27, Piet married on 17-03-1952 in Harlingen (Frl) Jannigje (Janny) Wielinga (img. 98), aged 20. Janny was born on 21-05-1931 in Harlingen (Frl), daughter of Sybolt Wielinga and Johanna Kaspers. Janny died on 18-02-2013 in Dieren, aged 81. She was cremated on 22-02-2013 in Dieren.
Children of Piet and Janny:
1 Arnoldus (Arnold) Lens, born on 11-12-1952 in Harlingen (Frl). Follow VIII-k.
2 Sybolt (Siep) Lens, born on 10-10-1955 in Zuidelijke IJsselmeerpolders. Follow VIII-l.
arnoldvanpiet2009.jpg tinekevanarnold2009.jpg
99 Arnold Lens
100 Tineke Bosveld
VIII-k Arnoldus (Arnold) Lens (img. 99) was born on 11-12-1952 in Harlingen (Frl), son of Piet Lens (see VII-x) and Jannigje (Janny) Wielinga. At the age of 24, Arnold married on 03-06-1977 in De Steeg (Gemeente Rheden) Alberdina Johanna Berendina (Tineke) Bosveld (img. 100), aged 21. Tineke was born on 26-10-1955 in Arnhem.
Children of Arnold and Tineke:
101 Pieter Lens
1 Pieter Lens (img. 101), born on 28-09-1977 in Warnsveld.
2 Anna Wilhelmina (Anja) Lens, born on 19-05-1982 in Dieren.
sijboltvanpiet.jpg annekevansijbolt.jpg
102 Sybolt Lens
103 annekevansijbolt
VIII-l Sybolt (Siep) Lens (img. 102) was born on 10-10-1955 in Zuidelijke IJsselmeerpolders, son of Piet Lens (see VII-x) and Jannigje (Janny) Wielinga. At the age of 22, Siep married on 03-02-1978 in Vorden (Ov) Anneke van Rij (img. 103), aged 24. Anneke was born on 13-11-1953 in Rotterdam.
Children of Siep and Anneke:
1 Jannie Adriana (Diana) Lens, born on 05-08-1980 in Deventer.
2 Petra Hennie (Carolien) Lens, born on 17-05-1984 in Nieuwegein. Follow IX-i.
IX-i Petra Hennie (Carolien) Lens was born on 17-05-1984 in Nieuwegein, daughter of Sybolt (Siep) Lens (see VIII-l) and Anneke van Rij. At the age of 22, Carolien married on 28-09-2006 in Zeewolde Vincent Visser, aged 24. Vincent was born on 06-05-1982 in Amsterdam.
Child of Carolien and Vincent:
1 Tamino Alexander Sijbolt Daan (Tamino) Visser, born on 28-01-2007.
lammigje_lens.jpg henkbuddelmeijer.jpg
104 Lammigje lens
105 Henk Buddelmeijer
VII-y Lammigje Lens (img. 104) was born on 14-06-1926 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens (see VI-az) and Annegien (Anne) Zandbergen.
26-03-1920 to 04-03-1929     Aan Zee 396, Stad Vollenhove
(1) At the age of 19, Lammigje married on 13-09-1945 in Haastrecht Jan Hamelink, aged 19. The divorce was pronounced before 1976. Jan was born on 14-06-1926 in Werkendam, son of Willem Hamelink and Dirkje Neeltje Paans. Jan died on 28-03-1977, aged 50.
(2) At the age of 50, Lammigje married on 20-07-1976 in Eindhoven (NB) Ignatius Johannes Gerardus Maria (Henk) Buddelmeijer (img. 105), aged 51. Henk was born on 15-08-1924 in Amsterdam, son of Carel Maria Aloysius Buddelmeijer and Maria Hendrika Josepha (Mary) Duijvelshoff. Henk died on 15-01-2009 in Eindhoven (NB), aged 84. Henk married Selien Krist (1925-1987) around 1951. This marriage was dissolved before 1976.
Children of Lammigje and Jan:
1 Willem (Wim) Hamelink, born on 15-02-1946 in Haastrecht.
106 Arnold Hamelink
2 Arnold Hamelink (img. 106), born on 15-07-1950 in Buitenzorg (Indonesië).
Technical Trainer Philips Heathcare
3 Nelleke (Nelly) Hamelink, born on 29-10-1951 in Blerick (Venlo). Follow VIII-m.
4 Anneke Hamelink, born on 16-10-1952 in Bandoeng (Indonesië).
107 Uitreiking Gouden Erespeld (april 2006)
5 Lammie Hamelink (img. 107), born on 02-01-1955 in Venlo.
from 1973     Eigenaar Kennel v.d. Mibaf’s Hoeve (Teckels)
VIII-m Nelleke (Nelly) Hamelink was born on 29-10-1951 in Blerick (Venlo), daughter of Jan Hamelink and Lammigje Lens (see VII-y). Nelly died on 27-02-2001 in Tilburg (NB), aged 49. She was cremated on 07-03-2001 in Eindhoven (NB).
Note about the decease of Nelly: Eindhovens echtpaar met opzet aangereden

Donderdag 1 maart. EINDHOVEN - De dodelijke aanrijding van maandagavond op de Antwerpenlaan in Eindhoven, was geen ongeluk, maar vrijwel zeker opzet. De 28-jarige man die het Eindhovense echtpaar Renders aanreed, blijkt de schoonzoon te zijn.

De 49-jarige mevrouw D. Renders liep fataal hersenletsel op. Haar 51-jarige man raakte zwaargewond, maar is volgens de politie buiten levensgevaar. De verdachte is in verzekering gesteld en wordt vandaag voorgeleid. De politie wil in het belang van het onderzoek verder geen mededelingen doen.

De 28-jarige verdachte, een Eindhovenaar, is in een echtscheidingsprocedure verwikkeld en had een conflict met de familie van zijn vrouw. Maandagmiddag was er al ruzie geweest tussen hem en zijn schoonouders bij een ontmoeting tijdens het carnaval in de binnenstad.

Maandagavond rond half elf, toen de heer en mevrouw Renders bij de bushalte op Antwerpenlaan liepen, reed de verdachte plotseling op hen af, schepte hen en reed vervolgens door. Rond elf uur kreeg hij zelf een ongeluk. Hij botste tegen een boom op de St. Oedenrodeseweg in Best en raakte lichtgewond. De politie stelde vast dat de 28-jarige had gedronken. Er werd een promillage van 0,65 promille geconstateerd.

De verdachte werd in Best door een getuige uit zijn auto geholpen. Pas gistermorgen meldde deze persoon zich na een oproep van de politie. Ook een andere getuige heeft zich gemeld. De politie wil niet zeggen of hun verklaringen iets hebben opgeleverd.
[Bron: Eindhovens Dagblad]
Nelly married D. (Harrie) Renders.
Children of Nelly and Harrie:
1 Harrie Renders.
2 Peter Renders.
3 Nicole Renders.
4 Sandra Renders.
annelens.jpg johanspit.jpg
108 Annigje Lens
109 Johan Spit
VI-ba Annigje (Anne) Lens (img. 108) was born on 30-01-1900 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Berend Lens (see V-as) and Lammigje Rozeboom. The birth was registered [source: akte nr 3]. Anne died on 13-02-1986 in Kampen, aged 86. She was buried on 18-02-1986 in Vollenhove (De Voorst). At the age of 22, Anne married on 01-12-1922 in Stad Vollenhove Johan Jansz Spit (img. 109), aged 26 [source: S 1922/12], after their intention to marry had been registered on 11-11-1922 in Stad Vollenhove. At the civil wedding of Anne and Johan the following witnesses were present: Jacob Spit (born ±1869) and Nolles Lens (1897-1992) [see VI-az] [brother of the bride]. Johan was born on 20-04-1896 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Jan Marten Spit and Jansje van der Linde. Johan died on 22-04-1978, aged 82.
The marriage of Anne and Johan remained childless.
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110 Reinder Lens
111 Willemina Schuurman
VI-bb Reinder Lens (img. 110) was born on 27-11-1902 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Berend Lens (see V-as) and Lammigje Rozeboom. The birth was registered [source: akte nr 57]. Reinder died on 19-04-1976 in Rotterdam, aged 73.
up to 13-09-1929     Medemblik   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
13-09-1929 to 16-10-1929     Putselaan 57b, Rotterdam   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
16-10-1929 to 02-12-1933     2e Pioenstraat 31a, Rotterdam   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
from 02-12-1933     Putselaan 121a, Rotterdam   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
Visser (1927); Schipper (1929); Seinhuiswachter NS
At the age of 24, Reinder married on 26-03-1927 in Stad Vollenhove Willemina Schuurman (img. 111), aged 24 [source: akte nr 1], after their intention to marry had been registered on 12-03-1927 in Stad Vollenhove. At the civil wedding of Reinder and Willemina the following witnesses were present: Teunis Jans Schuurman (1897-1977) [brother of the bride] and Nolles Lens (1897-1992) [see VI-az] [brother of the groom]. Willemina was born on 14-10-1902 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Jan Teunisz Schuurman and Grada Frederiks Croes. Willemina died on 17-12-2001 in Scheveningen, aged 99.
13-09-1929 to 16-10-1929     Putselaan 57b, Rotterdam   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
16-10-1929 to 02-12-1933     2e Pioenstraat 31a, Rotterdam   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
from 02-12-1933     Putselaan 121a, Rotterdam   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
Children of Reinder and Willemina:
1 Lammigje (Lammie) Lens, born on 12-10-1927 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VII-z.
2 .... Lens, stillborn child, born on 19-07-1929 in Medemblik.
VII-z Lammigje (Lammie) Lens was born on 12-10-1927 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Reinder Lens (see VI-bb) and Willemina Schuurman. At the age of 27, Lammie married on 24-02-1955 in Rotterdam Cornelis Willem Kuiper, aged 31. Cornelis was born on 13-09-1923 in Scheveningen, son of Willem Cornelis Kuiper and Evertje Jansen.
Children of Lammie and Cornelis:
1 Willem Kuiper, born on 05-12-1956 in ’s-Gravenhage.
2 René Martin (René) Kuiper, born on 26-09-1959 in ’s-Gravenhage.
3 Wilhelmine Alice Christine (Helen) Kuiper, born on 17-06-1965 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow VIII-n.
VIII-n Wilhelmine Alice Christine (Helen) Kuiper was born on 17-06-1965 in ’s-Gravenhage, daughter of Cornelis Willem Kuiper and Lammigje (Lammie) Lens (see VII-z). At the age of 34, Helen married on 07-04-2000 in Bergschenhoek Gert Johannes Pieter (Gert Jan) van der Lee, aged 35. A church ceremony was celebrated on 07-04-2000 in Bergschenhoek. Gert Jan was born on 29-10-1964 in Rotterdam.
Child of Helen and Gert Jan:
1 Noortje Fréderique van der Lee, born on 22-10-2001 in Rotterdam.
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112 Teunis Lens
113 Hendrika van de Wetering
VI-bc Teunis Lens (img. 112) was born on 21-09-1905 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Berend Lens (see V-as) and Lammigje Rozeboom. Teunis died on 18-07-1985 in Rotterdam, aged 79.
17-11-1932 to 06-12-1932     Johannes Brandstraat 22b, Rotterdam (Vorige woonplaats: Alkmaar)   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
from 06-12-1932     Dahliastraat 46a, Rotterdam   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
from 1930     Rijtuigpoetser Ned. Spoorwegen
from 1932     Rangeerder/Seinhuiswachter NS
At the age of 24, Teunis married on 16-01-1930 in Medemblik Hendrika (Rieka) van de Wetering (img. 113), aged 19 [source: akte nr 1], after their intention to marry had been registered on 04-01-1930 in Medemblik. At the civil wedding of Teunis and Rieka the following witnesses were present: Reindert Willem de Vries (born ±1906) and Harm van de Wetering (born ±1907). Rieka was born on 07-06-1910 in Ambt Vollenhove, daughter of Hendrik Harms van de Wetering and Trijntje Willems Bos. Rieka died on 18-03-1962 in Rotterdam, aged 51.
17-11-1932 to 06-12-1932     Johannes Brandstraat 22b, Rotterdam   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
from 06-12-1932     Dahliastraat 46a, Rotterdam   [source: Gezinskaart BS Rotterdam]
Children of Teunis and Rieka:
1 Lammigje (Lammy) Lens, born on 01-06-1930 in Alkmaar. Follow VII-aa.
2 Hendrik Lens, born on 25-02-1935 in Rotterdam. Hendrik died on 31-01-1946 in Rotterdam, aged 10.
3 Hendrika (Hennie) Lens, born on 22-03-1947 in Rotterdam.
4 Berend (Ben) Lens, born on 24-02-1950 in Rotterdam. Follow VII-ab.
2013lammylens.jpg jordaankooij.jpg
114 Overlijdensadvertentie
115 Jordaan Kooij
VII-aa Lammigje (Lammy) Lens (img. 114) was born on 01-06-1930 in Alkmaar, daughter of Teunis Lens (see VI-bc) and Hendrika (Rieka) van de Wetering. Lammy died on 02-08-2013 in Huizen (NH), aged 83. She was buried on 08-08-2013 in Huizen (Nwe Alg Begraafplaats). At the age of 24, Lammy married on 09-03-1955 in Rotterdam Jordaan (Jord) Kooij (img. 115), aged 28. Jord was born on 13-03-1926, son of Adrianus Simon Kooij and Barbera Baan. Jord died on 30-01-1999 in Laren (NH), aged 72. He was buried in Huizen (Nwe Alg Begraafplaats).
Child of Lammy and Jord:
1 Rob Kooij, born on 13-06-1956 in Huizen (NH). Rob died on 10-08-1985 in Huizen (NH), aged 29. She was buried in Huizen (Nwe Alg Begraafplaats).
VII-ab Berend (Ben) Lens was born on 24-02-1950 in Rotterdam, son of Teunis Lens (see VI-bc) and Hendrika (Rieka) van de Wetering.
douane ambtenaar
At the age of 20, Ben married on 10-08-1970 in Rotterdam Marianne Keijzer, aged 18. Marianne was born on 15-12-1951.
Children of Ben and Marianne:
1 Erzi Lens, born on 03-05-1973.
2 Maraesja Lens, born on 19-02-1977.
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116 Arnoldus Lens (Nos)
117 Jennigje Schuurman
VI-bd Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens (img. 116) was born on 12-02-1910 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Berend Lens (see V-as) and Lammigje Rozeboom. Nolles died on 13-11-1990 in Steenwijk, aged 80. He was buried in Kallenkote (De Nieuwe Landen). At the age of 26, Nolles married on 11-04-1936 in Stad Vollenhove Jennigje Schuurman (img. 117), aged 23. Jennigje was born on 06-02-1913 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Jan Teunisz Schuurman and Grada Frederiks Croes. Jennigje died on 14-03-2012 in Meppel, aged 99. She was buried in Kallenkote (De Nieuwe Landen).
Children of Nolles and Jennigje:
1 Jan Lens, born on 08-05-1940 in Doesburg. Follow VII-ad.
2 Lammigje Lens, born on 13-09-1936 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VII-ac.
3 Berend (Ben) Lens, born on 21-06-1944 in Meppel. Follow VII-ae.
4 Gerhard Lens, born on 27-02-1953 in Meppel. Follow VII-af.
118 Reinder Lens
5 Reinder (René) Lens (img. 118), born on 17-04-1957 in Meppel.
VII-ac Lammigje Lens was born on 13-09-1936 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens (see VI-bd) and Jennigje Schuurman. Lammigje died on 21-09-2005 in Emmeloord (N.O.P.), aged 69. She was buried in Emmeloord (Alg.). At the age of 22, Lammigje married on 10-07-1959 in Steenwijk Gijsbert (Gijs) Alblas, aged 25. Gijs was born on 09-03-1934 in Huizum.
Children of Lammigje and Gijs:
1 Jennigje (Jeanet) Alblas, born on 05-12-1961 in Meppel. Follow VIII-o.
2 Marjan Alblas, born on 14-06-1965 in Emmeloord (N.O.P.). Follow VIII-p.
VIII-o Jennigje (Jeanet) Alblas was born on 05-12-1961 in Meppel, daughter of Gijsbert (Gijs) Alblas and Lammigje Lens (see VII-ac). At the age of 22, Jeanet married on 03-05-1984 in Emmeloord Steven de Groot, aged 24. Steven was born on 21-11-1959.
Children of Jeanet and Steven:
1 Maarten de Groot, born on 11-10-1987 in Emmeloord.
2 Jeroen de Groot, born on 26-12-1989 in Emmeloord.
VIII-p Marjan Alblas was born on 14-06-1965 in Emmeloord (N.O.P.), daughter of Gijsbert (Gijs) Alblas and Lammigje Lens (see VII-ac). At the age of 30, Marjan married on 21-03-1996 in Zwolle Hans van Zon, aged 28. Hans was born on 25-11-1967.
Children of Marjan and Hans:
1 Maud van Zon, born on 13-10-1997 in Zwolle.
2 Dion van Zon, born on 14-11-1999 in Zwolle.
119 Jan Lens
VII-ad Jan Lens (img. 119) was born on 08-05-1940 in Doesburg, son of Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens (see VI-bd) and Jennigje Schuurman.
up to 2005     Hoofd Technische Dienst Belastingdienst
from 2005     Gastheer HealthCity Lelystad
1944 to 1946     Nutsbewaarschool, Vollenhove   [source:]
1946 to 1959     School met de Bijbel, Vollenhove   [source:]
At the age of 26, Jan married on 27-10-1966 in Wolvega Rinkje Meijer, aged 21. Rinkje was born on 19-09-1945 in Wolvega.
Children of Jan and Rinkje:
1 Janke (Jolanda) Lens, born on 28-08-1967 in Emmeloord. Follow VIII-q.
2 Jennigje (Jeanet) Lens, born on 15-09-1971 in Lelystad. Follow VIII-r.
3 Jan Arnoldus (Arjan) Lens, born on 15-05-1975 in Lelystad. Follow VIII-s.
VIII-q Janke (Jolanda) Lens was born on 28-08-1967 in Emmeloord, daughter of Jan Lens (see VII-ad) and Rinkje Meijer. At the age of 28, Jolanda married on 22-09-1995 in Lelystad Jelte Siekmans, aged 29. Jelte was born on 02-03-1966.
Children of Jolanda and Jelte:
1 Melvin Siekmans, born on 11-02-1994 in Lelystad.
2 Angelina Siekmans, born on 28-10-1996 in Lelystad.
VIII-r Jennigje (Jeanet) Lens was born on 15-09-1971 in Lelystad, daughter of Jan Lens (see VII-ad) and Rinkje Meijer.
(1) At the age of 25, Jeanet married on 27-09-1996 in Kampen Vincent Heemskerk, aged 27. The marriage was dissolved in 1997 (echtscheiding). Vincent was born on 28-04-1969.
(2) After the age of 26, Jeanet started living together after 1997 with Gerard Richard Jan-Willem (Stefan) Halfwerk, aged more than 28. Stefan was born on 07-04-1969 in Steenwijk.
Child of Jeanet and Vincent:
1 Mitchel Heemskerk, born on 06-12-1993 in Lelystad.
Child of Jeanet and Stefan:
2 Nick Halfwerk, born on 12-09-1999 in Lelystad.
VIII-s Jan Arnoldus (Arjan) Lens was born on 15-05-1975 in Lelystad, son of Jan Lens (see VII-ad) and Rinkje Meijer. Arjan started living together with Judith Winkler. Judith was born on 10-01-1975 in Lelystad.
Child of Arjan and Judith:
1 Niels Lens, born on 14-05-2002.
VII-ae Berend (Ben) Lens was born on 21-06-1944 in Meppel, son of Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens (see VI-bd) and Jennigje Schuurman.
Egginklaan 8, 7971 CA Havelte (telf: 0521-343008)
At the age of 25, Ben married on 28-11-1969 Klaasje.
Egginklaan 8, 7971 CA Haveltje (telf|)
VII-af Gerhard Lens was born on 27-02-1953 in Meppel, son of Arnoldus (Nolles) Lens (see VI-bd) and Jennigje Schuurman.
Burg. Backxlaan 339-B, 7711 AD Nieuwleusen
Gerhard married [waarschijnlijk] Gerda van Limburg.
Child of Gerhard and Gerda:
1 [waarschijnlijk] Monique Lens, born on 25-06-1977. Monique died on 01-12-1991 in Sappemeer (Gr), aged 14.
trijnlens2005.jpg gerritvanaarsen3.jpg
120 Trijntje Lens
121 Gerrit van Aarsen
VI-be Trijntje Lens (img. 120) was born on 13-11-1914 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Berend Lens (see V-as) and Lammigje Rozeboom. Trijntje died on 23-03-2006 in Elburg, aged 91. She was buried on 28-03-2006 in Elburg (Begraafplaats Burchtstraat). At the age of 25, Trijntje married on 17-11-1939 in Stad Vollenhove Gerrit van Aarsen (img. 121), aged 25. Gerrit was born on 12-03-1914 in Weststellingwerf (Fr), son of Hendrik Klaassen van Aarsen and Lamberta Gerrits Weerman. Gerrit died on 08-10-1973 in Lelystad, aged 59. He was buried in Elburg (Begraafplaats Burchtstraat).
Children of Trijntje and Gerrit:
1 Lamberta (Berta) van Aarsen, born on 27-04-1941 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VII-ag.
2 Berend (Ben) van Aarsen, born on 26-03-1945 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VII-ah.
3 Annie (An) van Aarsen, born on 21-01-1956 in Noordoostpolder. Follow VII-ai.
VII-ag Lamberta (Berta) van Aarsen was born on 27-04-1941 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Gerrit van Aarsen and Trijntje Lens (see VI-be). At the age of 21, Berta married on 25-04-1963 in Elburg Jan Cornelis (Cor) Westerink, aged 22. Cor was born on 19-07-1940 in Elburg.
122 Ben van Aarsen
VII-ah Berend (Ben) van Aarsen (img. 122) was born on 26-03-1945 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Gerrit van Aarsen and Trijntje Lens (see VI-be).
Projectleider Scheepsbouw en -onderhoud IJsselmeergebied RWS
At the age of 22, Ben married on 01-06-1967 in Dronten Trijnie Oostindië, aged 23. Trijnie was born on 03-05-1944 in Schagerbrug(?).
VII-ai Annie (An) van Aarsen was born on 21-01-1956 in Noordoostpolder, daughter of Gerrit van Aarsen and Trijntje Lens (see VI-be). At the age of 31, An married on 21-05-1987 in Emmeloord Pieter Veldema, aged 31. Pieter was born on 05-02-1956 in Zwolle.
V-at Niesje Lens was born on 29-03-1872 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Roelof Lens (see IV-ab) and Annigje de Jonge. Niesje died on 13-05-1933 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 61. At the age of 24, Niesje married on 23-05-1896 in Stad Vollenhove Berend Willemsz Huisman, aged 25 [source: akte nr 10]. At the civil wedding of Niesje and Berend the following witnesses were present: Berend Christoffels Oldenhof (1819-1901) [grandfather mother's side of the groom], Egbert Helderman (1849-1927), Berend Hendriks Edelenbos (±1850-1935) and Roelof Willemsz Huisman (1869-1953) [brother of the groom]. Berend was born on 12-08-1870 in Ambt Vollenhove, son of Willem Roelofs Huisman and Trijntje Berends Oldenhof. Berend died on 17-08-1957 in Vollenhove, aged 87.
Witness to:
15-09-1894     marriage Berend Lens (1869-1936) and Lammigje Rozeboom (1869-1960) [see V-as]   [source: akte nr 10]
Children of Niesje and Berend:
1 Trijntje Huisman, born on 04-03-1897 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-bf.
2 Roelof Huisman, born on 21-03-1899 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-bg.
3 Willem Huisman, born on 16-05-1902 in Stad Vollenhove. Willem died on 15-01-1958 in Vollenhove, aged 55. Willem remained unmarried.
4 Annigje Huisman, born on 05-05-1906 in Stad Vollenhove. Follow VI-bh.
5 .... Huisman, stillborn child, born on 20-09-1908 in Stad Vollenhove.
6 Roelofje Jansje Huisman, born on 20-11-1909 in Stad Vollenhove. Roelofje died on 23-11-1909 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 3 days.
7 Berend Huisman, born on 20-11-1909 in Stad Vollenhove. Berend died on 26-11-1909 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 6 days.
VI-bf Trijntje Huisman was born on 04-03-1897 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Berend Willemsz Huisman and Niesje Lens (see V-at). Trijntje died on 01-09-1992 in Vollenhove, aged 95. She was buried in Vollenhove (De Voorst). At the age of 22, Trijntje married on 16-05-1919 in Stad Vollenhove Gerrit Jongman, aged 33 [source: akte nr 8]. Gerrit was born on 22-09-1885 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Gerardus Hendrikus Jongman and Hendrika Riekents Jongman. Gerrit died on 18-06-1969 in Vollenhove, aged 83. He was buried in Vollenhove (De Voorst).
Child of Trijntje and Gerrit:
1 Niesje Jongman, born on 27-07-1923 in Stad Vollenhove. Niesje died on 01-02-1928 in Stad Vollenhove, aged 4.
VI-bg Roelof Huisman was born on 21-03-1899 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Berend Willemsz Huisman and Niesje Lens (see V-at).
At the age of 26, Roelof married on 13-11-1925 in Stad Vollenhove Maria Vis, aged about 23 [source: akte nr 11]. Maria was born around 1902 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Harm Siemens Vis and Antonia Berends Oosten.
VI-bh Annigje Huisman was born on 05-05-1906 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Berend Willemsz Huisman and Niesje Lens (see V-at). Annigje died on 27-12-1979 in Ede (Gld), aged 73. At the age of 20, Annigje married on 23-09-1926 in Stad Vollenhove Steven Mondria, aged about 25 [source: akte nr 7]. Steven was born around 1901 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Berend Pieters Mondria and Trijntje Hendriks Bruintjes.
teunislensgrafsemarang.jpg swol_sophia_1880.jpg
123 Teunis Lens
Graf Semarang
124 Sophia Swol 1880-1968 (1950)
V-au Teunis Lens (img. 123) was born on 27-02-1874 in Stad Vollenhove, son of Roelof Lens (see IV-ab) and Annigje de Jonge. Teunis died on 05-01-1945 in Semarang, kamp Bangkong, aged 70. He was buried in Semarang, Kalibanteng [source: Oorlogsgravenstichting].
Note about the decease of Teunis: Semarang Bangkong Midden-Java
Andere benaming Bunsho III Kamp 3 (Japanse administratie)


Dit kamp was ondergebracht in het klooster en het internaat van het Klooster Bangkong in het oosten van Semarang aan de ­straat Bangkong. Dit gebouw wordt vermeld op de stadskaart van Semarang in de Steden­atlas van Neder­lands-Indië (nummer 99). Hier was ondergebracht een kamp voor vrouwen en kinderen en vervolgens een kamp voor jongens en (oude) mannen.

Hasegawa (van 04.44 tot 10.44), Nagata (van 10.44 tot 04.45), Hasegawa (van 04.45 tot 08.45)

Vrouwenkamp: Mw van Ewijk, Mw A.J.van Woerkom-van der Wal
Jongenskamp: Hr E.A.J.P.F.T.Müller (van 09.44 tot 23.08.45), Hr C.Liefheid (tot 15.09.45), Hr. P.S.W.Dakkus

Ereveld Kalibanteng is een erebegraafplaats vlak bij de luchthaven van Semarang, Indonesië.

Het ereveld telt 3100 oorlogsslachtoffers en militairen. Het overgrote deel van de mensen zijn vrouwen en kinderen uit de Japanse concentratiekampen Ambarawa VI en Ambarawa VII in Ambarawa, Kamp 100 en Kamp 11 bij Banjoebiroe en Semarang.

Het is bij dit ereveld niet bekend hoeveel Nederlanders er liggen. Er liggen veel graven waarbij geen naam vermeld staat. Op het ereveld staat een monument ter ere van alle vrouwen die omgekomen zijn in Japanse kampen en een monument voor hen die in de jongenskampen omkwamen.

Begraven in Vak M-III, nummer 567.
Note about Teunis: Vertrokken naar N.O. Indië. In april 1894 gearriveerd met ss. Japara.
Met verlof terug naar Nederland: 7 oktober 1936 a.b. dubbelschroef mailmotorschip "Dempo" van Batavia naar Rotterdam.
04-1909 to 1914     Treincontroleur 2e kl. N.I.S. -Poerwosarie
04-04-1914 to 16-11-1914     Adspirant Politie-opziener te Semarang. (Eervol ontslagen wegens ongeschiktheid)   [source: Bataviaasch nieuwsblad]
(1) At the age of 30, Teunis married on 23-06-1904 in Batavia (Ned. Oost Indië) Sophia Swoll (Swol, Zwol) (img. 124), aged 23 [source: Regerings-Almanak van Nederlandsch-Indië]. The divorce was registered on 20-04-1918 in Batavia (Ned. Oost Indië) (Ontbinding huwelijk) [source: Regerings-Almanak van Nederlandsch-Indië]. Sophia was born on 12-12-1880 in Salatiga, Djawa-Tengah, Indonesia, daughter of Willem Zwol and Anna Inlandse Christenvrouw. Sophia died on 17-11-1968 in Rotterdam?, aged 87.
Note about the decease of Sophia: Bron: datum en plaats niet geverifieerd.
Sophia started a relationship with Louis Jacobus Muller (1874-1953) around 1896.
Note about Sophia: In de geboorteakte van Hendrik Muller wordt zijn moeder beschreven als Afrikaansche Christenvrouw.
up to 1924     Sragen (Java - Ned. Oost Indië) (Zij komt tot en met 1924 in het adresboek van Sragen voor.)
(2) At the age of 44, Teunis married on 30-08-1918 in Sragen (Java - Ned. Oost Indië) Marie Hasenbalg, aged 40 [source: Regerings-Almanak van Nederlandsch-Indië]. Marie was born on 12-04-1878 in Sragen (Java - Ned. Oost Indië), daughter of Johan Carel Frederich (Carl) Hasenbalg and Sarinem.
Note about the birth of Marie: erkenning
Marie was widow of Johan Joseph Andries Kreefft (born 1874), whom she married on 10-12-1896 in Soerakarta (Ned Oost Indië).
Children of Teunis and Sophia:
1 Johanna Sophia Tonia Wilhelmina Lens, born on 08-11-1901 in Salatiga, Djawa-Tengah, Indonesia. Follow VI-bi.
1943lenswilleminterneringskaart.jpg kanchanaburi.jpg lens.w.1943.jpg lens.w.1943gjpg.jpg
125 Interneringskaart
Willem Lens
126 Kanchanaburi
127 Grafsteen Willem Lens
Kanchanaburi (Thailand)
128 Graf Willem Lens, Kanchanaburi (Thailand)
2 Willem Lens (img. 125 up to 128), born on 18-10-1904 in Meester Cornelis, Java. Willem died on 29-03-1943 at 17:30 in No.6 Branch Camp of Thai POW Camp in Kinsaiyok (Thailand), aged 38 (cause: Acute darmontsteking (enteritis)) [source: Japanse Interneringskaart]. He was buried on 29-03-1943 in Kanchanaburi (Thailand).
Note about the decease of Willem: Begraven op het Kanchanaburi War Cemetery in Thailand.
Vak 7, Rij M, Nummer 49.

Kanchanaburi is bekend vanwege de brug over de rivier Kwai.
Note about Willem: Op 7 maart 1942 op Java gevangengenomen door de Japanners.
Tot 15-08-1942 in POW Camp Java 6124.
Vanaf 18-08-1942 Thai POW Camp 8786 (Birmaspoorweg)
Ziek geworden 28-02-1943.
Contactadres: Mevr. S. Swol, Mritjan, Salatiga.
Soldaat Infanterie KNIL   [source: Oorlogsgravenstichting]
3 Elisabeth Lens, born on 04-12-1906 in Lho Semawe (Atjeh-Sumatra). Follow VI-bj.
4 Niesje Lens, born on 22-01-1908 in Kota Radja (Ned Oost Indië). Follow VI-bk.
5 Trijntje Lens, born on 17-12-1911 in Salatiga, Djawa-Tengah, Indonesia.
roestinterneringskaart.jpg 1894hendrikjohannesvanroest.jpg
129 Japanse Interneringskaart
H.J. van Roest
130 Henderik Johannes van Roest
VI-bi Johanna Sophia Tonia Wilhelmina Lens was born on 08-11-1901 in Salatiga, Djawa-Tengah, Indonesia, daughter of Teunis Lens (see V-au) and Sophia Swoll (Swol, Zwol).
Note about the birth of Johanna: Geboren: Swol (onwettig), later Lens (erkenning)
At the age of 28 or 29, Johanna married in 1930 Henderik Johannes (Heinrich Johann) van Roest (img. 129 and 130), aged 35 or 36. Heinrich Johann was born on 19-12-1894 in Bottrop (D), son of Jan van Roest and Maria Hendrika Wilbrink. Heinrich Johann died on 17-03-1944 at 12:15 in Osaka Harima Dispatched Camp, Aioi, Aioi-shi (Japan), aged 49 (cause: Acute nierontsteking) [source: Japanse Interneringskaart]. He was cremated on 17-03-1944 in Aioi, Aioi-shi (Japan).
Note about the decease of Heinrich Johann: Place ashes are kept: Juganji-temple, Osaka-shi(city) (JA298);
His ashes were handed over to 1st Lt. GUYMEN Clarance B, QMC of the US Army 1st Division, occupying the Osaka area on October 20, 1945;
As herplaatst Nederlands ereveld Menteng Pulo te Jakarta, Indonesië Vak Col. K, 45.
Note about Heinrich Johann: Op 12 maart 1942 gevangengenomen.
Op 15 augustus 1942 overgebracht naar Java POW Camp nr. 3
Op 8 december 1942 overgebracht naar Osaka POW Camp nr 7.
Op 28 februari 1944 ziek geworden.
Contactadres tijdens internering:
S. Swol, Kpg. Maritjan 21, Salatiga
Landstormsergt. 2e kl. der Inf. (Nummer 200894
IIe Landstorm Bat. Soerabaia.)
Opzichter Regentschap Werken, Djombang
Child of Johanna and Heinrich Johann:
1 Albert van Roest, born in 07-1930 in Ampenan (N.O. Indië). Albert died on 10-04-1931 in Soerabaja (N.O. Indië), aged 9 months.
131 Elisabeth Lens (1906-1970)
VI-bj Elisabeth Lens (img. 131) was born on 04-12-1906 in Lho Semawe (Atjeh-Sumatra), daughter of Teunis Lens (see V-au) and Sophia Swoll (Swol, Zwol). Elisabeth died on 15-01-1970 in ’s-Gravenhage, aged 63 [source: Anne Maagdenberg, NL 2009]. Elisabeth married Kees van de Molegraaf. The marriage was dissolved on 09-12-1933 in Soerabaja (N.O. Indië). Kees was born on 03-06-1902 in Amsterdam.
1908niesje_lens-grafsteen.jpg lens_niesje_1908.jpg 1903hoogmoedjacob.jpg hoogmoed_jacob_1903.jpg
132 Niesje Lens
133 Niesje Lens (1908-2000)
134 Japanse Interneringskaart
Jacob Hoogmoed
135 Jacob Hoogmoed
VI-bk Niesje Lens (img. 132 and 133) was born on 22-01-1908 in Kota Radja (Ned Oost Indië), daughter of Teunis Lens (see V-au) and Sophia Swoll (Swol, Zwol). Niesje died on 21-12-2000 in Breda, aged 92. She was buried in Breda (begraafplaats Zuylen).
Note about Niesje: 31-12-1937 terug uit NOI naar Rotterdam met verlof
25-04-1931 to 26-09-1933     Boae Boae (Celebes), Nederlands Oost-Indië
26-09-1933 to 31-12-1937     Salatiga (Java), Nederlands Oost-Indië
from 31-12-1937     Kralingseweg 441 inw., Rotterdam, Nederland (Vorige woonplaats: Makassar (N.O.I.))
from 1942     Nankingstraat 13, Soerabaja (N.O. Indië)   [source: Interneringskaart Jacob Hoogmoed]
Before the age of 19, Niesje married before 06-03-1927 in Semarang Jacob Hoogmoed (img. 134 and 135), aged less than 23 [source: "De Locomotief" d.d. 08-03-1927].
Note about the marriage of Niesje and Jacob: Getrouwd tussen 27 februari en 5 maart 1927.
Jacob was born on 22-06-1903 in Rotterdam, son of Paulus Hoogmoed and Trijntje Schipper.
Note about Jacob: 31-12-1937 Terug in Rotterdam met verlof voor 6 maanden.
28-07-1938 Terug in N.O.I. met m.s. Sibajak
Op 10 maart 1942 gevangengenomen door de Japanners.
Zijn interneringskaart is niet vertaald; dat betekent dat hij niet is overleden tijdens zijn gevangenschap.
Na de oorlog zijn nl. alleen de kaarten van de overledenen vertaald uit het Japans; voor de andere kaarten was geen geld beschikbaar gesteld.
Uit N.O. Indië geëvacueerd en op 6 juni 1946 in Nederland gearriveerd.
Per 31 januari 1947 uit Militaire Dienst ontslagen wegens lgno.
M.i.v. 1 januari 1948 een maandelijks pensioen toegekend van ƒ 138,00 wegens lgno.
Jacob remainded childless.
25-04-1931 to 26-09-1933     Boae Boae (Celebes), Nederlands Oost-Indië
26-09-1933 to 31-12-1937     Salatiga (Java), Nederlands Oost-Indië
31-12-1937 to 21-07-1938     Kralingseweg 441 inw., Rotterdam, Nederland (Tijdens verlof in Nederland, inwonend zijn ouders. Vorige woonplaats: Makassar (N.O.I.))
21-07-1938 to 01-12-1940     Balikpapan, N.O. Indië
12-1940 to 10-03-1942     Pandanweg 1, Soerabaja (N.O. Indië)   [source: de Indische Courant 21-12-1940]
15-08-1942 to 02-11-1945     POW Camp Java (Op 10 maart 1942 gevangengenomen.)   [source: Japanse Interneringskaart]
from 1942     Sergeant-geniewerkman (Stamnummer 83062
[Bron: Japanse Interneringskaart])
  [source: Gezinskaart Rotterdam]
from 1950     Adj. Opzichter D.S.M.   [source: Paspoortaanvraag]
IV-ac Roelofje Lens was born on 21-06-1844 at 01:00 in Stad Vollenhove, daughter of Berend Teunisz Lens (see III-l) and Jentien Roelofs de Jong. At the birth registration of Roelofje the following witnesses were present: Jan van Dalen Jansen Rozeboom (1784-1853), Harmen Mansveld (born ±1794) and Berend Teunisz Lens (1810-1845) [see III-l] [father]. Roelofje died on 09-09-1924 at 06:00 in ’s-Gravenhage, aged 80 [source: ovl akte]. The death was registered on 10-09-1944 [source: akte nr 2610].
Dienstbode (1866)
At the age of 22, Roelofje married on 19-12-1866 in ’s-Gravenhage Klaas Nekeman, aged 30 [source: akte nr 799].
Note about the marriage of Roelofje and Klaas: Met het woonschip vertrokken uit Zwartsluis naar Den Haag. Van uit Den Haag werd met matten gevent, vooral in het Westland.De familie lag met hun woonschip in de Brouwersgracht in Den Haag. Toen de gracht werd gedempt ging de familie Nekeman wonen in de Fahrenheitstraat te Den Haag.
Klaas was born on 17-07-1836 in Zaandam, son of Dirk Cornelisz Nekeman and Lisabet Gerrits van Nunspeet. Klaas died on 21-05-1927 at 02:00 in ’s-Gravenhage, aged 90 [source: ovl akte]. The death was registered on 23-05-1927 [source: akte nr 1823].
Schipper, mattenventer, behanger en stoffeerder
Children of Roelofje and Klaas:
1 Johanna Elisabeth Nekeman, born on 30-05-1867 in ’s-Gravenhage.
2 Elisabeth Johanna Nekeman, born on 30-05-1867 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow V-av.
3 Dirk Nekeman, born on 29-04-1871 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow V-aw.
4 Berend Nekeman, born on 15-12-1873 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow V-ax.
5 Roeloffina Frederika Nekeman, born on 29-05-1875 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow V-ay.
6 Klaas Nekeman, born on 30-08-1877 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow V-az.
7 Jantje Nekeman, born on 21-12-1878 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow V-ba.
8 Gerrit Nekeman, born on 21-02-1880 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow V-bb.
9 Teunis Nekeman, born on 27-03-1885 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow V-bc.
10 Cornelis Jacob Johannes Nekeman, born on 20-10-1886 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow V-bd.
11 Geertje Nekeman, born on 07-02-1888 in ’s-Gravenhage. Follow V-be.
V-av Elisabeth Johanna Nekeman was born on 30-05-1867 in ’s-Gravenhage, daughter of Klaas Nekeman and Roelofje Lens (see IV-ac). Elisabeth married C. de Zwaan.
V-aw Dirk Nekeman was born on 29-04-1871 in ’s-Gravenhage, son of Klaas Nekeman and Roelofje Lens (see IV-ac). Dirk died on 02-09-1918 in ’s-Gravenhage, aged 47.
Wijkagent, Distillateur(1912)
Witness to:
20-02-1901     marriage Nicolaas Overvliet (born ±1875) and Roeloffina Frederika Nekeman (born 1875) [see V-ay]    [brother of the bride]   [source: akte nr 225]
At the age of 28, Dirk married on 21-02-1900 in ’s-Gravenhage Johanna Haas, aged about 28 [source: akte nr 210]. Johanna was born around 1872 in ’s-Gravenhage, daughter of Hendrik Haas and Antonetta Maria Sas.
V-ax Berend Nekeman was born on 15-12-1873 in ’s-Gravenhage, son of Klaas Nekeman and Roelofje Lens (see IV-ac).
Witness to:
20-02-1901     marriage Nicolaas Overvliet (born ±1875) and Roeloffina Frederika Nekeman (born 1875) [see V-ay]    [brother of the bride]   [source: akte nr 225]
At the age of 30, Berend married on 20-07-1904 in ’s-Gravenhage Anna Cornelia Steijn, aged about 24 [source: akte nr 0]. Anna was born around 1880 in Loosduinen, daughter of Petrus Adrianus Steijn and Eliszabeth Nederpel-Lazarom.
V-ay Roeloffina Frederika Nekeman was born on 29-05-1875 in ’s-Gravenhage, daughter of Klaas Nekeman and Roelofje Lens (see IV-ac). At the birth registration of Roeloffina the following witness was present: Teunis Lens (1840-1888) [see III-l,3] [uncle mother’s side]. At the age of 25, Roeloffina married on 20-02-1901 in ’s-Gravenhage Nicolaas Overvliet, aged about 26 [source: akte nr 225]. At the civil wedding of Roeloffina and Nicolaas the following witnesses were present: Dirk Nekeman (1871-1918) [see V-aw] [brother of the bride] and Berend Nekeman (born 1873) [see V-ax] [brother of the bride]. Nicolaas was born around 1875 in Woubrugge, son of Klaas Overvliet and Lena de Regt.
V-az Klaas Nekeman was born on 30-08-1877 in ’s-Gravenhage, son of Klaas Nekeman and Roelofje Lens (see IV-ac).
At the age of 29, Klaas married on 26-09-1906 in ’s-Gravenhage Johanna Rosaline Willekes, aged about 26 [source: akte nr 1699]. Johanna was born around 1880 in Maarsseveen, daughter of Adrianus Willekes and Hendrina Jacoba van Rijn.
V-ba Jantje Nekeman was born on 21-12-1878 in ’s-Gravenhage, daughter of Klaas Nekeman and Roelofje Lens (see IV-ac). Jantje married F. Noordermeer.
V-bb Gerrit Nekeman was born on 21-02-1880 in ’s-Gravenhage, son of Klaas Nekeman and Roelofje Lens (see IV-ac).
Behanger (1906), Wijnkopersknecht (1912)
At the age of 26, Gerrit married on 02-05-1906 in ’s-Gravenhage Elisabeth Fraterman, aged about 25 [source: akte nr 618]. Elisabeth was born around 1881 in ’s-Gravenhage, daughter of Pieter Abraham Fraterman and Clasina Hendrika Jona.
V-bc Teunis Nekeman was born on 27-03-1885 in ’s-Gravenhage, son of Klaas Nekeman and Roelofje Lens (see IV-ac). Teunis married Maria G.E. Maas.
V-bd Cornelis Jacob Johannes Nekeman was born on 20-10-1886 in ’s-Gravenhage, son of Klaas Nekeman and Roelofje Lens (see IV-ac).
At the age of 25, Cornelis married on 18-09-1912 in ’s-Gravenhage Maria Gesina Everdina Maas, aged about 22. Maria was born around 1890 in Utrecht, daughter of Derk Maas and Adriana Hendrika Elsing.
V-be Geertje Nekeman was born on 07-02-1888 in ’s-Gravenhage, daughter of Klaas Nekeman and Roelofje Lens (see IV-ac). Geertje died on 12-12-1933 in Arnhem, aged 45. Geertje married Anton Johannes van Ginkel. Anton died before 1933.

Index (1182 persons)

Acke Johannes [Mother-in-law of IV-j]  IV-j
Ans [Partner of VIII-c]  VIII-c
Arentje Klaassen (~31-05-1767, †27-02-1844) [Partner of II-c]  II-c; III-f; III-g; III-h; III-i; III-j
Elisabeth Christoffels (*±1744, []24-12-1798)  II-a
Femmigje Derks [Mother-in-law of III-c]  III-c
Fokjen Johannes (*±1760, †1810) [Partner of II-b]  II-b; III-d; III-e
Jan Antonius [Witness to baptism of partner of III-e]  III-e
Jantien Harms [Mother-in-law of II-c]  II-c
Jeltjen Klasen [Mother-in-law of IV-b]  IV-b
Johannes Jans (†<13-04-1839) [Father-in-law of IV-j]  IV-j
Klaas Arends [Father-in-law of II-c]  II-c
Klaasje [Partner of VII-ae]  VII-ae
Lubbechien Roelofs (*±1780, †<1855) [Partner of III-a]  III-a; IV-a; IV-b; IV-c; IV-d
Sarinem [Mother-in-law of V-au]  V-au
Willempje Rutgers (*±1773, †±1835) [Mother-in-law of III-f]  III-f
Wybigje Arends (~16-06-1765, †11-06-1813) [Mother-in-law of III-d]  III-d
Aarsen, Annie (An) van (*21-01-1956) [Number VII-ai]  VII-ai
Aarsen, Berend (Ben) van (*26-03-1945) [Number VII-ah]  VII-ah
Aarsen, Gerrit van (*12-03-1914, †08-10-1973) [Partner of VI-be]  VI-be; VII-ag; VII-ah; VII-ai
Aarsen, Hendrik Klaassen van (*10-04-1868) [Father-in-law of VI-be]  VI-be
Aarsen, Lamberta (Berta) van (*27-04-1941) [Number VII-ag]  VII-ag
Akkerman, Roelof [Father-in-law of V-d]  V-d
Akkerman, Wemmigje Roelofs (*±1847) [Partner of V-d]  V-d
Alblas, Gijsbert (Gijs) (*09-03-1934) [Partner of VII-ac]  VII-ac; VIII-o; VIII-p
Alblas, Jennigje (Jeanet) (*05-12-1961) [Number VIII-o]  VIII-o
Alblas, Marjan (*14-06-1965) [Number VIII-p]  VIII-p
Antonie, Jennechien (*±1770, †30-04-1847) [Mother-in-law of III-k]  III-k
Apeldoorn, Berend Jans (*±1852, †20-02-1936) [Father-in-law of VI-u]  VI-u
Apeldoorn, Zwaantje Henderina (*±1896) [Partner of VI-u]  VI-u
Baan, Barbera (*22-11-1898, †17-02-1987) [Mother-in-law of VII-aa]  VII-aa
Baarslag, Antonia Gezina (*±1895) [Partner of VI-am]  VI-am
Baarslag, Gerrit [Father-in-law of VI-am]  VI-am
Bakker, Armanda (*23-05-1982) [Partner of IX-e]  IX-e; X-b
Bakker, Esther (*27-08-1956) [Mother-in-law of IX-g]  IX-g
Bakker, Geertje (*02-01-1881, †20-02-1945) [Mother-in-law of VI-av]  VI-av
Bakker, Jannetje (*14-12-1969) [Mother-in-law of IX-e]  IX-e
Bakker, Klaas Pietersz (*06-06-1942) [Father-in-law of IX-e]  IX-e
Bakker, Willempje (*16-06-1948) [Mother-in-law of IX-d]  IX-d
Beekes, Albert (*23-12-1857, †11-01-1902) [Partner of V-ah]  V-ah; VI-at
Beekes, Anthonia (*28-11-1835, †28-02-1917) [Mother-in-law of V-ah]  V-ah
Beekes, Trijntje (*24-08-1889, †09-07-1980) [Number VI-at]  VI-at; VII-q
Beijer, Roelofje Wolters (*14-02-1852, †25-01-1893) [Mother-in-law of VI-k]  VI-k
Benne, Geertje Hendriks (*±1854, †07-12-1942) [Partner of IV-y]  IV-y; V-aj; V-ak; V-al; V-am
Benne, Hendrik Harmens (*20-09-1823) [Father-in-law of IV-y]  IV-y
Berg, Marretje van den (*17-04-1948) [Mother-in-law of IX-c]  IX-c
Berghof, Tjeerdjen Roelofs (*±1819, †26-01-1900) [Partner of IV-k]  IV-k; V-n; V-o
Beukema, Aaltje (*09-01-1868, †>1932) [Partner of V-ab]  V-ab; VI-af; VI-ag; VI-ah
Beukema, Jan Jacobs (*08-07-1833, †11-05-1890) [Father-in-law of V-ab]  V-ab
Beuker, Richtje (*31-12-1921, †04-03-2014) [Partner of VII-l]  VII-l
Biezepol, Willempje [Mother-in-law of VI-as]  VI-as
Bläsing, Marie [Mother-in-law of VI-au]  VI-au
Bloemberg, Jantje [Mother-in-law of V-am]  V-am
Bloemendal, Berend Jan [Father-in-law of VI-ao]  VI-ao
Bloemendal, Bertha (*07-06-1896) [Partner of VI-ao]  VI-ao
Boer, Aaltje Jans de (*29-11-1950) [Mother-in-law of IX-e]  IX-e
Boer, Albert de (*08-06-1954) [Father-in-law of IX-f]  IX-f
Boer, Anna Lempka de (*±1813, †28-05-1871) [Mother-in-law of V-z]  V-z
Boer, Eltje (Alice) de (*30-04-1990) [Partner of IX-e]  IX-e
Boer, Margriet de (*25-03-1983) [Partner of IX-f]  IX-f
Boer, Meindert de (*19-03-1965, †20-09-2023) [Father-in-law of IX-e]  IX-e
Boer, Tijmen Albertus de (*±1882, †28-01-1958) [Witness to death registration of V-as]  V-as
Bogaard, Cornelis Jacob uit den (*15-12-1897) [Son of V-ar]  V-ar,2
Bogaard, Gerrit uit den (*08-07-1896) [Number VI-ax]  VI-ax
Bogaard, Gerrit Jan uit den (*13-02-1871) [Partner of V-ar]  V-ar; VI-ax
Bogaard, Gerrit Jansz uit den (*±1831) [Father-in-law of V-ar]  V-ar
Bokking, Harmen Everts (~27-08-1801, †05-12-1885)  III-i
Bongers, Hendrik Jan [Father-in-law of VII-h] [Father-in-law of VII-g]  VII-g; VII-h
Bongers, Hendrika (*±1912) [Partner of VII-h]  VII-h
Bongers, Willemina (*±1912) [Partner of VII-g]  VII-g
Bont, Marrigje Jans (*±1750, †24-06-1811) [Mother-in-law of III-j]  III-j
Bootsma, Femke (*31-10-1953) [Partner of VIII-j]  VIII-j
Bootsma, Sipke (*14-12-1913, †07-08-1976) [Father-in-law of VIII-j]  VIII-j
Bos, Albertien Gerrits (*26-03-1857) [Number V-i]  V-i
Bos, Gerrit Hendriks (*14-08-1828) [Partner of IV-f]  IV-f; V-h; V-i
Bos, Harmpje Gerrits (*29-08-1854) [Number V-h]  V-h
Bos, Hendrik Aarts (*09-07-1797, †07-05-1848) [Father-in-law of IV-f]  IV-f
Bos, Hendrikje Gerrits (*14-12-1859) [Daughter of IV-f]  IV-f,3
Bos, Pieter Willems (*±1824) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-v]  IV-v
Bos, Trijntje Karsten (*±1793, †<1868) [Mother-in-law of IV-o]  IV-o
Bos, Trijntje Willems (*11-09-1884, †27-01-1955) [Mother-in-law of VII-f] [Mother-in-law of VI-bc]  VII-f; VI-bc
Bos, Willem Elias (~24-04-1785, †26-08-1827)  III-j
Bosch, Catharina Hendriks (*±1808) [Mother-in-law of IV-n]  IV-n
Bosman, Daatje [Mother-in-law of VI-t]  VI-t
Bosscher, Jan [Father-in-law of V-f]  V-f
Bosscher, Seine Jans (*±1858) [Partner of V-f]  V-f
Bosveld, Alberdina Johanna Berendina (Tineke) (*26-10-1955) [Partner of VIII-k]  VIII-k
Bouwmeester, Arend Jans [Father-in-law of IV-c]  IV-c
Bouwmeester, Bartelt (*29-07-1813, †<1892) [Partner of IV-c]  IV-c
Boven, Michiel Roelofs (*08-12-1792, †25-11-1844) [Witness to civil wedding of III-l]  III-l
Brandse, Janna (*±1857, †22-11-1889) [Mother-in-law of V-ac]  V-ac
Brandsma, Femmigjen (*13-04-1837, †22-04-1921) [Partner of IV-r]  IV-r; V-x; V-y; V-z; V-aa; V-ab; V-ac
Brandsma, Willem Rommerts (*19-05-1801, †21-03-1872) [Father-in-law of IV-r]  IV-r
Bremer, Geert [Father-in-law of V-aq]  V-aq
Bremer, Grietje Derkina (*1892) [Partner of V-aq]  V-aq
Breukink, Egbertina [Mother-in-law of VI-w]  VI-w
Broekhuis, Hendrik [Father-in-law of IV-a]  IV-a
Broekhuis, Hilligjen (*02-04-1808, †1877) [Partner of IV-a]  IV-a; V-a; V-b; V-c; V-d
Bromet, Franciscus [Number VII-n]  VII-n
Bromet, Franciscus (*17-04-1879, †25-04-1956) [Father-in-law of VI-aj]  VI-aj
Bromet, Hendrik [Number VII-o]  VII-o
Bromet, Jozua Franciscus (*12-10-1906, †09-08-1989) [Partner of VI-aj]  VI-aj; VII-n; VII-o; VII-p
Bromet, Marga [Number VII-p]  VII-p
Brondijk, Jacomina Jans (~25-03-1792, †07-05-1864) [Mother-in-law of V-k]  V-k
Brouwer, Arendje (*27-10-1910) [Daughter of VI-h]  VI-h,6
Brouwer, Elisabeth (Betje) (*22-06-1901, †31-12-1926) [Number VII-e]  VII-e; VIII-a
Brouwer, Gerrit (*20-09-1914) [Son of VI-h]  VI-h,7
Brouwer, Grietje (*10-10-1916) [Daughter of VI-h]  VI-h,8
Brouwer, Jan (*06-02-1906) [Number VII-g]  VII-g
Brouwer, Klaas (*07-04-1908) [Number VII-h]  VII-h
Brouwer, Lucas (*±1840, †19-03-1926) [Father-in-law of VI-h]  VI-h
Brouwer, Lucas (*02-07-1903, †07-11-1983) [Number VII-f]  VII-f
Brouwer, Marie (*06-03-1918) [Daughter of VI-h]  VI-h,9
Brouwer, Mijntje (*18-11-1898) [Number VII-d]  VII-d
Brouwer, Simon (*26-11-1874) [Partner of VI-h]  VI-h; VII-d; VII-e; VII-f; VII-g; VII-h
Bruin, Willemina Helena de [Mother-in-law of VI-o]  VI-o
Bruinenberg, Jentje (*±1871, †15-03-1962)  V-w
Bruintjes, Trijntje Hendriks (*±1872) [Mother-in-law of VI-bh]  VI-bh
Buddelmeijer, Carel Maria Aloysius (*27-08-1882, †10-04-1944) [Father-in-law of VII-y]  VII-y
Buddelmeijer, Ignatius Johannes Gerardus Maria (Henk) (*15-08-1924, †15-01-2009) [Partner of VII-y]  VII-y
Buis, Koopjen Folkens [Mother-in-law of IV-i]  IV-i
Bult, Johanna van den (*±1841, †<1886) [Mother-in-law of V-q]  V-q
Burg, Froukje van de [Mother-in-law of V-al]  V-al
Bussies, Fennigjen [Mother-in-law of V-f]  V-f
Coster, Johannes [Father-in-law of V-ai]  V-ai
Coster, Neeltje Regien (*±1866) [Partner of V-ai]  V-ai; VI-au
Croes, Elisabeth Fredriks (*24-01-1797, †06-01-1853) [Mother-in-law of IV-p]  IV-p
Croes, Grada Frederiks (*05-01-1874, †06-04-1952) [Mother-in-law of VI-bb] [Mother-in-law of VI-bd]  VI-bb; VI-bd
Dalen, Jacob Jielisz van (*02-12-1858, †12-02-1941)  V-aa
Dapper, Elsje [Mother-in-law of V-d]  V-d
Deijl, Koosje van [Mother-in-law of VI-ac]  VI-ac
Dijk, Goossen Jans van (*08-11-1821, †01-01-1882) [Father-in-law of V-ao]  V-ao
Dijk, Werner van (*06-02-1877) [Partner of V-ao]  V-ao
Dijkhuizen, Jan van (*±1889) [Father-in-law of VI-ak]  VI-ak
Dijkhuizen, Johanna van (*08-03-1915, †20-07-1999) [Partner of VI-ak]  VI-ak
Dijks, Jakob Jansen (*25-11-1781, †14-01-1846) [Father-in-law of IV-q]  IV-q
Dijks, Jannes Jakobsz (*07-01-1820, †08-03-1868) [Partner of IV-q]  IV-q
Dijks, Willemina Jannes (*06-10-1864, †08-04-1873) [Daughter of IV-q]  IV-q,2
Dijkstra, Hendrik Klazes (*27-11-1827, †29-06-1904) [Partner of IV-m]  IV-m; V-q
Dijkstra, Klaas Hendriks [Father-in-law of IV-m]  IV-m
Dijkstra, Nicolaas Hendriks (*07-03-1860) [Son of IV-m]  IV-m,4
Dijkstra, Susanna Hendriks (*06-11-1864) [Number V-q]  V-q
Dijs, Aartje (*±1881) [Partner of VI-f]  VI-f
Dijs, Filippus [Father-in-law of VI-f]  VI-f
Dikken, Klaas Hendriks (~09-03-1777) [Witness to death registration of II-d]  II-d
Doeve, Jacob Pieters (~22-10-1747, †23-10-1809) [Father-in-law of III-j]  III-j
Doeve, Trijntje Jacobs (~08-06-1788, †28-08-1857) [Partner of III-j]  III-j; IV-v
Doeven, Marijke Christiaans (*±1748, †27-10-1833) [Mother-in-law of III-e]  III-e
Doevendans, Teunis Jans (*13-08-1800, †26-07-1877) [Witness to death registration of partner of II-d]  II-d
Dolman, Marretje (*1855, †01-06-1901) [Mother-in-law of VI-ah]  VI-ah
Donkersloot, Maria Suzanna (†<1931)  VI-x
Dooijeweerd, Matje (*26-08-1878, †28-10-1958) [Mother-in-law of VI-aj]  VI-aj
Doorneveld, Cecilia Cornelia Pauline van [Partner of VII-n]  VII-n
Doornveld, Geertje Hanzes (*06-12-1834, †07-07-1918)  IV-i
Dorgelo, Jan Jans (*23-04-1834, †01-11-1891)  IV-s
Dragt, Aaltje (*±1890) [Partner of V-ap]  V-ap
Dragt, Jan [Father-in-law of V-ap]  V-ap
Dudden, Femmigje Jacobs (*17-03-1849, †07-02-1880) [Mother-in-law of V-aj]  V-aj
Duijvelshoff, Maria Hendrika Josepha (Mary) (*11-06-1882, †21-06-1936) [Mother-in-law of VII-y]  VII-y
Dunnik, Klaas Hendriks (*03-01-1810, †20-10-1881) [Father-in-law of IV-w]  IV-w
Dunnink, Geertje Klaas (*±1847, †26-05-1920) [Partner of IV-w]  IV-w
Edelenbos, Berend Berends (*±1882) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-ay]  VI-ay
Edelenbos, Berend Hendriks (*±1850, †20-01-1935) [Witness to death registration of IV-ab] [Witness to civil wedding of V-as] [Witness to civil wedding of V-at]  IV-ab; V-as; V-at
Edelenbos, Geertruida Peters (*09-11-1834, †19-08-1893) [Partner of IV-s]  IV-s; V-ad; V-ae
Edelenbos, Jan Jacobs (*24-08-1793, †05-04-1844) [Father-in-law of IV-q]  IV-q
Edelenbos, Jentje Peters (*04-04-1850, †24-12-1935) [Partner of IV-s]  IV-s
Edelenbos, Johanna (*16-11-1827, †±1903) [Mother-in-law of V-s]  V-s
Edelenbos, Johanna (*1850, †<1935) [Partner of V-s]  V-s; VI-k; VI-l; VI-m; VI-n; VI-o; VI-p; VI-q
Edelenbos, Klaas Jans (*26-03-1822, †17-12-1872) [Partner of IV-q]  IV-q; V-w
Edelenbos, Peter Gerrits (*30-08-1802, †22-02-1858) [Father-in-law of IV-s] [Father-in-law of IV-s]  IV-s; IV-s
Edelenbos, Petertje (*14-03-1871, †02-02-1912) [Number V-w]  V-w; VI-t; VI-u; VI-v; VI-w; VI-x; VI-y
Eekelen, Dingena van [Mother-in-law of VI-ap]  VI-ap
Egberts, Hendrica (*±1819, †08-08-1848) [Partner of IV-l]  IV-l
Egteren, Derkje van [Mother-in-law of VI-a]  VI-a
Eldik, Clasina Cornelis van (*±1895) [Partner of VI-q]  VI-q
Eldik, Cornelis Willem van [Father-in-law of VI-q]  VI-q
Elfring, Grietje Roelofs (*09-02-1859, †25-12-1937) [Partner of V-p]  V-p; VI-e
Elfring, Roelof Gerrits (*17-10-1831, †01-11-1910) [Father-in-law of V-p]  V-p
Elsäcker, A. van [Partner of VII-m]  VII-m
Elsing, Adriana Hendrika [Mother-in-law of V-bd]  V-bd
Engelen, Aleida Bernardina Catharina (*03-09-1894) [Mother-in-law of VII-u]  VII-u
Ensing, .... (stillborn *08-08-1848) [Daughter of IV-l]  IV-l,1
Ensing, .... (stillborn *07-12-1849) [Son of IV-k]  IV-k,1
Ensing, Antoon Joosten (~19-07-1783, †15-10-1827) [Partner of III-e]  III-e; IV-j; IV-k; IV-l; IV-m
Ensing, Fokjen Antoons (*03-05-1812) [Daughter of III-e]  III-e,2
Ensing, Gerhardus Antoonius (*23-06-1826, †16-03-1880) [Son of III-e]  III-e,7
Ensing, Hermannus (*08-03-1817, †28-07-1848) [Number IV-l]  IV-l
Ensing, Johannes Anthoons (*17-03-1823, †10-09-1827) [Son of III-e]  III-e,6
Ensing, Joseph Anthony (*19-10-1814, †07-03-1889) [Number IV-k]  IV-k; V-n; V-o
Ensing, Joseph Antonie (*±1742, †09-09-1825) [Father-in-law of III-e]  III-e
Ensing, Maria Antoons (*03-05-1812, †10-06-1887) [Number IV-j]  IV-j; V-l; V-m
Ensing, Maria Antoons (Marijke) (*23-09-1820, †05-05-1867) [Number IV-m]  IV-m; V-p; V-q
Ensing, Maria Josephs (*20-02-1858, †30-03-1862) [Daughter of IV-k]  IV-k,3
Ensing, Roelof Ignatius (*01-02-1862, †28-05-1940) [Number V-o]  V-o
Ensing, Susanna (*04-11-1855, †27-06-1924) [Number V-n]  V-n
Eshuis, Hillegonda Gerrits (*08-03-1812) [Mother-in-law of IV-e]  IV-e
Essen, Berend (*±1816) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-v]  IV-v
Essen, Geert van [Father-in-law of V-ak]  V-ak
Essen, Hendrik Lambertus van (*±1877) [Partner of V-ak]  V-ak
Feningen, Aaltien T (*±1717) [Mother-in-law of II-a]  II-a
Fledderus, Nellegje Paulus (*28-04-1840, †29-10-1886)  V-z
Flukse, Hendrikje Hendriks (~29-04-1742) [Witness to baptism of partner of II-d]  II-d
Fluxen, Lammigje Hendriks (~12-07-1744, †26-02-1810) [Mother-in-law of II-d]  II-d
Fokkert, Jennigjen [Mother-in-law of V-h]  V-h
Franklin, Fredrick [Father-in-law of VIII-e]  VIII-e
Franklin, Robyn Marie Anna (*04-10-1973) [Partner of VIII-e]  VIII-e
Fraterman, Elisabeth (*±1881) [Partner of V-bb]  V-bb
Fraterman, Pieter Abraham [Father-in-law of V-bb]  V-bb
Gale, Dianne M. (*03-02-1944) [Partner of VII-v]  VII-v; VIII-f; VIII-g
Gale, John (*±1925) [Father-in-law of VII-v]  VII-v
Gaste, Trijntje Remmelts van der (*15-04-1830) [Mother-in-law of IV-x]  IV-x
Geerlings, Roelof (*08-07-1818) [Number IV-d]  IV-d
Gernler, Johanna (*13-11-1857, †02-02-1940) [Mother-in-law of VII-a]  VII-a
Gidding, Hendrika [Mother-in-law of VI-q]  VI-q
Ginkel, Anton Johannes van (†<1933) [Partner of V-be]  V-be
Goedhart, Dirk (*±1836) [Father-in-law of VI-f]  VI-f
Goedhart, Grietje (*±1876, †11-02-1922) [Partner of VI-f]  VI-f; VII-a; VII-b
Götte, Anna Christiana (*17-07-1854, †02-03-1930) [Mother-in-law of VI-at]  VI-at
Goudriaan, Jannigje Maria (*03-11-1868, †1933) [Mother-in-law of VI-af]  VI-af
Griffioen, Hendrika (*09-11-1864) [Mother-in-law of VI-ag]  VI-ag
Groen, David Willems (*±1820, †1874) [Father-in-law of V-x]  V-x
Groen, Hendrik Davids (*27-03-1859, †28-04-1892) [Partner of V-x]  V-x; VI-z; VI-aa
Groen, Hendrika Hendriks (*20-11-1892, †16-05-1983) [Number VI-aa]  VI-z; VI-aa
Groen, Hilligje Hendriks (*08-11-1885, †05-10-1915) [Number VI-z]  VI-z; VI-aa
Groot, Elisabeth (*±1864) [Mother-in-law of VI-j]  VI-j
Groot, Jeroen de (*26-12-1989) [Son of VIII-o]  VIII-o,2
Groot, Maarten de (*11-10-1987) [Son of VIII-o]  VIII-o,1
Groot, Steven de (*21-11-1959) [Partner of VIII-o]  VIII-o
Haan, Cecilia Johanna (Jolanda) de (*23-05-1951) [Partner of VIII-b]  VIII-b; IX-b
Haan, Louis Herman de (*30-05-1920) [Father-in-law of VIII-b]  VIII-b
Haar, Gerrit Willem Hendrik ter (†<1928)  VI-f
Haar, Hendrik Hendriks op de (*±1875) [Partner of VI-l]  VI-l
Haar, Hendrik Jan op de (*±1837) [Father-in-law of VI-l]  VI-l
Haas, Hendrik (†<1900) [Father-in-law of V-aw]  V-aw
Haas, Johanna (*±1872) [Partner of V-aw]  V-aw
Haas, Maria Johanna de [Partner of VII-o]  VII-o
Hakman, Arend (*16-05-1914, †08-08-1914) [Son of V-an]  V-an,7
Hakman, Arendje (*20-10-1883, †10-08-1934) [Number V-ao]  V-ao
Hakman, Arentje (*06-06-1882, †16-08-1882) [Daughter of IV-z]  IV-z,2
Hakman, Eerewijn Teunis (*31-10-1877) [Son of IV-w]  IV-w,2
Hakman, Eerwijn Antonie (~22-06-1808, †23-05-1867) [Partner of III-k]  III-k; IV-w; IV-x; IV-y; IV-z
Hakman, Eerwijn Antonie (*06-09-1878, †15-12-1935) [Number V-an]  V-an; VI-av; VI-aw
Hakman, Eerwijn Antonie (*10-12-1878, †21-12-1962) [Number V-aj]  V-aj
Hakman, Ernst (*10-05-1849, †31-05-1919) [Number IV-z]  IV-z; V-an; V-ao; V-ap; V-aq
Hakman, Ernst (*02-03-1902) [Number VI-av]  VI-av; VII-r
Hakman, Femmigje (*05-02-1917, †10-04-1917) [Daughter of V-aj]  V-aj,2
Hakman, Geertje (*±1930) [Number VII-r]  VII-r
Hakman, Geertje Femmigje (*05-02-1909) [Daughter of V-aj]  V-aj,1
Hakman, Hendrik Eerwijnsz (*±1769, †09-01-1852) [Father-in-law of III-k]  III-k
Hakman, Hendrik Ernst Roelof (*31-10-1838, †05-10-1906) [Son of III-k]  III-k,1
Hakman, Hendrik Hermannus (*29-11-1890, †14-04-1920) [Number V-aq]  V-aq
Hakman, Hendrik Roelofs (*±1889) [Number V-al]  V-al
Hakman, Hendrikje Roelofs (*±1886) [Number V-ak]  V-ak
Hakman, Hilbert (*13-09-1893) [Son of IV-z]  IV-z,6
Hakman, Jacob (*09-08-1907) [Son of V-an]  V-an,5
Hakman, Jacoba (*23-03-1906, †21-10-1906) [Daughter of V-an]  V-an,4
Hakman, Jacoba (*02-05-1912) [Daughter of V-an]  V-an,6
Hakman, Jan (*04-05-1886, †01-09-1962) [Number V-ap]  V-ap
Hakman, Jan (*24-01-1903) [Son of V-an]  V-an,2
Hakman, Jantina Teunis (*01-02-1882, †05-02-1943) [Daughter of IV-w]  IV-w,4
Hakman, Jantje Teunis (*01-02-1876, †03-02-1876) [Daughter of IV-w]  IV-w,1
Hakman, Jennechien (*31-07-1842, †04-04-1924) [Number IV-x]  IV-x
Hakman, Jentien Roelofs (*±1897) [Number V-am]  V-am
Hakman, Lucas (*27-02-1896) [Son of IV-z]  IV-z,7
Hakman, Margje Teunis (*05-04-1880, †10-04-1880) [Daughter of IV-w]  IV-w,3
Hakman, Roelof (*22-02-1847, †13-02-1926) [Number IV-y]  IV-y; V-aj; V-ak; V-al; V-am
Hakman, Roelof (*22-08-1897, †03-09-1897) [Son of IV-z]  IV-z,8
Hakman, Roelof (*?-09-1920, †18-02-1921) [Son of V-an]  V-an,8
Hakman, Roelofje (*19-08-1844, †03-07-1846) [Daughter of III-k]  III-k,4
Hakman, Teunis Roelof (*07-07-1840, †06-05-1920) [Number IV-w]  IV-w
Hakman, Vrouwegje (*08-04-1904) [Number VI-aw]  VI-aw
Hakse, Hannes Wiegers (*19-09-1839, †02-10-1883) [Father-in-law of V-aa]  V-aa
Hakse, Wiegertje Johannes (*21-12-1874, †13-11-1951) [Partner of V-aa]  V-aa
Hakvoort, Bregje (*21-11-1897, †27-06-1971) [Mother-in-law of VII-w]  VII-w
Hakvoort, Zwaantjen Tiemens (*06-11-1913, †11-08-1998) [Mother-in-law of VIII-i]  VIII-i
Halfwerk, Gerard Richard Jan-Willem (Stefan) (*07-04-1969) [Partner of VIII-r]  VIII-r
Halfwerk, Nick (*12-09-1999) [Son of VIII-r]  VIII-r,2
Halman, Anthonius (*06-07-1891) [Son of V-p]  V-p,6
Halman, Anthonius Jozephus (*25-08-1892) [Son of V-p]  V-p,7
Halman, Antoon Johannesz (*27-10-1853) [Son of IV-m]  IV-m,2
Halman, Elisabeth Petronella (*18-04-1895) [Daughter of V-p]  V-p,8
Halman, Gregorius Matthias (*22-08-1897) [Son of V-p]  V-p,9
Halman, Henricus Johannesz (*16-12-1899) [Son of V-p]  V-p,10
Halman, Jan Johannesz (*04-05-1850) [Son of IV-m]  IV-m,1
Halman, Jan Josephs (~30-06-1781, †10-02-1849) [Father-in-law of IV-m]  IV-m
Halman, Johannes Jans (*01-07-1818, †26-07-1857) [Partner of IV-m]  IV-m; V-p
Halman, Johannes Rudolphus (*06-05-1881) [Number VI-e]  VI-e
Halman, Mannes Johannesz (*21-12-1856, †27-09-1935) [Number V-p]  V-p; VI-e
Halman, Maria Elisabeth (*14-05-1885) [Daughter of V-p]  V-p,3
Halman, Martina Suzanna (*02-10-1889) [Daughter of V-p]  V-p,5
Halman, Martinus Anthonius (*01-05-1887) [Son of V-p]  V-p,4
Halman, Rudolphus Gregorius (*20-03-1883) [Son of V-p]  V-p,2
Ham, Philepina [Mother-in-law of V-c]  V-c
Hamelink, Anneke (*16-10-1952) [Daughter of VII-y]  VII-y,4
Hamelink, Arnold (*15-07-1950) [Son of VII-y]  VII-y,2
Hamelink, Jan (*14-06-1926, †28-03-1977) [Partner of VII-y]  VII-y; VIII-m
Hamelink, Lammie (*02-01-1955) [Daughter of VII-y]  VII-y,5
Hamelink, Nelleke (Nelly) (*29-10-1951, †27-02-2001) [Number VIII-m]  VIII-m
Hamelink, Willem (*04-09-1903, †05-05-1982) [Father-in-law of VII-y]  VII-y
Hamelink, Willem (Wim) (*15-02-1946) [Son of VII-y]  VII-y,1
Hankamp, Derk Jan (*±1900) [Partner of VI-d]  VI-d
Hankamp, Jan Hendrik (*±1867) [Father-in-law of VI-d]  VI-d
Harp, Deanna Lee (*19-07-1963) [Partner of VIII-f]  VIII-f
Harp, Ronald (*±1941) [Father-in-law of VIII-f]  VIII-f
Hartjes, Jan Jans (~23-12-1742, †16-10-1813) [Father-in-law of III-i]  III-i
Hasenbalg, Johan Carel Frederich (Carl) (*22-02-1860) [Father-in-law of V-au]  V-au
Hasenbalg, Marie (*12-04-1878) [Partner of V-au]  V-au
Hattem, Margje Jacobs (*29-12-1811, †10-12-1887) [Mother-in-law of IV-w]  IV-w
Hattem, Willem Cornelis van (*±1884) [Partner of VI-x]  VI-x
Heemskerk, Mitchel (*06-12-1993) [Son of VIII-r]  VIII-r,1
Heemskerk, Vincent (*28-04-1969) [Partner of VIII-r]  VIII-r
Heins, Bernardus Johannes (*±1864) [Partner of V-q]  V-q
Heins, Peter Johannes (*±1840) [Father-in-law of V-q]  V-q
Helderman, Egbert (*12-12-1849, †06-07-1927) [Witness to civil wedding of V-at] [Witness to birth registration of VI-az]  VI-az; VI-az; V-at
Hendriks, Cornelis (*1877) [Father-in-law of VII-b]  VII-b
Hendriks, Marrigje (*21-09-1908) [Partner of VII-b]  VII-b
Hertjes (Hartjes), Jennigjen Jans (~17-03-1793, †15-07-1871) [Partner of III-i]  III-f; III-i
Hertog, .... den (stillborn *24-08-1863) [Daughter of IV-e]  IV-e,2
Hertog, Aaltje Albertus den (*03-04-1868, †>1951) [Number V-g]  V-g
Hertog, Albertje Albertus den (*±1865) [Number V-f]  V-f
Hertog, Albertus Alderts den (*±1833) [Partner of IV-e]  IV-e; V-e; V-f; V-g
Hertog, Aldert Albertus den (~06-01-1811) [Father-in-law of IV-e]  IV-e
Hertog, Hilligje Albertus den (*±1861) [Number V-e]  V-e
Hoeve, .... ten (stillborn *15-05-1891) [Daughter of V-ae]  V-ae,1
Hoeve, Geertruida ten (*±1904) [Number VI-as]  VI-as
Hoeve, Gerritje Antonia ter (*±1880) [Partner of VI-o]  VI-o
Hoeve, Jacob Jansz ten (*22-12-1870, †12-12-1945) [Partner of V-ae]  V-ae; VI-ao; VI-ap; VI-aq; VI-ar; VI-as
Hoeve, Jan ten (*28-12-1894) [Number VI-ao]  VI-ao
Hoeve, Jan ten (*15-08-1896) [Number VI-ap]  VI-ap
Hoeve, Jan Hendriks ten (*±1834, †15-08-1882) [Father-in-law of V-ae]  V-ae
Hoeve, Jannetje ten (*±?-09-1912, †05-03-1913) [Daughter of V-ae]  V-ae,7
Hoeve, Maria ten (*±1902) [Number VI-ar]  VI-ar
Hoeve, Paul ter [Father-in-law of VI-o]  VI-o
Hoeve, Peter ten (*±1900) [Number VI-aq]  VI-aq
Hogeboom, Aaltje [Mother-in-law of VII-h] [Mother-in-law of VII-g]  VII-g; VII-h
Hogeling, Lubbegjen Johannes (~25-02-1786, †19-07-1840) [Mother-in-law of IV-m]  IV-m
Hogenkamp, Hendrik Jans (*±1695) [Father-in-law of I]  I
Hok, Aaltjen Jacobs (*25-09-1813, †07-08-1897) [Mother-in-law of IV-aa]  IV-aa
Hondeveld, Albert [Father-in-law of VI-w]  VI-w
Hondeveld, Dirk Hendrik (*±1880) [Partner of VI-w]  VI-w
Hoogenkamp, Berentjen Hendriks (~10-03-1734, []01-05-1768) [Partner of I]  I; II-a; II-b; II-c; II-d
Hoogmoed, Jacob (*22-06-1903) [Partner of VI-bk]  VI-bk
Hoogmoed, Paulus (*22-01-1868) [Father-in-law of VI-bk]  VI-bk
Houter, Cornelia [Mother-in-law of VII-d]  VII-d
Huisintveld, Maria Francisca [Partner of V-o]  V-o
Huisken, Gerrit [Father-in-law of V-j]  V-j
Huisken, Gerritdina Gerrits (*±1868) [Partner of V-j]  V-j; VI-b; VI-c; VI-d
Huiskes, Derk Jan [Father-in-law of VI-b]  VI-b
Huiskes, Jan Derks (*±1886) [Partner of VI-b]  VI-b
Huisman, .... (stillborn *20-09-1908) [Child of V-at]  V-at,5
Huisman, Annigje (*05-05-1906, †27-12-1979) [Number VI-bh]  VI-bh
Huisman, Berend (*20-11-1909, †26-11-1909) [Son of V-at]  V-at,7
Huisman, Berend Willemsz (*12-08-1870, †17-08-1957) [Partner of V-at]  V-as; V-at; VI-bf; VI-bg; VI-bh
Huisman, Geertje Geerts [Mother-in-law of VI-e]  VI-e
Huisman, Jacobje Gerrits (*±1842, †<1879)  IV-q
Huisman, Roelof (*21-03-1899) [Number VI-bg]  VI-bg
Huisman, Roelof Willemsz (*27-08-1869, †13-03-1953) [Witness to civil wedding of V-at]  V-at
Huisman, Roelofje Jansje (*20-11-1909, †23-11-1909) [Daughter of V-at]  V-at,6
Huisman, Trijntje (*04-03-1897, †01-09-1992) [Number VI-bf]  VI-bf
Huisman, Willem (*16-05-1902, †15-01-1958) [Son of V-at]  V-at,3
Huisman, Willem Roelofs (*07-11-1845, †03-05-1925) [Father-in-law of V-at]  V-at
Huisman, Zwaantje Willems (*±1824, †<1878) [Mother-in-law of V-u]  V-u
Hulsebos, Maria Hermanna (*±1835) [Mother-in-law of V-ar]  V-ar
Huzen, Albertje Jans (*?-10-1809) [Partner of III-c]  III-c; IV-e; IV-f; IV-g
Huzen, Jan Alberts [Father-in-law of III-c]  III-c
Inlandse Christenvrouw, Anna (†1948) [Mother-in-law of V-au]  V-au
Israël, Willem Jans (*11-11-1801, †12-06-1832)  III-l
Jager, Geertruida Maria de [Mother-in-law of VI-f]  VI-f
Jans, Maria [Mother-in-law of IV-c]  IV-c
Jansen, Egbert Thijssen (*13-03-1875) [Partner of VI-k]  VI-k
Jansen, Evertje (*±1896) [Mother-in-law of VII-z]  VII-z
Jansen, Thijs Egberts (*±1853) [Father-in-law of VI-k]  VI-k
Jona, Clasina Hendrika [Mother-in-law of V-bb]  V-bb
Jong, Folken Jans de (*23-08-1825, †21-10-1898) [Partner of IV-i]  IV-i
Jong, Jan Jans de [Father-in-law of IV-i]  IV-i
Jong, Jentien Roelofs de (*04-04-1803, †18-03-1883) [Partner of III-l]  III-f; III-l; IV-aa; IV-ab; IV-ac
Jonge, Annigje de (*20-01-1841, †23-10-1927) [Partner of IV-ab]  IV-ab; V-as; V-at; V-au
Jonge, Arent Franken de (*31-01-1808, †05-09-1879) [Father-in-law of IV-ab]  IV-ab
Jonge, Roelof Jans de (~19-06-1757, †03-04-1848) [Father-in-law of III-l]  III-l
Jongeneel, Willem (*25-04-1920, †28-11-2004) [Partner of VII-j]  VII-j
Jongman, Anthonij Riekents (~17-10-1790, †12-11-1838) [Witness to death registration of partner of II-d]  II-d
Jongman, Antoni Pietersz (*20-04-1860, †07-06-1936) [Witness to civil wedding of V-as]  V-as
Jongman, Garrigje Jans (*01-09-1840, †1907) [Mother-in-law of VI-r]  VI-r
Jongman, Gerardus Hendrikus (*±1853) [Father-in-law of VI-bf]  VI-bf
Jongman, Gerrit (*22-09-1885, †18-06-1969) [Partner of VI-bf]  VI-bf
Jongman, Gerrit Henricus (*15-07-1839) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-r]  VI-r
Jongman, Hendrik Derks (*±1827) [Father-in-law of VI-s]  VI-s
Jongman, Hendrika Riekents (*±1849) [Mother-in-law of VI-bf]  VI-bf
Jongman, Jacobje Hendriks (*12-05-1872, †22-08-1920) [Mother-in-law of VI-ay]  VI-ay
Jongman, Jan Hendriks (*27-05-1816) [Witness to death registration of daughter of IV-q]  IV-q,1
Jongman, Jan Johannes (*16-12-1839) [Father-in-law of V-t]  V-t
Jongman, Jansje (*±1910) [Number VII-i]  VII-i
Jongman, Johanna Jans (*04-11-1868) [Partner of V-t]  V-t
Jongman, Johannes Hendriks (*25-10-1882, †08-12-1962) [Partner of VI-s]  VI-r; VI-s; VII-i
Jongman, Niesje (*27-07-1923, †01-02-1928) [Daughter of VI-bf]  VI-bf,1
Jongman, Riekent Jan (*26-01-1818, †13-06-1883) [Witness to death registration of daughter of IV-q]  IV-q,1
Jongman, Timen Reinders (*±1869) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-ay]  VI-ay
Jongschaap, Meine Roelofs [Father-in-law of IV-u]  IV-u
Jongschaap, Roelof Meinesz (*±1826, †1894) [Partner of IV-u]  IV-u; V-ag
Jongschaap, Willem Roelofs (*±1869, †04-03-1938) [Number V-ag]  V-ag
Jongsma, Grietje Jans (*±1839) [Partner of IV-g]  IV-g; V-j
Jongsma, Jan [Father-in-law of IV-g]  IV-g
Jonkers, Janna [Mother-in-law of V-ap]  V-ap
Kamman, Geertje Alberts (*±1856) [Mother-in-law of VI-z] [Mother-in-law of VI-aa]  VI-z; VI-aa
Kaspers, Johanna (*03-09-1891, †01-09-1958) [Mother-in-law of VII-x]  VII-x
Kater, Daniel (*01-02-2023) [Son of X-b]  X-b,1
Kater, Martijn [Partner of X-b]  X-b
Keijzer, Marianne (*15-12-1951) [Partner of VII-ab]  VII-ab
Kiefte, Harm Harms (*30-09-1879, †25-03-1957) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-az]  VI-az
Kiers, Meinardus Johannes (*±1833) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-o]  IV-o
King, Charles Christopher (*?-09-1946) [Father-in-law of VIII-g]  VIII-g
King, Christopher Thomas (*05-02-1976) [Partner of VIII-g]  VIII-g
King, Marie C. (*?-01-1947) [Mother-in-law of VIII-g]  VIII-g
Kinsbach, Pieter Jurrien (*21-12-1817, †10-03-1903) [Witness to death registration of partner of III-l]  III-l
Klaver, Jan Willemsz (*30-01-1885, †12-04-1976) [Partner of VI-j]  VI-j
Klaver, Luite Roelofs (*28-02-1807, †26-01-1870) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-ab]  IV-ab
Klaver, Roelof Siemens (*22-09-1817, †09-12-1878) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-ab]  IV-ab
Klaver, Willem Jans (*±1860) [Father-in-law of VI-j]  VI-j
Kleefstra, Johanna [Mother-in-law of VI-m]  VI-m
Klompenmaker, Aart [Father-in-law of VI-aq]  VI-aq
Klompenmaker, Marrigjen (*±1902) [Partner of VI-aq]  VI-aq
Klun, Gerrit Jans (*?-10-1834, †26-01-1835) [Son of III-h]  III-h,1
Klun, Gerrit Luiten (~24-11-1756, †<1833) [Father-in-law of III-h]  III-h
Klun, Jan Gerritsz (*29-06-1800) [Partner of III-h]  III-h
Knol, Fennigje [Mother-in-law of VI-am]  VI-am
Knuust, Lumpje Henderiks (~10-11-1756, †<1833) [Mother-in-law of III-h]  III-h
Koepke, Marcie Ann (*?-09-1969) [Partner of VIII-f]  VIII-f
Koers, Alida (*±1867, †05-06-1953) [Mother-in-law of VI-ah]  VI-ah
Koffeman, Agnes Berendina (Angedina) (*06-02-2005) [Daughter of IX-g]  IX-g,2
Koffeman, Albert (*21-12-1952) [Father-in-law of IX-g]  IX-g
Koffeman, Albert (*22-01-2001) [Son of IX-g]  IX-g,1
Koffeman, Albertje (Amber) (*15-09-2010) [Daughter of IX-g]  IX-g,4
Koffeman, Ester (*03-05-2009) [Daughter of IX-g]  IX-g,3
Koffeman, Frederik (Freek) (*13-04-1980) [Partner of IX-g]  IX-g
Kok, Petertjen Roelofs (*04-02-1803, †19-11-1848) [Mother-in-law of IV-r]  IV-r
Kolk, Arend van der (*±1904) [Partner of VI-as]  VI-as
Kolk, Hermannus van der [Father-in-law of VI-as]  VI-as
Kolles, Maartje [Mother-in-law of VI-g]  VI-g
Kooij, Adrianus Simon (*14-01-1894, †16-06-1964) [Father-in-law of VII-aa]  VII-aa
Kooij, Jordaan (Jord) (*13-03-1926, †30-01-1999) [Partner of VII-aa]  VII-aa
Kooij, Reinsje Dierks (*±1853) [Mother-in-law of VI-ab]  VI-ab
Kooij, Rob (*13-06-1956, †10-08-1985) [Daughter of VII-aa]  VII-aa,1
Korteschiel, Antje Roelofs (*10-03-1842, †1922) [Partner of V-b]  V-b
Korteschiel, Roelof Andries [Father-in-law of V-b]  V-b
Kramer, Agnes (*19-07-2005) [Daughter of IX-d]  IX-d,4
Kramer, Albert (*23-05-1947) [Father-in-law of IX-d]  IX-d
Kramer, Albert (*05-07-1997) [Son of IX-d]  IX-d,1
Kramer, Albertje (*15-02-1949) [Partner of VIII-i]  VIII-i; IX-c; IX-d; IX-e; IX-f; IX-g; IX-h
Kramer, Albertje Alie (Ashlie) (*21-11-2014) [Daughter of IX-d]  IX-d,5
Kramer, Cornelis (Kees) (*29-04-1973) [Partner of IX-d]  IX-d
Kramer, Cornelis Cornelisz (*25-12-1908, †08-05-1981) [Father-in-law of VIII-i]  VIII-i
Kramer, Hendrikje (Erika) (*02-02-1995) [Partner of X-a]  X-a
Kramer, Liesbeth-Helena (Helisha) (*19-08-2002) [Daughter of IX-d]  IX-d,3
Kramer, Willem (*12-10-2000) [Son of IX-d]  IX-d,2
Krediet, Jacob (*?-02-1744, †11-11-1807) [Partner of II-a]  II-a
Krediet, Jan [Father-in-law of II-a]  II-a
Kreefft, Johan Joseph Andries (*13-11-1874)  V-au
Kreolaars, Petronella [Mother-in-law of VI-ax]  VI-ax
Krist, Selien (*23-07-1925, †02-09-1987)  VII-y
Kroeke, Aaltje (*±1904) [Number VI-x]  VI-x
Kroeke, Dina (*±1910) [Number VI-y]  VI-y
Kroeke, Gerrit Jans (*25-12-1829, †18-07-1888) [Father-in-law of V-w]  V-w
Kroeke, Gerrit Jans (*±1894) [Number VI-t]  VI-t
Kroeke, Hendrika Willemina (Heintje) (*±1898) [Number VI-v]  VI-v
Kroeke, Hendrikjen Klazina (*±1900, †15-06-1926) [Number VI-w]  VI-w
Kroeke, Jan (*06-03-1871) [Partner of V-w]  V-w; VI-t; VI-u; VI-v; VI-w; VI-x; VI-y
Kroeke, Kees Jans (*±1896) [Number VI-u]  VI-u
Kroes, Jansjen (*±1840) [Mother-in-law of VI-s]  VI-s
Krol, Jentje Geerlings (*20-09-1827) [Mother-in-law of IV-y]  IV-y
Kuijk, Johanna Geertrui van (†<1931)  VI-x
Kuilart, Aaltje Cornelia (*05-09-1874, †02-01-1901) [Number V-ar]  V-ar; VI-ax
Kuilart, Cornelis Jacob (*04-01-1841, †04-10-1920) [Partner of IV-aa]  IV-aa; V-ar
Kuilart, Egbert Cornelis (*14-02-1807, †20-09-1867) [Father-in-law of IV-aa]  II-c; IV-aa
Kuiper, Aaltje Jans (*30-08-1809, †23-02-1858) [Mother-in-law of IV-s] [Mother-in-law of IV-s]  IV-s; IV-s
Kuiper, Aaltje Willems (*±1826) [Number IV-t]  IV-t; V-af
Kuiper, Annigje Arents (*14-02-1804, †16-08-1893) [Mother-in-law of IV-v]  IV-v
Kuiper, Annigje Willems (*±1828, †19-03-1832) [Daughter of III-g]  III-g,3
Kuiper, Annigje Willems (*±1834, †01-06-1896) [Daughter of III-g]  III-g,5
Kuiper, Cornelis Willem (*13-09-1923) [Partner of VII-z]  VII-z; VIII-n
Kuiper, Harm Berends (~12-08-1753, †10-07-1841) [Father-in-law of III-g]  III-g
Kuiper, Hendrik Willems (*±1831, †17-11-1834) [Son of III-g]  III-g,4
Kuiper, Jan Willems (*±1824, †13-08-1859) [Son of III-g]  III-g,1
Kuiper, Jantje Willems (*±1836, †22-03-1895) [Number IV-u]  IV-u; V-ag
Kuiper, P. Th. de [Partner of VII-p]  VII-p
Kuiper, René Martin (René) (*26-09-1959) [Son of VII-z]  VII-z,2
Kuiper, Wilhelmine Alice Christine (Helen) (*17-06-1965) [Number VIII-n]  VIII-n
Kuiper, Willem (*05-12-1956) [Son of VII-z]  VII-z,1
Kuiper, Willem Cornelis (*±1899) [Father-in-law of VII-z]  VII-z
Kuiper, Willem Hermensz (~02-10-1791, †14-04-1878) [Partner of III-g]  III-g; IV-t; IV-u
Kuperus (Kuipers), Andrisina IJsbrands (*26-11-1791, †13-11-1857) [Mother-in-law of IV-i]  IV-i
Kwast, Jennegien Jans (*15-09-1819, †1852)  IV-p
Lamberts, Harmtien (*±1780, †06-05-1827) [Mother-in-law of IV-q]  IV-q
Lammertink, Egbert Jan (*±1910) [Partner of VI-y]  VI-y
Land, Cornelis op ’t [Father-in-law of VII-d]  VII-d
Land, Johannes Petrus op ’t (*±1899) [Partner of VII-d]  VII-d
Lange, Egbertjen de (*21-10-1853, †11-05-1931) [Partner of V-y]  V-y
Lange, Hilligjen Willems de (*±1823, †1898) [Mother-in-law of V-x]  V-x
Lange, Jan Willem de (*±1821, †01-01-1891) [Father-in-law of V-y]  V-y
Lange, Pelle Willems de (*23-07-1878, †16-02-1949) [Partner of VI-ab]  VI-ab
Lange, Willem Jans de (*±1851, †12-12-1904) [Father-in-law of VI-ab]  VI-ab
Langenberg, Annigje [Mother-in-law of V-g]  V-g
Langenberg, Femmegien Andries [Mother-in-law of IV-g]  IV-g
Langhout, Adriana Aaltje (Sjaan) (*02-04-1904, †16-07-1982) [Partner of VI-ay]  VI-ay; VII-v
Langhout, Willem (*12-01-1875) [Father-in-law of VI-ay]  VI-ay
Lantinga, Goitske Gieses [Mother-in-law of V-b]  V-b
Lassche, Arendje Klaas (*±1876) [Number VI-k]  VI-k
Lassche, Berend Jansz (*02-12-1823, †03-02-1852) [Partner of IV-p]  IV-p; V-r; V-s
Lassche, Berend Klaas (*±1888) [Number VI-o]  VI-o
Lassche, Elisabeth Berends (*13-05-1849, †26-03-1908) [Number V-r]  V-r; VI-f; VI-g; VI-h; VI-i; VI-j
Lassche, Elizabeth Klaas (*±1889) [Number VI-p]  VI-p
Lassche, Hendrik Klaas (*±1893) [Number VI-q]  VI-q
Lassche, Jan Berends (*13-09-1797, †05-04-1952) [Father-in-law of IV-p]  IV-p
Lassche, Johanna Klaas (*±1880) [Number VI-l]  VI-l
Lassche, Klaas Berends (*22-12-1850, †30-10-1935) [Number V-s]  V-s; VI-k; VI-l; VI-m; VI-n; VI-o; VI-p; VI-q
Lassche, Siemen Klaas (*±1884) [Number VI-m]  VI-m
Lassche, Willem Klaas (*±1887) [Number VI-n]  VI-n
Last, Harmpje Gerrits (*27-09-1799, †07-06-1840) [Mother-in-law of IV-f]  IV-f
Lee, Gert Johannes Pieter (Gert Jan) van der (*29-10-1964) [Partner of VIII-n]  VIII-n
Lee, Noortje Fréderique van der (*22-10-2001) [Daughter of VIII-n]  VIII-n,1
Leeftink, Johanna [Mother-in-law of VI-v]  VI-v
Leeuwen, Dirkje van (*20-02-1875) [Mother-in-law of VI-ay]  VI-ay
Lens, .... (stillborn *17-07-1894) [Daughter of V-ab]  V-ab,2
Lens, .... (stillborn *19-07-1929) [Child of VI-bb]  VI-bb,2
Lens, Aaltje (*26-05-1919, †21-10-1946) [Daughter of VI-ag]  VI-ag,1
Lens, Aaltje Jans (*01-01-1862, †28-09-1864) [Daughter of IV-s]  IV-s,2
Lens, Aaltje Jans (*20-03-1870, †30-06-1959) [Number V-ae]  V-ae; VI-ao; VI-ap; VI-aq; VI-ar; VI-as
Lens, Aaltjen Hendriks (*04-09-1831, †24-06-1886) [Number IV-v]  IV-v; V-ah; V-ai
Lens, Abraham (*24-02-1923, †18-01-1986) [Number VII-m]  VII-m
Lens, Adam (*±1730, []08-02-1779) [Number I]  I; II-a; II-b; II-c; II-d
Lens, Adam Hendriks (*03-03-1802, †01-03-1839) [Number III-i]  III-f; III-i
Lens, Adam Jans (~11-09-1785, †17-03-1847) [Number III-d]  III-d; IV-h; IV-i
Lens, Afina [Daughter of VII-m]  VII-m,2
Lens, Agnes (*27-08-1970) [Number IX-c]  IX-c; X-a
Lens, Albertje (Babette) (*22-07-1998) [Number X-b]  X-b
Lens, Albertje Berendina (Bernadien) (*10-08-2016) [Daughter of IX-f]  IX-f,4
Lens, Albertje Zwaantje (Zwanie) (*29-06-2009) [Daughter of IX-h]  IX-h,2
Lens, Albert-Pieter (*08-06-2012) [Son of IX-f]  IX-f,3
Lens, Alie (*20-12-1984) [Number IX-g]  IX-g
Lens, Alie Jannyta (Thalyta) (*21-06-2000) [Daughter of IX-e]  IX-e,2
Lens, Anna Pouwlina Adams (~04-05-1766) [Daughter of I]  I,5
Lens, Anna Wilhelmina (Anja) (*19-05-1982) [Daughter of VIII-k]  VIII-k,2
Lens, Annigje (Anne) (*30-01-1900, †13-02-1986) [Number VI-ba]  VI-az; VI-ba
Lens, Arend (*08-02-1876, †08-05-1946) [Son of IV-ab]  IV-ab,5
Lens, Arendje Klaasdr (*29-11-1822, †21-03-1904) [Number IV-p]  IV-p; V-r; V-s; V-t; V-u; V-v
Lens, Arnold Bernhard (*20-11-1983) [Son of VIII-i]  VIII-i,7
Lens, Arnoldus (Nolles) (*20-09-1897, †28-05-1992) [Number VI-az]  VI-az; VII-w; VII-x; VII-y; VI-ba; VI-bb
Lens, Arnoldus (Nolles) (*12-02-1910, †13-11-1990) [Number VI-bd]  VI-bd; VII-ac; VII-ad; VII-ae; VII-af
Lens, Arnoldus (Arnold) (*11-12-1952) [Number VIII-k]  VIII-k
Lens, Arnoldus Bernhard (Arnold) (*19-04-1945) [Number VIII-h]  VIII-h
Lens, Barend (*11-06-1868, †01-08-1868) [Son of IV-ab]  IV-ab,1
Lens, Bennie (*26-08-2018) [Son of IX-e]  IX-e,5
Lens, Berend (*26-10-1869, †09-08-1936) [Number V-as]  V-as; VI-ay; VI-az; VI-ba; VI-bb; VI-bc; VI-bd; VI-be; V-at
Lens, Berend (Ben) (*28-08-1920, †14-09-2010) [Number VII-w]  VII-w; VIII-h; VIII-i; VIII-j
Lens, Berend (Ben) (*21-06-1944) [Number VII-ae]  VII-ae
Lens, Berend (Ben) (*24-02-1950) [Number VII-ab]  VII-ab
Lens, Berend (Bennie) (*16-06-1979) [Number IX-f]  IX-f
Lens, Berend Teunisz (*16-03-1810, †12-01-1845) [Number III-l]  III-f; III-l; IV-aa; IV-ab; IV-ac; IV-ac
Lens, Berendina (Brenda) (*23-09-1976) [Number IX-d]  IX-d
Lens, Berent Teunisz (*01-04-1800, †20-02-1802) [Son of II-d]  II-d,1
Lens, Berentje Hendriks (*30-12-1796, †08-04-1851) [Number III-g]  III-g; IV-t; IV-u
Lens, Bernard (*14-04-1933, †12-07-2009) [Number VII-u]  VII-u; VIII-e
Lens, Bernard Roelof (Ben) (*03-03-1973) [Number VIII-e]  VIII-e
Lens, Christina (*28-03-1929, †10-01-2010) [Number VII-k]  VII-k
Lens, Cornelis (*26-08-1977) [Number IX-e]  IX-e; X-b
Lens, Destiny (*21-03-2011) [Daughter of VIII-d]  VIII-d,3
Lens, Dirk Jan (*04-11-1937) [Number VII-v]  VII-v; VIII-f; VIII-g
Lens, Dirk Jan Jr (*07-12-1965) [Number VIII-f]  VIII-f
Lens, Doortje (*19-11-1921, †19-06-1922) [Daughter of VI-az]  VI-az,2
Lens, Elisabeth (*04-12-1906, †15-01-1970) [Number VI-bj]  VI-bj
Lens, Erzi (*03-05-1973) [Son of VII-ab]  VII-ab,1
Lens, Femmetje (*17-07-1894) [Number VI-af]  VI-af
Lens, Femmigje (*28-01-1908, †13-01-1991) [Number VI-aj]  VI-aj; VII-n; VII-o; VII-p
Lens, Fokjen Adams (*27-09-1823, †14-03-1825) [Daughter of III-d]  III-d,4
Lens, Fokjen Adams (*22-12-1825, †22-12-1825) [Daughter of III-d]  III-d,5
Lens, Fokjen Adams (*06-09-1828, †26-10-1828) [Daughter of III-d]  III-d,6
Lens, Geertje Adams (~23-05-1756, †01-05-1809) [Number II-a]  II-a; III-a; III-b; III-c
Lens, Geesje (*22-11-1866, †14-02-1941) [Number V-z]  V-z; VI-ab; VI-ac; VI-ad; VI-ae
Lens, Gerhard (*27-02-1953) [Number VII-af]  VII-af
Lens, Hans (*±1957) [Son of VII-m]  VII-m,3
Lens, Hayden Emily (*16-10-2007) [Daughter of VIII-e]  VIII-e,2
Lens, Hendrick Jan Adams (~02-12-1761, †18-01-1808) [Number II-c]  II-c; III-f; III-g; III-h; III-i; III-j
Lens, Hendrik [Son of VII-m]  VII-m,1
Lens, Hendrik (*24-03-1833, †24-01-1914) [Number IV-r]  IV-r; V-x; V-y; V-z; V-aa; V-ab; V-ac
Lens, Hendrik (*25-03-1877, †14-03-1879) [Son of IV-r]  IV-r,10
Lens, Hendrik (*05-03-1882, †>1954) [Number V-ac]  V-ac; VI-ai; VI-aj; VI-ak; VI-al
Lens, Hendrik (Henk) (*18-06-1897, †>1980) [Number VI-ah]  VI-ag; VI-ah; VII-l; VII-m
Lens, Hendrik (*01-04-1905, †08-09-1966) [Number VI-ai]  VI-ai
Lens, Hendrik (*25-02-1935, †31-01-1946) [Son of VI-bc]  VI-bc,2
Lens, Hendrik Hendriksz (*14-11-1806, †31-12-1858) [Number III-j]  III-j; IV-v
Lens, Hendrika (*03-12-1920) [Number VII-j]  VII-j
Lens, Hendrika (Hennie) (*22-03-1947) [Daughter of VI-bc]  VI-bc,3
Lens, Hendrikje Willemina (*07-09-1831, †20-09-1891) [Number IV-q]  IV-q; V-w
Lens, Herman [Son of VII-l]  VII-l,1
Lens, Jacob (*14-04-1933, †28-05-1933) [Son of VI-ay]  VI-ay,4
Lens, Jacob Jans (*16-10-1839, †13-11-1891) [Number V-k]  V-k
Lens, Jacoba Aleida Wilhelmina (Jacolien) (*08-05-2012) [Daughter of IX-h]  IX-h,3
Lens, Jan (*10-09-1883, †26-12-1886) [Son of IV-ab]  IV-ab,7
Lens, Jan (*19-05-1884, †12-08-1884) [Son of V-ad]  V-ad,1
Lens, Jan (*14-12-1895, †10-03-1980) [Number VI-ag]  VI-ag; VII-j; VII-k; VI-ah
Lens, Jan (*28-12-1919, †31-03-1989) [Number VII-t]  VII-t; VIII-d
Lens, Jan (*08-05-1940) [Number VII-ad]  VII-ad; VIII-q; VIII-r; VIII-s
Lens, Jan (John) (*28-04-1945) [Son of VI-ak]  VI-ak,2
Lens, Jan Adamsz (*23-05-1816, †12-06-1895) [Number IV-h]  IV-h; V-k
Lens, Jan Arnoldus (Arjan) (*15-05-1975) [Number VIII-s]  VIII-s
Lens, Jan Henderiks Adamsz (~08-10-1758, †23-04-1818) [Number II-b]  II-b; III-d; III-e
Lens, Jan Klaasz (*21-05-1836, †10-02-1927) [Number IV-s]  IV-s; V-ad; V-ae
Lens, Jan Teunisz (*23-08-1804, †28-07-1832) [Son of II-d]  II-d,2
Lens, Janet (Janita) (*05-06-2016) [Daughter of IX-e]  IX-e,4
Lens, Janke (Jolanda) (*28-08-1967) [Number VIII-q]  VIII-q
Lens, Janna (*08-08-1831, †04-02-1894) [Daughter of III-i]  III-i,1
Lens, Janna (*16-11-1910) [Daughter of V-ac]  V-ac,4
Lens, Jannetje (*14-08-1861, †16-08-1861) [Daughter of IV-r]  IV-r,3
Lens, Jannie Adriana (Diana) (*05-08-1980) [Daughter of VIII-l]  VIII-l,1
Lens, Jannigje Jans (*10-09-1859, †19-07-1897) [Number V-ad]  V-ad; VI-am; VI-an
Lens, Jantje (*20-02-1864, †15-09-1868) [Daughter of IV-r]  IV-r,5
Lens, Jantje (*18-07-1874, †13-07-1905) [Daughter of IV-r]  IV-r,9
Lens, Jantje (*19-03-1879, †24-01-1882) [Daughter of IV-ab]  IV-ab,6
Lens, Jantjen Teunis (*13-01-1807, †19-01-1896) [Number III-k]  III-k; IV-w; IV-x; IV-y; IV-z
Lens, Jennigje (Jeanet) (*15-09-1971) [Number VIII-r]  VIII-r
Lens, Jentjen Hendriks (*05-09-1799, †03-12-1834) [Number III-h]  III-h
Lens, Johanna (*28-09-1838, †31-01-1912) [Number IV-aa]  IV-aa; V-ar
Lens, Johanna (*±?-11-1906, †05-12-1906) [Daughter of V-ac]  V-ac,2
Lens, Johanna (*23-10-1951) [Daughter of VI-ak]  VI-ak,3
Lens, Johanna Sophia Tonia Wilhelmina (*08-11-1901) [Number VI-bi]  VI-bi
Lens, Klaas (*06-11-1859, †09-09-1932) [Number V-y]  V-y
Lens, Klaas (*31-03-1982) [Son of VIII-i]  VIII-i,6
Lens, Klaas Hendriksz (*22-06-1794, †11-09-1839) [Number III-f]  III-f; IV-p; IV-q; IV-r; IV-s; III-i; III-l
Lens, Klaas Jansz (*09-09-1864, †21-11-1864) [Son of IV-s]  IV-s,3
Lens, Klaas Jansz (*01-04-1873, †03-07-1873) [Son of IV-s]  IV-s,7
Lens, Klaas Jansz (*05-02-1875, †18-12-1876) [Son of IV-s]  IV-s,8
Lens, Lambert Teunisz (*26-10-1813, †15-06-1838) [Son of II-d]  II-d,5
Lens, Lammigje (Lammy) (*12-05-1917, †27-02-2005) [Number VII-s]  VII-s; VIII-c
Lens, Lammigje (*14-06-1926) [Number VII-y]  VII-y; VIII-m
Lens, Lammigje (Lammie) (*12-10-1927) [Number VII-z]  VII-z; VIII-n
Lens, Lammigje (Lammy) (*01-06-1930, †02-08-2013) [Number VII-aa]  VII-aa
Lens, Lammigje (*13-09-1936, †21-09-2005) [Number VII-ac]  VII-ac; VIII-o; VIII-p
Lens, Lena (Helen) (*02-09-1921, †01-08-2008) [Number VI-al]  VI-al
Lens, Lena (Helen) (*03-09-1940) [Daughter of VI-ak]  VI-ak,1
Lens, Lydia (*20-09-1944) [Daughter of VI-ai]  VI-ai,2
Lens, Manuëlle Stefanie (Melanie) (*02-05-2002) [Daughter of IX-e]  IX-e,3
Lens, Maraesja (*19-02-1977) [Daughter of VII-ab]  VII-ab,2
Lens, Marijtje (Myrna) (*14-11-2008) [Daughter of IX-f]  IX-f,2
Lens, Marrigje (*21-01-1879, †18-05-1895) [Daughter of IV-r]  IV-r,11
Lens, Mattheus Arie (*19-11-1933, †07-06-1947) [Son of VI-ah]  VI-ah,3
Lens, Mina (*03-12-1856, †31-08-1864) [Daughter of IV-q]  IV-q,1
Lens, Monique [Daughter of VII-v]  VII-v,1
Lens, Monique (*25-06-1977, †01-12-1991) [Daughter of VII-af]  VII-af,1
Lens, Niels (*14-05-2002) [Son of VIII-s]  VIII-s,1
Lens, Niesje (*29-03-1872, †13-05-1933) [Number V-at]  V-at; VI-bf; VI-bg; VI-bh
Lens, Niesje (*22-01-1908, †21-12-2000) [Number VI-bk]  VI-bk
Lens, Peter (*03-08-1986) [Number IX-h]  IX-h
Lens, Peter Jansz (*22-10-1865, †29-10-1865) [Son of IV-s]  IV-s,4
Lens, Peter Jansz (*06-01-1867, †12-12-1889) [Son of IV-s]  IV-s,5
Lens, Petertje (*15-08-1858, †15-03-1917) [Number V-x]  V-x; VI-z; VI-aa
Lens, Petra Catharina (*30-12-1974) [Number VIII-d]  VIII-d
Lens, Petra Hennie (Carolien) (*17-05-1984) [Number IX-i]  IX-i
Lens, Petra Jacqueline (Petra) (*08-10-1973) [Daughter of VIII-h]  VIII-h,1
Lens, Piet (*01-04-1924, †17-04-2020) [Number VII-x]  VII-x; VIII-k; VIII-l
Lens, Piet (Peter) (*10-04-1952) [Number VIII-j]  VIII-j
Lens, Pieter (*28-09-1977) [Son of VIII-k]  VIII-k,1
Lens, Reinder (*27-11-1902, †19-04-1976) [Number VI-bb]  VI-az; VI-bb; VII-z
Lens, Reinder (René) (*17-04-1957) [Son of VI-bd]  VI-bd,5
Lens, Riekelt (*03-09-2006) [Son of IX-h]  IX-h,1
Lens, Riley Taylor (*01-01-2005) [Son of VIII-e]  VIII-e,1
Lens, Roelof (*20-01-1842, †04-05-1927) [Number IV-ab]  IV-ab; V-as; V-at; V-au
Lens, Roelof (*13-03-1895, †14-02-1985) [Number VI-ay]  VI-ay; VII-s; VII-t; VII-u; VII-v
Lens, Roelofje (*24-01-1837, †15-04-1843) [Daughter of III-l]  III-l,1
Lens, Roelofje (*21-06-1844, †09-09-1924) [Number IV-ac]  III-l; IV-ac; V-av; V-aw; V-ax; V-ay; V-az; V-ba; V-bb; V-bc; V-bd; V-be
Lens, Rommert (*01-12-1871, †25-01-1922) [Number V-ab]  V-ab; VI-af; VI-ag; VI-ah
Lens, Rommert (*04-07-1912, †11-10-1999) [Number VI-ak]  VI-ak
Lens, Rommert (*09-01-1922, †17-05-2009) [Number VII-l]  VII-l
Lens, Rudi (*20-11-1938) [Son of VI-ai]  VI-ai,1
Lens, Sjoukje Jans (Susanna) (~20-06-1790, †19-01-1874) [Number III-e]  III-e; IV-j; IV-k; IV-l; IV-m; IV-n; IV-o
Lens, Sybolt (Siep) (*10-10-1955) [Number VIII-l]  VIII-l; IX-i
Lens, Tabitha Jane (*?-11-1977) [Daughter of VII-v]  VII-v,4
Lens, Teunis (*30-05-1840, †06-04-1888) [Son of III-l]  III-l,3; V-ay
Lens, Teunis (*27-02-1874, †05-01-1945) [Number V-au]  V-au; VI-bi; VI-bj; VI-bk
Lens, Teunis (*21-09-1905, †18-07-1985) [Number VI-bc]  VI-bc; VII-aa; VII-ab
Lens, Theunis Adamsz (~12-02-1764, †19-02-1818) [Number II-d]  II-d; III-k; III-l
Lens, Tiffany Jane (*23-10-1975) [Number VIII-g]  VIII-g
Lens, Trijntje (*17-12-1911) [Daughter of V-au]  V-au,5
Lens, Trijntje (*13-11-1914, †23-03-2006) [Number VI-be]  VI-be; VII-ag; VII-ah; VII-ai
Lens, Willem (*28-12-1862, †23-05-1863) [Son of IV-r]  IV-r,4
Lens, Willem (*18-04-1869, †04-04-1908) [Number V-aa]  V-aa
Lens, Willem (*18-10-1904, †29-03-1943) [Son of V-au]  V-au,2
Lens, Willem (Wim) (*23-06-1948, †13-09-2020) [Number VIII-i]  VIII-i; IX-c; IX-d; IX-e; IX-f; IX-g; IX-h
Lens, Willem (*03-11-2006) [Son of IX-f]  IX-f,1
Lens, Willempje Klaasdr (*20-09-1826, †11-07-1835) [Daughter of III-f]  III-f,2
Lens, Wybe Adams (*07-05-1818, †14-06-1818) [Son of III-d]  III-d,2
Lens, Wybigjen Adams (*18-09-1819, †06-09-1865) [Number IV-i]  IV-i
Lens, Zwaantjen Adriaantje (Zwani) (*27-04-1972) [Daughter of VIII-i]  VIII-i,2
Lentfert, Aleida Hermina Christina [Mother-in-law of VI-p]  VI-p
Leuveren, Pietertje van (*13-05-1799, †26-08-1868) [Mother-in-law of IV-q]  IV-q
Lijfrock, Hilda Leolin (*15-12-1934, †09-02-2008) [Partner of VII-t]  VII-t; VIII-d
Lijfrock, Peter John Augustus (*08-01-1886) [Father-in-law of VII-t]  VII-t
Limburg, Gerda van [Partner of VII-af]  VII-af
Linde, Jansje van der (*23-12-1864, †06-11-1925) [Mother-in-law of VI-ba]  VI-ba
Lindo, Kaisha Dwetra (*28-05-1993) [Daughter of VIII-d]  VIII-d,1
Lindo, Taneesha Ariah Antonya (*07-08-1999) [Daughter of VIII-d]  VIII-d,2
Lodeweges, Maria [Mother-in-law of VI-n]  VI-n
Loosman, Marretje (Marianne) (*13-12-1985) [Partner of IX-h]  IX-h
Loosman, Riekelt (*19-05-1956, †26-02-2020) [Father-in-law of IX-h]  IX-h
Louter, Leni (*27-12-1948) [Partner of VIII-h]  VIII-h
Louter, Willem (*17-11-1919, †30-05-1978) [Father-in-law of VIII-h]  VIII-h
Lubbinge, Jan [Father-in-law of V-an]  V-an
Lubbinge, Roelofje (*1877) [Partner of V-an]  V-an; VI-av; VI-aw
Luichies, Vrouwegje [Mother-in-law of V-an]  V-an
Luitsens, Aaltje [Mother-in-law of IV-d]  IV-d
Luten, Jantje Lamberts (*06-09-1840) [Mother-in-law of V-ao]  V-ao
Maas, Derk [Father-in-law of V-bd]  V-bd
Maas, Gerrit (*±1768, †?-04-1842) [Witness to death registration of II-d]  II-d
Maas, Maria G.E. [Partner of V-bc]  V-bc
Maas, Maria Gesina Everdina (*±1890) [Partner of V-bd]  V-bd
Makkinga, Antje Cornelis (~10-01-1790) [Mother-in-law of IV-t]  IV-t
Maljers, J.W. [Partner of VII-k]  VII-k
Mannak, Aaldert (*31-08-1897, †1975) [Father-in-law of VI-al]  VI-al
Mannak, Aaldert (*03-07-1950) [Son of VI-al]  VI-al,1
Mannak, Albert (*10-09-1924, †08-05-1985) [Partner of VI-al]  VI-al
Mannak, Lena Alida Johanna (*12-04-1953) [Daughter of VI-al]  VI-al,2
Mansveld, Harmen (*±1794) [Witness to birth registration of IV-ac]  IV-ac
Mantel, Grietje [Mother-in-law of VI-i]  VI-i
Maret, .... (stillborn *18-05-1886) [Daughter of V-r]  V-r,9
Maret, .... (stillborn *23-09-1931) [Child of VII-c]  VII-c,1
Maret, Antje Jans (*09-07-1878) [Number VI-h]  VI-h; VII-d; VII-e; VII-f; VII-g; VII-h
Maret, Arendtje Jans (*01-06-1884, †24-03-1957) [Number VI-j]  VI-j
Maret, Bernard Jansz (*25-06-1875, †17-07-1951) [Number VI-g]  VI-g; VII-c
Maret, Cornelis (*±?-12-1876, †23-02-1877) [Son of V-r]  V-r,4
Maret, Dirk Jan (*27-10-1906, †12-05-1968) [Number VII-b]  VII-b
Maret, Elisabeth (Betsy) (*08-09-1900, †24-07-1947) [Number VII-a]  VII-a
Maret, Jan (*12-07-1901, †20-03-1987) [Number VII-c]  VII-c
Maret, Jan Jansz (*±1821, †28-03-1894) [Father-in-law of V-r]  V-r
Maret, Jan Jansz (*19-12-1872, †28-01-1873) [Son of V-r]  V-r,1
Maret, Jan Jansz (*12-02-1874) [Number VI-f]  VI-f; VII-a; VII-b
Maret, Jannetje Grietje (*25-12-1932) [Daughter of VII-b]  VII-b,1
Maret, Johanna (*±1904) [Daughter of VI-f]  VI-f,3
Maret, Klaas Jansz (*19-01-1882, †22-09-1949) [Number VI-i]  VI-i
Maret, Trijntje (*±1902) [Daughter of VI-f]  VI-f,2
Maret de Jong, Klaas Jansz (*31-01-1880, †12-03-1881) [Son of V-r]  V-r,6
Maret de Jonge, Jan Jansz (*28-12-1849, †30-01-1927) [Partner of V-r]  V-r; VI-f; VI-g; VI-h; VI-i; VI-j
Meesters, Jakobje Alberts (*23-06-1835) [Mother-in-law of V-ag]  V-ag
Meijden, Johanna Antonia van der (*±1840) [Partner of V-a]  V-a; VI-a
Meijden, Pieter van der [Father-in-law of V-a]  V-a
Meijer, Derkjen Wichers (~23-01-1757) [Mother-in-law of III-i]  III-i
Meijer, Rinkje (*19-09-1945) [Partner of VII-ad]  VII-ad; VIII-q; VIII-r; VIII-s
Meijers, Johanna (*±1892) [Mother-in-law of VI-ak]  VI-ak
Meijlof, Albert Hermens (*04-12-1801, †<1879) [Father-in-law of IV-q]  IV-q
Meijlof, Kees Alberts (*07-05-1836, †13-04-1929) [Partner of IV-q]  IV-q
Menger, Hendrikje Harms (*±1790, †03-12-1846) [Mother-in-law of IV-h]  IV-h
Mensen, Roelofje Jans (~21-10-1770, †05-07-1832) [Partner of II-d]  II-d; III-k; III-l
Menssen, Jan Jans (~11-10-1739, †31-12-1810) [Father-in-law of II-d]  II-d
Merjenburgh, Johanna Jacob [Mother-in-law of V-i]  V-i
Meulen, Annigje Harms van der (*±1865, †20-11-1867) [Daughter of IV-v]  IV-v,2
Meulen, Harm Jan van der (*24-03-1830, †19-05-1892) [Partner of IV-v]  IV-v; V-ah; V-ai
Meulen, Hendrika Harms van der (*?-11-1866, †25-12-1866) [Daughter of IV-v]  IV-v,3
Meulen, Tiemen van der (*±1872) [Number V-ai]  V-ai; VI-au
Meulen, Tiemen van der (*±1893) [Number VI-au]  VI-au
Meulen, Tiementje Harms van der (*?-12-1866, †11-11-1867) [Daughter of IV-v]  IV-v,4
Meulen, Timen van der (*24-08-1803, †01-11-1851) [Father-in-law of IV-v]  IV-v
Meulen, Trijntje Harms van der (*27-08-1863, †22-02-1940) [Number V-ah]  V-ah; VI-at
Molegraaf, Kees van de (*03-06-1902) [Partner of VI-bj]  VI-bj
Mondria, Berend Pieters (*1870) [Father-in-law of VI-bh]  VI-az; VI-bh
Mondria, Henderina Jans (*±1852, †11-08-1906) [Mother-in-law of VI-u]  VI-u
Mondria, Jan Hendriks (*06-02-1867, †08-08-1959) [Father-in-law of VI-ay]  VI-ay
Mondria, Keetje (*14-02-1897, †20-04-1933) [Partner of VI-ay]  VI-ay; VII-s; VII-t; VII-u
Mondria, Steven (*±1901) [Partner of VI-bh]  VI-bh
Mooiweer, Doortje Jurriens (*05-04-1876, †16-03-1954) [Mother-in-law of VI-az]  VI-az
Muller, Louis Jacobus (*28-05-1874, †02-05-1953)  V-au
Napel, Jacob Jans ten (*20-09-1794, †02-11-1850) [Witness to civil wedding of III-i]  III-i
Nederpel-Lazarom, Eliszabeth (†<1904) [Mother-in-law of V-ax]  V-ax
Nekeman, Berend (*15-12-1873) [Number V-ax]  V-ax; V-ay
Nekeman, Cornelis Jacob Johannes (*20-10-1886) [Number V-bd]  V-bd
Nekeman, Dirk (*29-04-1871, †02-09-1918) [Number V-aw]  V-aw; V-ay
Nekeman, Dirk Cornelisz (*05-08-1787, †26-11-1842) [Father-in-law of IV-ac]  IV-ac
Nekeman, Elisabeth Johanna (*30-05-1867) [Number V-av]  V-av
Nekeman, Geertje (*07-02-1888, †12-12-1933) [Number V-be]  V-be
Nekeman, Gerrit (*21-02-1880) [Number V-bb]  V-bb
Nekeman, Jantje (*21-12-1878) [Number V-ba]  V-ba
Nekeman, Johanna Elisabeth (*30-05-1867) [Daughter of IV-ac]  IV-ac,1
Nekeman, Klaas (*17-07-1836, †21-05-1927) [Partner of IV-ac]  IV-ac; V-av; V-aw; V-ax; V-ay; V-az; V-ba; V-bb; V-bc; V-bd; V-be
Nekeman, Klaas (*30-08-1877) [Number V-az]  V-az
Nekeman, Roeloffina Frederika (*29-05-1875) [Number V-ay]  III-l,3; V-aw; V-ax; V-ay
Nekeman, Teunis (*27-03-1885) [Number V-bc]  V-bc
Nieuwenhuis, Rinse Everts (*04-02-1873, †20-03-1928) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-az]  VI-az
Nijemeijer, Arendje Hendriks (*30-10-1808, †25-03-1876) [Mother-in-law of IV-z]  IV-z
Nijemeyer, Harmen (Hermannus) Pieters (~05-10-1755, †16-08-1816) [Father-in-law of III-e]  III-e
Nijkamp, Jennigjen [Mother-in-law of V-j]  V-j
Nijmeijer, Helena Roelofs (*28-05-1834, †1905) [Number IV-o]  IV-o
Nijmeijer, Hermanus Roelofs (*24-12-1831, †20-09-1903) [Number IV-n]  IV-n
Nijmeijer, Rudolph Petrus Johannes Willebrordus (*22-03-1876, †21-12-1880) [Son of IV-n]  IV-n,1
Nijmeyer, Roelof (Rudulphus) Harmens (~28-03-1785, †13-05-1861) [Partner of III-e]  III-e; IV-n; IV-o
Nijzing, Jantje Willems (*15-01-1820, †03-03-1864)  IV-q
Noordermeer, F. [Partner of V-ba]  V-ba
Nunspeet, Lisabet Gerrits van (*02-01-1797) [Mother-in-law of IV-ac]  IV-ac
Nust, Alida Johanna (*13-01-1900) [Mother-in-law of VI-al]  VI-al
Offerein, Hilligje Jacobs (*13-07-1890) [Partner of V-al]  V-al
Offerein, Jacob (*±1854) [Father-in-law of V-al]  V-al
Oldenhof, Berend Christoffels (*25-05-1819, †11-12-1901) [Witness to civil wedding of V-at]  V-at
Oldenhof, Christoffel (~29-12-1782, †26-04-1843) [Witness to civil wedding of III-l]  III-l
Oldenhof, Trijntje Berends (*15-03-1846, †15-10-1880) [Mother-in-law of V-at]  V-at
Olthof, Janna [Mother-in-law of VI-b]  VI-b
Oltwater, Arend Jan (*±1895) [Partner of VI-v]  VI-v
Oltwater, Garrit Willem [Father-in-law of VI-v]  VI-v
Onderwater, Abraham (*1857) [Father-in-law of VI-ah]  VI-ah
Onderwater, Johanna (*08-03-1898, †06-04-1930) [Partner of VI-ah]  VI-ah; VII-l; VII-m
Onderwater, Lambertius (*1886) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-ah]  VI-ah
Oosten, Antonia Berends (*±1861, †13-01-1934) [Mother-in-law of VI-bg]  VI-bg
Oosten, Steven Berends (*±1879, †18-08-1941) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-r]  VI-r
Oosterkamp, Hendrikje Jans (*28-05-1824, †12-10-1910) [Mother-in-law of V-m]  V-m
Oosterwijk, IJsbrand Jentjes (*10-12-1817, †25-02-1854) [Partner of IV-i]  IV-i
Oosterwijk, Jentje IJsbrands (*22-05-1849, †29-12-1853) [Son of IV-i]  IV-i,2
Oosterwijk, Jentjen Jochems (*±1787, †10-02-1836) [Father-in-law of IV-i]  IV-i
Oosterwijk, Meintje IJsbrands (*08-01-1847, †02-11-1865) [Daughter of IV-i]  IV-i,1
Oostindië, Trijnie (*03-05-1944) [Partner of VII-ah]  VII-ah
Oosting, Jacoba Lucas (*18-06-1852, †04-11-1883) [Partner of IV-z]  IV-z; V-an; V-ao
Oosting, Lucas Jacobs (~16-10-1808, †06-04-1877) [Father-in-law of IV-z]  IV-z
Otten, Albertje [Mother-in-law of V-ak]  V-ak
Outjes, Arent Hette (*26-11-1811, †27-10-1878) [Father-in-law of V-z]  V-z
Outjes, Hendrik (*30-08-1893, †18-02-1978) [Son of V-z]  V-z,3
Outjes, Hette Jansen (*03-03-1891) [Number VI-ac]  VI-ac
Outjes, Jan (*21-07-1898) [Number VI-ad]  VI-ad
Outjes, Jansen (*15-04-1841, †07-12-1912) [Partner of V-z]  V-z; VI-ab; VI-ac; VI-ad; VI-ae
Outjes, Jansen (*06-02-1896, †17-07-1970) [Son of V-z]  V-z,4
Outjes, Marinus (*16-09-1901) [Son of V-z]  V-z,7
Outjes, Nellegje Jansen (*15-06-1888, †27-02-1960) [Number VI-ab]  VI-ab
Outjes, Petertje (*1906, †28-08-1947) [Number VI-ae]  VI-ae
Outjes, Piet (*21-07-1898, †13-11-1903) [Son of V-z]  V-z,6
Overvliet, Klaas [Father-in-law of V-ay]  V-ay
Overvliet, Nicolaas (*±1875) [Partner of V-ay]  V-aw; V-ax; V-ay
Paalman, Pieter Hendrikus (*±1826) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-v]  IV-v
Paans, Dirkje Neeltje (*22-10-1904, †07-10-1979) [Mother-in-law of VII-y]  VII-y
Par, Hendrika van de (*12-07-1899) [Partner of VI-ap]  VI-ap
Par, Machiel van de [Father-in-law of VI-ap]  VI-ap
Penninkhof, Harm (*±1901) [Partner of VI-ar]  VI-ar
Penninkhof, Willem [Father-in-law of VI-ar]  VI-ar
Pereboom, Albert Doekes (*±1884) [Partner of VI-z] [Partner of VI-aa]  VI-z; VI-aa
Pereboom, Doeke Tettes (*±1857) [Father-in-law of VI-z] [Father-in-law of VI-aa]  VI-z; VI-aa
Piet, Geertruida (*±1890) [Partner of VI-ac]  VI-ac
Piet, Jacob [Father-in-law of VI-ac]  VI-ac
Plantenga, Gerritje (*±1849) [Partner of V-c]  V-c
Plantenga, Jan [Father-in-law of V-c]  V-c
Poepjes, Grietje Egberts (*±1816, †08-03-1888) [Mother-in-law of V-y]  V-y
Post, Berendina Keessen (*04-12-1799, †13-11-1867) [Mother-in-law of IV-q]  IV-q
Post, Jantje Kees Wind (*13-04-1805, †16-01-1886) [Partner of III-f]  III-f; IV-r; IV-s
Post, Luite Keessen Wint (*14-10-1802) [Witness to birth registration of daughter of IV-r]  IV-r,5
Prins, Harm Egberts (*±1842) [Father-in-law of V-ag]  V-ag
Prins, Johanna Maria (*±1867) [Partner of V-ag]  V-ag
Pronk, Jan (*16-12-1902)  VI-ay
Put, Roelofje [Mother-in-law of II-a]  II-a
Puthof, Geertjen Jacobs van (~07-08-1695) [Mother-in-law of I]  I
Putten, Anton Christiaan van (*02-01-1904, †19-08-1985) [Partner of VII-s]  VII-s; VIII-c
Putten, Daan van [Son of VIII-c]  VIII-c,1
Putten, Frederika Maria Sophia van (*10-11-1876, †01-03-1965) [Mother-in-law of VII-s]  VII-s
Putten, Frederika Maria Sophia (Freeke) van (*27-04-1940) [Daughter of VII-s]  VII-s,1
Putten, Johannis Gerrit van (*11-11-1866, †22-07-1939) [Father-in-law of VII-s]  VII-s
Putten, Peter-Paul van [Son of VIII-c]  VIII-c,2
Putten, Roelof van (*08-12-1948) [Number VIII-c]  VIII-c
Ramerman, Jan Boerink (*±1852) [Partner of V-i]  V-i
Ramerman, Willem [Father-in-law of V-i]  V-i
Ras, Aagje (*22-07-1921, †27-10-2010) [Partner of VII-w]  VII-w; VIII-h; VIII-i; VIII-j
Ras, Willem (*01-03-1894, †09-04-1981) [Father-in-law of VII-w]  VII-w
Ras, Willem Jacobusz (*09-03-1818, †10-06-1878) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-o]  IV-o
Regeling, Aaltje Tiemens (*±1848) [Mother-in-law of V-v]  V-v
Regt, Lena de [Mother-in-law of V-ay]  V-ay
Renders, D. (Harrie) [Partner of VIII-m]  VIII-m
Renders, Harrie [Son of VIII-m]  VIII-m,1
Renders, Nicole [Daughter of VIII-m]  VIII-m,3
Renders, Peter [Son of VIII-m]  VIII-m,2
Renders, Sandra [Daughter of VIII-m]  VIII-m,4
Rensen, Jannetje (*27-08-1876) [Mother-in-law of VII-b]  VII-b
Reurekas, Marrijtje (*24-08-1882, †05-10-1956) [Mother-in-law of VI-ai]  VI-ai
Riesebos, Antje Cornelis (*18-01-1817, †01-11-1903) [Mother-in-law of V-r]  V-r
Rij, Anneke van (*13-11-1953) [Partner of VIII-l]  VIII-l; IX-i
Rijn, Hendrina Jacoba van (†<1906) [Mother-in-law of V-az]  V-az
Roelofs, Diena [Mother-in-law of V-e]  V-e
Roelofs, Hilligje [Mother-in-law of IV-z]  IV-z
Roest, Albert van (*?-07-1930, †10-04-1931) [Son of VI-bi]  VI-bi,1
Roest, Henderik Johannes (Heinrich Johann) van (*19-12-1894, †17-03-1944) [Partner of VI-bi]  VI-bi
Roest, Jan van (*13-09-1869, †1961) [Father-in-law of VI-bi]  VI-bi
Romkes, Marijke (*08-07-1959) [Mother-in-law of IX-f]  IX-f
Rooij, Alida de (*±1896) [Partner of VI-ad]  VI-ad
Rooij, Hendrik de (*1902) [Partner of VI-ae]  VI-ae
Rooij, Jan de [Father-in-law of VI-ad] [Father-in-law of VI-ae]  VI-ad; VI-ae
Roose, Johanna [Daughter of VII-a]  VII-a,1
Roose, Lucas (*04-09-1896) [Partner of VII-a]  VII-a
Roose, Matthijs Cornelius (*10-08-1858, †10-12-1942) [Father-in-law of VII-a]  VII-a
Rozeboom, Annegien Teunis (*06-12-1822, †16-02-1910)  III-f
Rozeboom, Arnoldus (*19-08-1827, †23-12-1919) [Father-in-law of V-as]  V-as; VI-az
Rozeboom, Arnoldus (*09-04-1866, †15-01-1951) [Witness to civil wedding of V-as]  V-as
Rozeboom, David Wichers (*26-10-1800, †28-12-1877) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-v]  IV-v
Rozeboom, Jan van Dalen Jansen (~03-04-1784, †09-02-1853) [Witness to birth registration of IV-ac]  IV-ac
Rozeboom, Klaas Arnoldus (*25-10-1837, †28-06-1914) [Father-in-law of VI-r]  VI-r
Rozeboom, Koos (*11-01-1857, †24-02-1940) [Mother-in-law of VII-i]  VII-i
Rozeboom, Lammigje (*31-07-1869, †16-02-1960) [Partner of V-as]  V-as; VI-ay; VI-az; VI-ba; VI-bb; VI-bc; VI-bd; VI-be; V-at
Rozeboom, Lupje Klaas (*±1885, †24-05-1914) [Partner of VI-r]  VI-r; VI-s
Ruhfaut, Carolina (*±1895) [Partner of VI-au]  VI-au
Ruhfaut, Heinrich [Father-in-law of VI-au]  VI-au
Ruine, Janna (*07-10-1837, †23-04-1879) [Mother-in-law of V-ab]  V-ab
Saat Noordijk, Jentje (*23-04-1846, †?-10-1895) [Mother-in-law of V-t]  V-t
Sas, Antonetta Maria [Mother-in-law of V-aw]  V-aw
Schaaf, Antje van der (*±1869) [Partner of V-af]  V-af
Schaaf, Herre Fokkes van der [Father-in-law of V-af]  V-af
Schaafsma, Bote Hessels [Father-in-law of VI-e]  VI-e
Schaafsma, Hittje (*±1885) [Partner of VI-e]  VI-e
Schaap, Elisabeth (*17-04-1852, †13-06-1927)  V-r
Schaap, Meinoutje (*±1844, †11-11-1915) [Mother-in-law of VI-h]  VI-h
Schaaphok, Aaltje [Mother-in-law of VI-an]  VI-an
Schaaphok, Hendriktje (*±1894) [Partner of VI-an]  VI-an
Schaaphok, Wilke [Father-in-law of VI-an]  VI-an
Scheltinga, Roelof Johannes [Father-in-law of V-n]  V-n
Scheltinga, Rudolphus Anthonius (*03-02-1895) [Son of V-n]  V-n,1
Scheltinga, Theodorus (*02-11-1858, †24-12-1927) [Partner of V-n]  V-n
Schieveen, Aaltje van (*±?-06-1918, †08-02-1919) [Daughter of VI-af]  VI-af,1
Schieveen, Jan van (*12-02-1867, †1938) [Father-in-law of VI-af]  VI-af
Schieveen, Maarten Cornelis van (*21-12-1893, †15-03-1952) [Partner of VI-af]  VI-af
Schipper, Trijntje (*06-09-1868) [Mother-in-law of VI-bk]  VI-bk
Schoemaker, Egbert Gosems (*14-07-1853) [Partner of IV-x]  IV-x
Schoemaker, Gosem Jans (*±1828) [Father-in-law of IV-x]  IV-x
Schoen, Elisabeth (Elli) [Number IX-a]  IX-a
Schoen, Klaas (*02-08-1923) [Partner of VIII-a]  VIII-a; IX-a
Schok, Catharina Antonia [Mother-in-law of V-a]  V-a
Schokker, Alida Jans (*27-05-1860, †27-03-1941) [Partner of V-m]  V-m
Schokker, Johannes Zacharias (*14-04-1814, †08-03-1873) [Father-in-law of V-m]  V-m
Schot, Jan van (*±1930) [Partner of VII-r]  VII-r
Schot, Warner van [Father-in-law of VII-r]  VII-r
Schurink, Jan Alberts (*±1844) [Father-in-law of V-v]  V-v
Schurink, Janna Jans (*±1876) [Partner of V-v]  V-v
Schurink, Trijntje Tiemens (*13-01-1828, †29-04-1911) [Mother-in-law of V-as]  V-as
Schuurman, Aaltje (*±1912, †07-07-1914) [Daughter of VI-r]  VI-r,1
Schuurman, Arendje Willems (*12-08-1890, †11-02-1946) [Number VI-s]  VI-s; VII-i
Schuurman, Christina Stevens (*±1854, †05-08-1866) [Daughter of IV-p]  IV-p,4
Schuurman, Derk Willems (*±1887) [Number VI-r]  VI-r; VI-s
Schuurman, Jan Siemens (*16-05-1814, †26-09-1896) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-p] [Witness to civil wedding of IV-p]  IV-p
Schuurman, Jan Teunisz (*14-09-1869, †05-06-1954) [Father-in-law of VI-bb] [Father-in-law of VI-bd]  VI-bb; VI-bd
Schuurman, Jennigje (*06-02-1913, †14-03-2012) [Partner of VI-bd]  VI-bd; VII-ac; VII-ad; VII-ae; VII-af
Schuurman, Klaas Stevens (*±1853) [Number V-t]  V-t
Schuurman, Siemen Stevens (*±1858, †10-05-1859) [Son of IV-p]  IV-p,6
Schuurman, Siemen Stevens (*±1861, †12-03-1946) [Number V-v]  V-v
Schuurman, Steven Teunisz (*26-05-1818, †14-08-1868) [Partner of IV-p]  IV-p; V-t; V-u; V-v
Schuurman, Teunis Jans (~12-09-1784, †11-03-1861) [Father-in-law of IV-p]  IV-p; III-l
Schuurman, Teunis Jans (*07-04-1897, †25-02-1977) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-bb]  VI-bb
Schuurman, Willem Stevens (*±1856, †01-05-1930) [Number V-u]  V-u; VI-r; VI-s
Schuurman, Willemina (*14-10-1902, †17-12-2001) [Partner of VI-bb]  VI-az; VI-bb; VII-z
Sekreve, Bernardus Leenderd (*15-12-1878, †08-07-1948) [Father-in-law of VII-q]  VII-q
Sekreve, José (*08-06-1974) [Daughter of VIII-b]  VIII-b,2
Sekreve, Leonardus Johannes (*13-05-1914, †06-06-1998) [Partner of VII-q]  VII-q; VIII-b
Sekreve, Ulrich Adriaan (*30-08-1946) [Number VIII-b]  VIII-b; IX-b
Sekrève, Annette (*18-04-1972) [Number IX-b]  IX-b
Siekmans, Angelina (*28-10-1996) [Daughter of VIII-q]  VIII-q,2
Siekmans, Jelte (*02-03-1966) [Partner of VIII-q]  VIII-q
Siekmans, Melvin (*11-02-1994) [Son of VIII-q]  VIII-q,1
Sloot, Klaartje Theunis [Mother-in-law of IV-m]  IV-m
Slot, Trijntje (*±1873) [Mother-in-law of VI-d]  VI-d
Sluit, Anna Cornelia [Mother-in-law of V-ai]  V-ai
Smeenk, Debora [Mother-in-law of V-aq]  V-aq
Smirren, Hendrikje Klaas van (*19-01-1835, †06-01-1925)  IV-q; V-w
Smirren, Hugina van (*03-05-1837, †30-08-1908) [Mother-in-law of V-ae]  V-ae
Smit, Hilligjen (Hiltjen) Arends (†27-12-1826) [Mother-in-law of III-e]  III-e
Smit, Neeltje [Mother-in-law of VII-c]  VII-c
Snijder, Harm (*±1770) [Witness to civil wedding of III-i]  III-i
Snijders, Theodora Catharina (*04-10-1887, †09-06-1947) [Mother-in-law of VII-q]  VII-q
Snippe, Jan Hendrik [Father-in-law of VI-c]  VI-c
Snippe, Johanna Jans (*±1891) [Partner of VI-c]  VI-c
Souwman, Trijntje Klaaszen (~01-01-1764, †23-08-1827) [Mother-in-law of III-f]  III-f
Spaargaren, Marrijtje (*10-09-1903) [Partner of VI-ai]  VI-ai
Spaargaren, Willem (*26-07-1878, †17-05-1948) [Father-in-law of VI-ai]  VI-ai
Speekhout, Akke Gosses (*±1885) [Partner of VI-m]  VI-m
Speekhout, Gosse [Father-in-law of VI-m]  VI-m
Spelberg, Abraham Lutje [Father-in-law of VI-p]  VI-p
Spelberg, Hendrik Christiaan Lutje (*±1887) [Partner of VI-p]  VI-p
Speldekamp, Willem [Father-in-law of VI-a]  VI-a
Speldekamp, Willem (*±1864, †<1943) [Partner of VI-a]  VI-a
Spit, Jacob (*±1869) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-ba]  VI-ba
Spit, Jan Everts (*31-08-1823, †02-10-1895) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-ab]  III-l; IV-ab
Spit, Jan Marten (*01-05-1864, †15-03-1955) [Father-in-law of VI-ba]  VI-ba
Spit, Johan Jansz (*20-04-1896, †22-04-1978) [Partner of VI-ba]  VI-az; VI-ba
Spit, Simon Everts (*23-08-1810, †08-02-1884) [Witness to death registration of III-l]  III-l
Spreng, Carolina Berendina van de (*±1899) [Partner of VI-t]  VI-t
Spreng, Martinus van de [Father-in-law of VI-t]  VI-t
Staller, Catharina Albertine (*18-04-1916, †01-07-1996) [Number VII-q]  VII-q; VIII-b
Staller, Henri Constant Bernardus (*11-02-1859, †06-09-1893) [Father-in-law of VI-at]  VI-at
Staller, Jacobus Bernardus (*25-11-1885, †30-01-1963) [Partner of VI-at]  VI-at; VII-q
Stam, Antje (*28-11-1926) [Number VIII-a]  VIII-a; IX-a
Stam, Klaas [Father-in-law of VII-e]  VII-e
Stam, Reindert (*07-11-1897, †28-07-1976) [Partner of VII-e]  VII-e; VIII-a
Stam, Teetje (*27-02-1924) [Daughter of VII-e]  VII-e,1
Steeman, Jan [Father-in-law of VI-g]  VI-g
Steeman, Neeltje Jans (*25-01-1881, †08-04-1953) [Partner of VI-g]  VI-g; VII-c
Steeman, Trijntje (*1843) [Mother-in-law of VI-f]  VI-f
Steijn, Anna Cornelia (*±1880) [Partner of V-ax]  V-ax
Steijn, Petrus Adrianus (†<1904) [Father-in-law of V-ax]  V-ax
Sterk, Luit [Father-in-law of VI-i]  VI-i
Sterk, Marijtje (*±1877) [Partner of VI-i]  VI-i
Stolk, Gijs (*±1850, †30-10-1920) [Father-in-law of V-ac]  V-ac
Stolk, Lena (*21-05-1881, †05-11-1950) [Partner of V-ac]  V-ac; VI-ai; VI-aj; VI-ak; VI-al
Stoter, Dirk (*29-09-1955) [Partner of IX-a]  IX-a
Swoll (Swol, Zwol), Sophia (*12-12-1880, †17-11-1968) [Partner of V-au]  V-au; VI-bi; VI-bj; VI-bk
Talen, Femmichien (*±1860)  V-w
Talen, Jantje [Mother-in-law of VII-r]  VII-r
Taylor, Lorrette [Mother-in-law of VIII-e]  VIII-e
Teckelenburg, .... (stillborn *24-03-1842) [Daughter of III-c]  III-c,5
Teckelenburg, Geertje Jurriens (*02-02-1831, †1874) [Number IV-e]  IV-e; V-e; V-f; V-g
Teckelenburg, Hendrik Jurriens (*24-03-1842, †15-03-1843) [Son of III-c]  III-c,4
Teckelenburg, Henrik Jurriens (*12-10-1844) [Son of III-c]  III-c,6
Teckelenburg, Jantje Jurriens (*01-11-1834, †1880) [Number IV-f]  IV-f; V-h; V-i
Teckelenburg, Jurrien Jans (~08-02-1795, †1875) [Number III-c]  III-c; IV-e; IV-f; IV-g
Teekelenburg, Berendina Jans (~21-09-1783, †23-09-1843) [Number III-b]  III-b
Teekman, Cornelis (*±1897) [Number VI-an]  VI-an
Teekman, Geertruida (*±1887, †12-05-1890) [Daughter of V-ad]  V-ad,2
Teekman, Geertruida (*±?-10-1891, †08-03-1892) [Daughter of V-ad]  V-ad,4
Teekman, Geertruida (*?-02-1894, †31-07-1894) [Daughter of V-ad]  V-ad,6
Teekman, Hendrik Jan (*17-02-1864, †27-04-1921) [Partner of V-ad]  V-ad; VI-am; VI-an
Teekman, Jan Hendriks (*±1896) [Number VI-am]  VI-am
Teekman, Jansje (*1889, †23-07-1915) [Daughter of V-ad]  V-ad,3
Teekman, Kornelis (*?-01-1893, †31-10-1893) [Son of V-ad]  V-ad,5
Teekman, Kornelis Gerrits (*±1833, †12-02-1900) [Father-in-law of V-ad]  V-ad
Teekman, Peter (*18-07-1897, †11-08-1897) [Son of V-ad]  V-ad,9
Tekelenburg, .... (stillborn *10-05-1885) [Son of V-d]  V-d,1
Tekelenburg, Adam Jans (~01-07-1792, †<1809) [Son of II-a]  II-a,3
Tekelenburg, Geertien Jans (*11-12-1814, †13-01-1892) [Number IV-c]  IV-c
Tekelenburg, Helena Jans (*29-05-1812, †03-03-1883) [Number IV-b]  IV-b
Tekelenburg, Hendrik (*±1840) [Number V-a]  V-a; VI-a
Tekelenburg, Hendrik Talen (*±1712) [Father-in-law of II-a]  II-a
Tekelenburg, Hilligje (*1865, †01-12-1943) [Number VI-a]  VI-a
Tekelenburg, Jan Roelofs Hendriks (~06-05-1742, †±1803) [Partner of II-a]  II-a; III-a; III-b; III-c
Tekelenburg, Lammert Jans (*±1848) [Number V-d]  V-d
Tekelenburg, Reinder (*±1844) [Number V-c]  V-c
Tekelenburg, Roelof (*30-08-1841, †1922) [Number V-b]  V-b
Tekkelenburg, Femmigje Jans (*±1887) [Number VI-b]  VI-b
Tekkelenburg, Gerrit Jans (*±1891) [Number VI-c]  VI-c
Tekkelenburg, Grietje Jans (*±1901) [Number VI-d]  VI-d
Tekkelenburg, Jan Jans (*±1866) [Number V-j]  V-j; VI-b; VI-c; VI-d
Tekkelenburg, Jan Jurriens (*06-05-1837) [Number IV-g]  IV-g; V-j
Teklenburg, Jan Jans (~03-02-1782, †16-05-1855) [Number III-a]  III-a; IV-a; IV-b; IV-c; IV-d
Teklenburg, Jan Jans (*14-09-1809, †22-03-1864) [Number IV-a]  IV-a; V-a; V-b; V-c; V-d
Til, Dien Alice Liliy van (*01-11-1925) [Mother-in-law of VIII-b]  VIII-b
Timmermans, Roelofje Jans (*22-01-1819, †18-01-1857)  IV-q
Tol, Maria Johanna van [Mother-in-law of VI-ad] [Mother-in-law of VI-ae]  VI-ad; VI-ae
Triest, Berend Aartsz van (*±1824, †1880) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-p]  IV-p
Truggelaar, Maria Helena (*14-05-1893, †23-09-1957) [Mother-in-law of VI-ay]  VI-ay
Uilkes, Hendrik [Father-in-law of IV-d]  IV-d
Uilkes, Sibbeltje Hendriks (*±1804) [Partner of IV-d]  IV-d
Urk, Bertina van (*05-04-1996) [Daughter of IX-c]  IX-c,2
Urk, Evert van (*05-07-1992) [Number X-a]  X-a
Urk, Evert Klaasz van (*07-01-1940) [Father-in-law of IX-c]  IX-c
Urk, Geert van (*16-11-2000) [Son of IX-c]  IX-c,3
Urk, Klaas Frederik (Klaas) van (*01-10-1968) [Partner of IX-c]  IX-c; X-a
Vaartjes, Neeltje [Mother-in-law of VI-aw]  VI-aw
van Oranje Nassau, Margriet Francisca (Margriet) (*19-01-1943) [Mother-in-law of IX-b]  IX-b
van Oranje Nassau, van Vollenhoven, Bernhard Lucas Emmanuel (*25-12-1969) [Partner of IX-b]  IX-b
Veen, Albertien Roelofs (*23-04-1856, †1889)  IV-x
Veen, Regnerus Wieben van (*22-04-1817, †03-01-1899) [Partner of V-l]  V-l
Veen, Tecola van (*?-10-1870, †27-10-1870) [Daughter of V-l]  V-l,1
Veen, Wiebe Regnerus van (~27-05-1787, †03-03-1852) [Father-in-law of V-l]  V-l
Vegt, Aaltjen Derks van der (*1857) [Partner of V-u]  V-u; VI-r; VI-s
Vegt, Derk Lamberts van der (*±1820, †<1878) [Father-in-law of V-u]  V-u
Vegt, Lambert Derks van der (*24-09-1798, †16-06-1864) [Witness to death registration of III-l]  III-l
Veldema, Pieter (*05-02-1956) [Partner of VII-ai]  VII-ai
Veldhuis, Egbert Masen (*±1790, †1853) [Witness to civil wedding of III-i]  III-i
Veldkamp, Geisjen Wietzes (*28-01-1836, †28-09-1883) [Mother-in-law of V-aa]  V-aa
Vellener, Geert Harmanus (*±1834, †1880) [Partner of IV-o]  IV-o
Vellener, Hermanus Gerrits (*±1776, †<1868) [Father-in-law of IV-o]  IV-o
Veltink, Geertje Hendriks (*±1842) [Mother-in-law of VI-l]  VI-l
Veltman, Gerrit Hermannus (*±1848) [Partner of V-h]  V-h
Veltman, Hermannus [Father-in-law of V-h]  V-h
Vent, Idegje Berends de (*24-02-1830, †07-10-1862)  V-l
Verweij, Floris [Father-in-law of VII-c]  VII-c
Verweij, Hiltje (*30-12-1905, †21-06-1992) [Partner of VII-c]  VII-c
Vijfschaft, Hendrik (*03-11-1880, †29-11-1956) [Father-in-law of VI-ay]  VI-ay
Vijfschaft, Maria Lena (Marie) (*10-03-1910, †18-10-1936) [Partner of VI-ay]  VI-ay
Vis, Christina Stevens (~06-05-1783, †04-06-1844) [Mother-in-law of IV-p]  IV-p
Vis, Harm Siemens (*±1861, †25-03-1940) [Father-in-law of VI-bg]  VI-bg
Vis, Maria (*±1902) [Partner of VI-bg]  VI-bg
Vis, Siemen Stevens (*03-04-1820, †13-10-1909) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-ab]  IV-ab
Vis, Stoffer Simons (*11-12-1871, †24-03-1948) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-r]  VI-r
Visscher, Johanna [Mother-in-law of VI-c]  VI-c
Visschers, Jan Willems (*±1771, †±1836) [Father-in-law of III-f]  III-f
Visschers, Willemina Jans (*07-03-1795, †17-09-1831) [Partner of III-f]  III-f; IV-p; IV-q
Visser, Jacoba (*26-01-1920, †23-12-2012) [Mother-in-law of VIII-h]  VIII-h
Visser, Sibbeltje (*10-05-1913, †24-08-2009) [Mother-in-law of VIII-j]  VIII-j
Visser, Tamino Alexander Sijbolt Daan (Tamino) (*28-01-2007) [Son of IX-i]  IX-i,1
Visser, Vincent (*06-05-1982) [Partner of IX-i]  IX-i
Vliet, Hendrika (Riek) van (*21-01-1899, †>1980) [Partner of VI-ah]  VI-ag; VI-ah
Vliet, Mattheus Arie van (*±1867, †04-12-1944) [Father-in-law of VI-ah]  VI-ah
Vogelzang, Grietje (*09-01-1907) [Partner of VI-av]  VI-av; VII-r
Vogelzang, Jan (*12-03-1876, †07-04-1953) [Father-in-law of VI-av]  VI-av
Vollenhoven, Benjamin Pieter Floris (Benjamin) van (*12-03-2008) [Son of IX-b]  IX-b,3
Vollenhoven, Isabella Lily Juliana (Isabella) van (*14-05-2002) [Daughter of IX-b]  IX-b,1
Vollenhoven, Pieter van (*30-04-1939) [Father-in-law of IX-b]  IX-b
Vollenhoven, Samuel Bernhard Louis (Samuel) van (*25-05-2004) [Son of IX-b]  IX-b,2
Vosmeijer, Hendrikus [Father-in-law of VI-n]  VI-n
Vosmeijer, Jansje Hendrikus (*±1887) [Partner of VI-n]  VI-n
Vossebelt, Egbert Gerrits (*09-06-1867, †05-10-1951) [Partner of V-g]  V-g
Vossebelt, Gerrit [Father-in-law of V-g]  V-g
Vries, Akke de (*24-05-1846, †18-11-1926) [Number V-l]  V-l
Vries, Antonius Johannes de (*27-12-1849, †07-02-1896) [Number V-m]  V-m
Vries, Cornelis Jans de (*29-01-1819, †22-07-1841) [Son of III-b]  III-b,1
Vries, Immigje de [Mother-in-law of III-b]  III-b
Vries, Jan de (*±1789, †06-02-1847) [Partner of III-b]  III-b
Vries, Margje Meines de (*06-02-1837, †17-04-1906) [Mother-in-law of V-p]  V-p
Vries, Pieter Johannes de (*20-06-1798, †1866) [Partner of IV-j]  IV-j; V-l; V-m
Vries, Reindert Willem de (*±1906) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-bc]  VI-bc
Vries, Teetje de [Mother-in-law of VII-e]  VII-e
Wachteveld, Janna [Mother-in-law of VI-ar]  VI-ar
Wagter, .... (stillborn *25-12-1853) [Son of IV-t]  IV-t,3
Wagter, Aaltje (*23-03-1900) [Daughter of V-af]  V-af,2
Wagter, Aaltje Dirks (*11-02-1860) [Daughter of IV-t]  IV-t,7
Wagter, Annegje Dirks (*18-01-1858) [Daughter of IV-t]  IV-t,6
Wagter, Antjen Dirks (*01-09-1851, †07-05-1870) [Daughter of IV-t]  IV-t,1
Wagter, Beerendje Dirks (*06-12-1856) [Daughter of IV-t]  IV-t,5
Wagter, Dirk Roelofsz (*±1820, †05-04-1902) [Partner of IV-t]  IV-t; V-af
Wagter, Jan (*±1775) [Father-in-law of IV-b]  IV-b
Wagter, Jan Dirks (*17-01-1862) [Son of IV-t]  IV-t,8
Wagter, Jan Dirks (*03-02-1863) [Son of IV-t]  IV-t,9
Wagter, Pietrik (*02-02-1895) [Daughter of V-af]  V-af,1
Wagter, Roelof (†1833) [Father-in-law of IV-t]  IV-t
Wagter, Roelof Dirks (*08-04-1869) [Number V-af]  V-af
Wagter, Willem Dirks (*13-03-1853) [Son of IV-t]  IV-t,2
Wagter, Willem Dirks (*18-11-1854) [Son of IV-t]  IV-t,4
Wagter, Wolter Jansz (*±1805) [Partner of IV-b]  IV-b
Weerman, Grietjen Jacobs (*19-03-1815, †02-08-1883) [Partner of IV-h]  IV-h; V-k
Weerman, Jacob Jans (*±1779, †08-06-1841) [Father-in-law of IV-h]  IV-h
Weerman, Lamberta Gerrits (*02-08-1883) [Mother-in-law of VI-be]  VI-be
Weide, Hendrikje Jans (*±1860) [Partner of IV-z]  IV-z; V-ap; V-aq
Weide, Jan [Father-in-law of IV-z]  IV-z
Wenckenbach, Alberdina Theodora (*01-04-1835, †05-12-1870) [Partner of V-k]  V-k
Wennemers, Berendina Dercks (Dina) (~06-09-1767, †28-06-1844) [Mother-in-law of III-l]  III-l
Werf, Fokjen Foekes van der [Mother-in-law of IV-u]  IV-u
Werf, Volken Pieters van der (*±1813, †±1888) [Witness to death registration of IV-v]  IV-v
Westerink, Jan Cornelis (Cor) (*19-07-1940) [Partner of VII-ag]  VII-ag
Westerink, Jansje Willems (*±1836, †13-08-1866) [Mother-in-law of V-ad]  V-ad
Wetering, Aaltje van de (*24-01-1909, †05-06-2000) [Partner of VII-f]  VII-f
Wetering, Harm van de (*±1907) [Witness to civil wedding of VI-bc]  VI-bc
Wetering, Hendrik Harms van de (*20-09-1882) [Father-in-law of VII-f] [Father-in-law of VI-bc]  VII-f; VI-bc
Wetering, Hendrika (Rieka) van de (*07-06-1910, †18-03-1962) [Partner of VI-bc]  VI-bc; VII-aa; VII-ab
Wetering, Jan Jans van de (*19-10-1847, †17-04-1882)  IV-s
Wielinga, Jannigje (Janny) (*21-05-1931, †18-02-2013) [Partner of VII-x]  VII-x; VIII-k; VIII-l
Wielinga, Sybolt (*30-08-1885, †29-09-1979) [Father-in-law of VII-x]  VII-x
Wierds, Grietjen Ruurds (~04-10-1789, †29-11-1871) [Mother-in-law of V-l]  V-l
Wilbrink, Maria Hendrika (*04-11-1870, †25-08-1929) [Mother-in-law of VI-bi]  VI-bi
Willekes, Adrianus [Father-in-law of V-az]  V-az
Willekes, Johanna Rosaline (*±1880) [Partner of V-az]  V-az
Willems, Gerrit Evert (*±1847) [Partner of V-e]  V-e
Willems, Hermannus [Father-in-law of V-e]  V-e
Willik, Maria Jacoba van der (*±1895) [Partner of VI-ax]  VI-ax
Willik, Marinus Johannis van der (†<1922) [Father-in-law of VI-ax]  VI-ax
Wind, Aaltje Hendriks (*25-07-1809)  III-h
Winde, Kees Jansen Post van der (~01-11-1761, †05-12-1812) [Father-in-law of III-f]  III-f
Windefelde, Sarah Christiana (*28-11-1893, †30-08-1955) [Mother-in-law of VII-t]  VII-t
Winkeler, Bartje [Mother-in-law of VI-aq]  VI-aq
Winkenbach, Sikke Gerart (~21-02-1798, †23-09-1859) [Father-in-law of V-k]  V-k
Winkler, Judith (*10-01-1975) [Partner of VIII-s]  VIII-s
Winters, Annigje (*±1755, †30-01-1832) [Mother-in-law of III-g]  III-g
Winters, Cornelis [Father-in-law of VI-aw]  VI-aw
Winters, Hendrik (*±1903) [Partner of VI-aw]  VI-aw
Wip, Aleida Berendina Catharina (Anky) (*18-06-1937) [Partner of VII-u]  VII-u; VIII-e
Wip, Arnoldus (*20-09-1890, †10-04-1955) [Father-in-law of VII-u]  VII-u
Wissink, Hendrika [Mother-in-law of VI-ao]  VI-ao
Withaar, Geesje Hendriks (*26-01-1877, †29-09-1958) [Partner of V-aj]  V-aj
Withaar, Hendrik Jans (*14-10-1849, †08-06-1900) [Father-in-law of V-aj]  V-aj
Woldberg, Hendrika Petrus (*04-03-1851, †15-01-1881) [Partner of IV-n]  IV-n
Woldberg, Peter Arends (*±1811) [Father-in-law of IV-n]  IV-n
Woudberg, Geertruida Hendriks [Mother-in-law of V-n]  V-n
Wouters, Pietrik Wybes [Mother-in-law of V-af]  V-af
Wuite, Niesje Harms (~29-01-1809, †18-12-1854) [Mother-in-law of IV-ab]  IV-ab
Zandbergen, Annegien (Anne) (*31-08-1899, †15-08-1986) [Partner of VI-az]  VI-az; VII-w; VII-x; VII-y
Zandbergen, Piet Jurriensz (*28-08-1871, †30-11-1958) [Father-in-law of VI-az]  VI-az
Zandbergen, Tiemen Siemens (*12-03-1857, †17-12-1911) [Father-in-law of VII-i]  VII-i
Zandbergen, Tiemen Tiemens (*29-09-1902) [Partner of VII-i]  VII-i
Zandman, Jan Klaassen (~03-05-1761, †03-11-1829) [Father-in-law of III-d]  III-d
Zandman, Meintjen Jans (*14-08-1793, †08-06-1842) [Partner of III-d]  III-d; IV-h; IV-i
Zantinge, Arend Jans (*±1894) [Partner of V-am]  V-am
Zantinge, Jan [Father-in-law of V-am]  V-am
Zielstra, Albert (*±1867) [Father-in-law of VI-ag]  VI-ag
Zielstra, Stijntje Alberts (*08-07-1896, †22-06-1977) [Partner of VI-ag]  VI-ag; VII-j; VII-k
Zoetebier, Gerardus Antonius (~20-10-1792, †17-05-1865) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-p]  IV-p
Zon, Dion van (*14-11-1999) [Daughter of VIII-p]  VIII-p,2
Zon, Hans van (*25-11-1967) [Partner of VIII-p]  VIII-p
Zon, Maud van (*13-10-1997) [Daughter of VIII-p]  VIII-p,1
Zwaan, C. de [Partner of V-av]  V-av
Zwaan, Jacoba Alijda [Mother-in-law of IX-h]  IX-h
Zwiers, Jan Berend (*17-10-1808) [Witness to civil wedding of IV-p]  IV-p
Zwol, Willem (*1841, †>1913) [Father-in-law of V-au]  V-au
Zwolle, Jantje Reinders [Mother-in-law of IV-a]  IV-a
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